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>>> Hmm, I haven't been here for a full week....but funny how everytime i put in entries, I'm always bored outta my give u an idea of how bored I am, i went to the library twice in four days...and finished 2 books yesterday..books that would usually take me a week if I'm un-bored. Actually the highlight of me week was watching Tombraider, but ...I can't remember what the hell went on in the movie..oohh well..


>>> Today was the most unamusing day ever! Jesus...I didn't know I could be THIS bored ...I literally walked around my house cuz I din feel like sitting down since my ass is numb from all the sitting I've done lately..I'm such a fatass!! lol...
>>> anyway...NEW LAYOUT NEW LAYOUT...i was too lazy to change the format..Only difference is the background...but maybe next time ill totally switch things around..sign my guestbook!!! Tell me what you think!


>>> I went to volunteer at the hospital again two friends decided not to show up so i had to spend 2 hours with 2 old people in the garden...but I guess it wasn't so bad.. I felt really good when i made them laugh..I picked up a dead branch...walked over to them..and said "I found a branch!" they started chuckling rather contently...'n' made me feel warm 'n' good, altho I don't see how that was amusing...maybe it was the tone I used when I said that...What can I say... I'm too damn irresistable!
>>> Haven't really done much these couple days...I guess I just bummed around alot, but it gave me time think over a lot of things..and by a lot, I mean A LOT..I don't know where to start, probably because u'd fall asleep reading by the time I got to the point..but anyhow...I realized 'n' I guess confirmed a whole load of stuff I've thought about countless times before...such important friends are to me...what my values are...and what my aspirations are in life.. 'n' I think at this point, my real goal is really just to be myself...'n' enjoy everything while I can...because I never know when I come to a night without a next morning..I wanna be me..I don't want people running my life, telling me what to do and what not. This journey is mine to take, and if ur not happy with what I'm doing then screw u. I'm not trying to rebel, its just my way of living, and it may be different from those who are trying to control me...I won't collaspe under ur force, because I'll only grow stronger.


>>> I woke up today...even voice is gone! BIG FUN..
>>> I'd like to say thank u to Dominic, my avid reader for my site...cuz NO ONE comes n reads my site...THATS RIGHT! NO ONE! meh..
>>> I also got an email yesterday, 'n' I thought it was really funny...88 ways to know that you're chinese...most of it's really tru, and if u want that email, contact me 'n' I'll get it to's a few that I thot was completely true for ALL chinese:
-You have a vinyl table cloth on your kitchen table.
-You have never used your dishwasher.
-You boil water and put it in the refrigerator.
-You have a piano in your living room.
-Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them. (Your mom will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa).
-You bring oranges (or other produce) with you as a gift when you visit people's homes.
-You wipe your plate and utensils before you eat every time you go to a restaurant.
-You live with your parents and you are 30 years old (and they prefer it that way). Or if you're married and 30 years old, you live in the apartment next door to your parents, or at least in the same neighbourhood.
-If you're under age 20, you own a really expensive MD. If you're over 20, you own a really expensive car.
-You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. You love Chinese martial arts films. Shao Lin and Wu Tang actually mean something to you.
-You never call your parents just to say hi.
You always cook too much.
-If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.
-Your parents are never happy with your grades.
-You own an MJ set and possibly have a room set up in the basement.
-You know what MJ means (no, it's not Michael Jackson. It's Mah-jong!)
-You know what moon cakes are.
-You are familiar with the term "aiee yah..."


>>> I woke up with the biggest headache today...But I guess it was worth it...I went to Wonderland 2 days spaghetti straps and shorts...but it wasn't such a warm I was frozen half the time..yeah so I caught a cold...'n' no I feel absolutely craptacular cuz my nose is all stuffed up, my head hurts 'n' my throat is killing me.
>>> I haven't updated this for 6 days, I'm getting real lazy, I can't even remember what I've been doing anyway except for Wonderland..hmm..lemme see, oh I remember now, went to a BBQ, guitar lessons, jiu jitsu, volunteering...OH YEA..I'm a gardener at the Credit Valley Hospital now! WOOHOO..'n' I kinda just bummed around yesterday cuz i got sick =( poor me...anyway...Time for food...


>>>NEW LAYOUT!! I tried putting it up, but that caused a couple complications so I took it down again, I'll put it up later when I have more time to spend on the site. I linked my old site, to go to it, its just on ur right side. hmm thats it for now.
>>> Went to RiverGrove to work out today, I felt pretty ridiculous there cuz I din know how to work half of the machines...but it wasn't so bad considering I came out dripping with was a fun day, a bitta chillin, bitta was great.


