·!¦[·°×X×°..::Kelsta'z Love::..°×X×°·]¦!·
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
·[!]·Index·. ·[!]·Capture·. ·[!]·Thinkz·. ·[!]·Wordz·. ·[!]·Love·.
·[*]·See.Who.Loves.Me·. ·[*]·Pour.Sum.Sugar.On.Me·.·

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>[Posted]<: Feb 23rd,2004

[!]2 days till johnnys b day !!! im excited! lol hes turning 18. i wish i could be 18 lol well life lately has been crazy..so much stress and emotional crap but im gettin thru it ..i love my superman very much and i dunno what id do without him...i start my incar lessons today! yay im gunna drive!!!! lol i hope it goes well ....hehe...i really need to start goin to school again ...i just really dont like school ...its no fun ...and i have no modivation ohh wells i gtg do sum hwk then go drive bye bye

>[Posted]<: Feb 13th,2004

[!]YAY!!!! its friday the thirteenth!!!!!! nothing bad has happened so im content! lol went to semi last night had LOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTZ of fun!!! i liked my dress i think it was purty! lol it just kinda sucked that me and kendal had the same dress lol every body loved my boobies tho! lol if another gurl grabs my boobies i might scream!! lol jokes its all good! everyone looked really good ! it was quite entertaining i gotta get a shitload of picture developed then ill post em and u guys can see how puuuurrrrrtttyyy we all were! lol not much goin on really so not much to write...school sucks so whats new lol later days kids!

>[Posted]<: Jan 25th,2004

[!]HOLY its been a reallllly long time!! lol well...life is goin okay i guess this weekend was AMAZING!!!! friday was a pa day for me cuz i got no exams ...johnny came over and we chilled for a while...played monopoly with my brother...then we went to play beach volley ball at north beach from 9 30pm to 2 am...so while we waited for my bro to get ready for volleyball we went to pick up adam from the mall....its so amazing that my parents trust johnny driving our car and its very convenient for everyone! ANYYYWAYS picked up adam..went home got nick..picked up jeff ..went to north beach michelle n and jenn c met us there and we played around for a while it was lots of fuN!! im gunna go like EVERY weekend! lolhmm then we went home whatever...and then saturday i slept half the day away then jonathan came over and we went to the mall took booth pics hung out in the dollarstore! (my FAVE past time!!) and went to jack astors for dinner and omg!! i was soooooo full!!!! lol then we went to play a game of airhockey...then made our way downtown! yay!! we got to the acc around 7 15 ...so we missed the first act of the LINKIN PARK CONCERT i cant even remember who it was lol ...then we asw hoobastank which was amazing and the guys voice is sooo fukkin hot! lol and he sang "gurls just wanna have fun" that was hilarious! then POD came out and they were really good too!! sum one got messed up in the mosh pit and they had to stop half way thru one song but then they picked it up again it was hype! lol and then this HUGE curtain fell and it said linkin park on it ! it dropped so fast iwas like WHOA! lol then they set up and LP came out and they were SOOOOO gooooooooooooodddd and ive come to the conclusion that linkin park music is one of my turn-ons!!! lol i had such a wicked night ...i got a tshirt its beige and i got johnny the black one...im glad he had a good time.. i think i made a good choice in having the surprise day as part of his xmas gift..too bad we couldnt do everything i wanted to..lol..damn volleyball we slept in too late..but anyways then jonathan got a hot dog and i got cinabon sticks...yum yum yum then we took the bus home!! LOL FUN TIMES!!! i love when people look at me weird! hahah then we started watchin beauty and the beast at my house but then my dad was like gotta take johnny home now its 3 am ...that kinda sucked but oh wells talked on msn till like 7 30 this morning ...i kept fallin asleep on my webcam ewww u can see me sleepin!!! lol then i went to johnnys today and we hung out wit mike for a while hes a cool kid fun to talk to ..yea and johnnys makin me a cd cuz hes just AMAZING like that so im excited but yea i left and came home...and now im bored so im werkin on this gay website! lol anyways ill try to hook it up quick ...later ..[.]

>[Posted]<: Nov 16st,2003

[!] Well i must admit in the last few months lots of things have changed...alot of fukked up family shit..i started hurting myself in a way...because i thought it was the only way i could be everything my family wanted me to be..that made me really sick ...i was totally stressed from night school...i was looking at people differently and i realize alot of people take advantage of how nice i am and they take advantage of me as a person...ive always been told that im too nice but i never really saw it till now...ive also realized that people change and u cant always have the relationship u did...like me and katie for example...we've both changed and i think weve just had enuff of each other and so we fight fight fight whatever and i just didnt need that stress anymore...like i try to be what other people want me to be but i didnt like the feelin that i had to prove myself all the time like its never good enuff...so i told her if she wants to talk to me she can talk to me in person ..and we havent spoken since...at first it was really agrivating ...but im over it ...people grow their seperate ways and thats life ...but i dunno why she being so immature about it...like honestly i havent said anything bad about her and i dont wish her the worst of things..i hope she has a great life just cuz we rnt friends doesnt mean i hate her..people are always asking me things like that...and im like wtf guys this isnt grade 2 anymore...i dunno..supposedly shes saying shit about me and sayin how she hopes i get pregnant or whatever but meh...i cant stop her from sayin that..meh so since all that ive started to pick up ...im hanging out with a variety of people..meeting new people all the time..i got a job! at canadian tire. im passing night school!!!!! but my mid term exam is tomorrow!!! hehe..and ive been relaxing on weekends cuz i have night school on monday and wednsday and i have work on tuesday thursday saturday and sunday! so ive been super tired!! i have to think of ideas for the christmas show...thats a lil stress full but other than that everythings goin pretty good.. this weekend was amazing....i ve been sooo tired and my body is aching from who knows what its been like that for like the past 2 weeks so on friday johnny told me he was gunna surprise me and i was like ooookkkkaaaayyy lol...and he made me a candle lit bubble bath it was sooo sweet ! like he knows its sumthing ive always wanted to do and he surprised me with it...then he gave me a massage and we talked about things we wanna do before we die...i really wanna go sky diving!!! heeh thne we watched a bit of the 2001 x mas show...thne on saturday...i had work..then sasha and i were supposed to go out but she forgot that it was her sisters bday party so we didnt then natalie called and we were gunna go out but then her mom didnt let her go so we didnt do that...so i went to pizza pizza and got pizza and went to johnnys and watched lord of the ring 2 with him and his 2 sisters...the cab driver who drove me to thier house was soo funny we talked about crazy people and stuff it was funny...umm...then today i have work in 30 minutes till 4 15 lol weird hours...im so mad my bank account is closed and i didnt know so i didnt get my pay check yet cuz they do direct deposit..its upsetting! lol...hmm i couldnt try out for the volley ball team cuz its pointless considering im busy after school every day that kinda upset me...any ways i better go to work! imma start updating the rest of my website soon! [!]

>[Posted]<: Oct 21st,2003

[!]WOW! i really havent done this in a long time...over a month lol well...lots of stuff has happened i guess im doin night school for a math c/u course...its really gay i hate math so much!! grrr lol but anyways um ive ben partying alot! lol had another party the last weekend of september! it was good!um..went to laura and sasha house twice for parties lol they were GOOD!! lol first time i made out with a gurl! lol fun times yea and sasha and eric wee entertaining! lol johnny and i had a good time! and we broke up on the 5th of october and i didnt talk to him for a week cuz i didnt think i could handle it but then i called him on the thanks giving weekend and he came over for thanks giving dinner..and we were talking and we kissed..and yea we decided to start seeing each other again...its really hard to be together and not"be together" i dunno we have a weird relationship but hey we re happy so nothing else matters! right now im in desktop publishing class so i gtg [!]