>>> Didn't enter any entries since the 8th cuz my internet was down for the second time in the month, stupid network card. Anyways, I'm a lil sore all over cuz I had my first Jiu Jitsu class yesterday, it was brutal! I thought I was gunna black out in the middle of the warm up! But, once we got into the actual technique and stuff, it was really fun. Great motivation for me to get off my ass, great way to release stress too, although I dont have any in the summer. uhh, thats it for now, got a lil distracted, lol...I'll write some more later
>>> Did the whole archive thing, now it's all just July on this page, If u wanna see June entires, click 'June' under 'Archives' on the right side! Don't forget to sign my guestbook!


>>>My Rag Rant<<<
>>>Yes, today I'm here to talk about, "the week" of the month. Don't groan guys, and keep reading. Know what? It sucks to be a girl sometimes, the fatigue, the bleeding, the cramps, the 'not feel like doing anything-ness'. But we can easily use it to our advantage. Whenever we don't feel like moving, or need an excuse to get outta something, we can just say "No mom, I'm having major cramps and I can't move!" and PMS our way out of it. Except, it's not that simple, other than the fact that it's super uncomfortable during 'those days', and you feel like bitchslapping everyone, people tend to tell u you're "PMSING" whenever you're having mood swings whether or not you are actually PMSing. Anyways guys, we're not wimps, we're not super whiners, cramps actually hurt, perhaps it may be equally painful as a football to the nuts occassionally, but I'm not to judge. You must be thinking right now, yup, Mandy's on her rag. No, actually I'm not. I'm just thinking, as usual, cuz we all know that if men were bleeding 'there' for 5 or more days straight, you'd go running to ur mommas! That's all I had to say. Mandy signing out @ 8:27pm.


>>> My dad left Canada this morning, so I guess you can say this is where my summer truly starts. Time for some 'off my ass-age', time for Wonderland. Some of you (and those that are actually keeping up with reading my site) are prolly wondering why I have a "June" archive, when it clearly leads back to this page. Well thats cuz I'm too lazy to seperate the June and July stuff right now. I'll do it in a couple days, in time for August..


>>>Yesterday wasn't such a great day, kinda been in and out with my family, again with our eternal arguing between each other. But anyway, today was great, went out for lunch, baby cried on my shoulder, went to sq 1 with a friend, had lots of fun, saw a movie, went out chilled with another friend at their house, Tim Hortens for dinner, and settled in with sum other people for a movie at my place. Funny how one day, I can be bored outta my mind, and the next, I'm having the time of my life.
>>> On a lighter note, something popped up in my mind yesterday. Wouldn't it be great if we could all walk around naked without people giving your shocked expressions or weird looks? Actually, this is just society's standards, I think we should start a new trend, make a couple amendments to the law, and strut down the street without clothes on. Eventually, after a time, people will start accepting this, and follow with the style. People are influenced so easily these days, they do whats 'cool' so ya' kno, being naked is pretty cool too! Think bout it, you won't have to worry bout washing your clothes, or picking out what to wear in the morning. Our bodies are beautiful in the way they are created, we shouldn't cover them up like we've got something to hide. [but perhaps for sum of us, we do] but hey thats not my point, everyones beautiful in their own way, and thats not my point either. Actually, I can't remember my point anymore, so I'm just gunna shut up, and end it here. Ciao for now!


>>>AHHH this is the freakiest thing, vertical blinds that are in my computer room right now, beside me...they're haunted!!!! For some reason, two of the individual panels sway back n forth by itself. CONTINUOUSLY it doesnt slow down whatsoever. I tried holding them and they stopped for a while. But then once I got back onto my computer, they started swaying again...I think I'm gunna cry...omg I'm so scared...


>>> I was watching a bit of the news today, and they said something about studies showing that fishes feel pain just like all mammals. They were studying about it, and found that out recently, what I immediately thought was, wasn't this a given already? They're a form of life too! My first reaction became an outbreak of cursing to the people who are stupid to believe that fishes didn't feel pain when they get their lips stuck thru a fucking hook. (hmm i meant to type fishing instead of fucking, guess I subconciously typed that)...anyway, I think that was all I had to say, I personally don't like fish that much, but I felt I had to do them justice by pointing out how stupid those 'researchers' or so they call themselves or whatever they call themselves are.