>[Posted]<: Sept 4th,2003

[!]WEll...i havent written in a lil while..lol sunday nite before school started..me adam david eric and jessie went wit alanna and lyndsay to this guys house and i sang on the mic it was fun fun fun hehe...ummm on monday lesley & colette reached my house and we had a lil "gurls day" and watched "how to lose a guy in 10 days.hehe fun times gurls...im gunna miss lesley! hehe then first day of school was ayt...didnt really do much...katie came over and we chilled.. then on wednsday..i went to johnnys to watch lord of the rings two ...i was bored at home okie!! lol and we talked and things..and we r goin out again...which makes me so happy!! just when i think theres no hope what so ever...he has this change of heart,,and im soooo happy...i feel like im acting gay lol then today...johnny came over and we chiled at my house...my mom makes good potatoes..heheheh...im goin to bed i hate wakin up at 6am for school :( [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 27th,2003

[!]PARTAY!! lol last night was fun fun fun!! hahahha lyn wanna play busdriver!!! LMAO...sooooo funny AJz a MOM lol ...and helens a chain smoker...lol lyn and helen passed out! lol ajz proud she didnt puke! hahaha we were the life of the party..and i am mizz hellagoodhead AKA queen Cannibus lol heheh we r crazy!!!!! hhehehhehehheheheheh.....im not really into writing anymore..im tired...i go now colettes here [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 24th,2003

[!]Well Yesterday i went to colettes house for a BBQ sooooooooo gooooooooooodddddddd ...ehee then me mal and alanna went to dopiz house!! hehe so much fun fun fun...welll.....except the fact that mal was in a bad mood...booo mal booo lol hehehe....we drinkie drinkie..and i had pina colodas! hehehheheh sooooo geewwwwwddd lol...well i slept most of today away after alanna made us breakfast and we left at like 1 sumthing...yay! hehe...well i gtg do SUMTHING.... i dunno what yet but meh lol[!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 22th,2003

[!]YAY i Feel Loved PPL are actually signing my geebee now that its up! yay!! heheh .....well i slept all day cuz i went to bed at 11 am this morning! heeh..and now im gunna start painting again! yay my dad got me more primer so i can actually finish my room thank gawd!! heheh well tomorrow...im goin to Colettes BBQ and then after that im goin to Donavans Partay!! hehehe yay!!! heheeh yea i hope its fun fun fun hahaha...well colette said shed come over and help me paint so im just waiting fer her hehh imma go start painting now heeh bye bye! [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 21th,2003

[!]WELL!! i FINALLY made those calendars!! yay it was sooo hard! heheh ...umm ....jenn was gunna come over today to watch movies..but she couldnt so i went mini puttin wit the church...me andrew anna colette and aaron! hhehe i came in 2nd place...stupid aaron won! lol hehe i got a hole in one tho!! yay me!!! heheh andrews a funny man heehehe i thought he was gunna kill me with his baLL! lolheheh so yea...then we all came to my house for a lil while then my dad drove em home..and ong the thunder and lightning outside was sooooo creepy! and mal called em to tell me she almost got hit by lightning!! poor her!! but yea...im puttin different songs on each page!! yay me!! lol k gtg [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 20th,2003

[!]Okies...i was in a bad mood yesterday..i was being a lil harsh lol...meh...hes never gunna read this so i guess it doesnt mattter...dunno why i even bother writing these things...well i guess..there on my mind right lol....johnny and eric left for nova scotia today...finally lol hope they have alot of fun..cuz i wanna hear good stories...lol i ran out of paint so i had to stop painting...but my dad went to get sum more so ill get back to that later...i gtg dinner time... [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 19th,2003

[!] Ack....OK! ....so yesterday i got up early...waited for johnny to call...then i just called him instead...went out wit katie downtown...came home waited for johnny to come see me like he said he would...then at like 12 midnight he finally calls and says there coming..and i was like yay...and then they get here..and leave like 2 seconds later....i was like....wtf...soo confused...i dunno thought he was gunna stay a lil while really wanted to talk to him but whatever...so i talked to him this morning too...and he said hed call me before he leaves...but he didnt leave today..so him and eric came over for like 30 minutes...and i asked him to stay and get a ride home when my dad came home from his meeting... but he wanted to go...so i called him...and told him how i feel....i really wanted to talk to him in person...but cant always get what i want ya know...i dunno....u know when u feel like ud give up everything for sumone...but yet its all not good enuff...well thats how it is...and even tho...i love him to death...i cant put my self thru all this pain anymore..like...its honestly a lost cause...no matter how bad i want it..it will never be..and as much as it hurts to say...im sick of it...im sick of you ...im sick of crying ..im sick of wishing...im sick of EVERYTHING...its just like the song.."i hate everything about you...why do i love you?" ....well i dont hate everything about u....i hate to love you, basically... but youll never understand that...and maybe thats whats best...meh....well ur gone for the rest of the summer..so at least u wont be in my face to remind me of what i cant have....and then itz back to school...where ill have other things keepin my busy....and we can just be friends....and ill finally get over you...like...you make me the happiest person...it amazes me how good u make me feel....but then ...i guess...ive been tryin to mask my pain...by being...."happy" ....like i said...im happy when we r together...but at the end of the day.....im not....im sad and depressed...so i give up...im giving up not on you....but on us...and i think itz been long overdue.... [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 18th,2003

[!]WELL WELL WELL....havent updated this in a lil while lol!! but there are new pics up and stuff soenjoy...i gotta get goin on the shouts but dont u worry theyll be done eventually!! lol if u want a shout ...send me ur pic! okies!! yay!!! hehehe....well this past week was soooooooooo GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!! lol okies heres the "Run Down" lol....
Friday Aug 8th -- Chilled at johnnys house...wit johnny (obviously),eric,donavan,adam,mal,jessie,katie and david! it was fun fun fun johnnys room looks soo good now! hehe...
Saturday Aug 9th -- WENT TO SANDBANKZ!!!!! OMG SOOO MUCH FUN!!! my cousin had her man hef friend and her friends man in her car...and me eric johnny mal donavan and katie drove up in erics van!! yay!!! heeh so i got to play in the water wit johnny yay!! heeh soo much fun..damn mal always entering conversations at the wrong time...meh...me and katie put our hair in retarded side ponytails and scarred pplz in mcdonalds!! hehe um...i sat in the back of erics van in a towel...i was wet from the dunes...so it was fun...hehe mal "WTF is that *POKE*" lol omg mal how could u not know!!!!! hahahahah came home finished watching spice world...and johnny slept over....
Sunday Aug 10th -- 7 am my parents and brother left to go to BC for a week!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!hehe katie came over in the morning...or early afternoon i dont remember...so we got up and got ready for SUMMER RUSH!!! which turned out to be FLOP!!! so i got eric to come get us ..HES SUCH A SWEETIE!!! and we all went back to my house and chillaxed...heheh.we did sum shots and mixxed sum drinks and watched...bang bus i think it was lol oh wells....den johnny slept over again !! hehe
Monday Aug 11th -- COLETTE CAME OVER!!! hehe anna and aaron did too but they left early...lol then johnny adam david came over too...hehe it was fun...we drank and we went to pizza pizza at 2 am...after having a "Car PArty!!" lol we taped sum stupid shit but its funny!! lol heheh then we all got in the shower lol itz the thing to do now a days...and the guys slept over again...hehe
THE REST OF THE WEEK -- the guys slept over most of the week....and...on tuesday me and johnny stayed up really late talkin bout a bunch of stuff....it was alot of sum....then we went to sleep... thursday was the night of the black out and anna and aaron slept over and anna got really plastered lol hhehehe and we sat outside with my brother and his friends and chilled out there...took a shot of 75% rum lol crazy shit! lol hehheeh...i liked no lights...lol but the next morning the lights came on...hehe yay...and then the next night...the guys came over again...and then the power cut for like 30 min then it came back...adn we bunned and chilled so much fun!!! heheheh johnny slept over again and saturday i cleaned alot and my bro had sum friends over and i had a few pplz here...colette lesley mike and katie...and we drank and chilled...it was good i got tired fast and went to sleep...woke up early cleaned again...went back to bed...lol and sunday...i stayed hoem and waited fro my rents...and today i went down town wit katie today..and last night i wrote johnny a 10 pg letter for his trip lol !!! hehe well i gtg ...johnny and eric are on their way over..ez [!]

>[Posted]<: Aug 7th,2003

[!]OMG!!!! this needs a SERIOUS UPDATE!!! lol lifes been kinda crazy !!!hahaha hmm lets see if i can fill u in...HMM WELL OKAY I put red and burgandy extentions in my hair..it was suuuper koolz! lol then i went and umm...camped out in my backyard wit anna aaron and colette...then we went to wonderland!!! then i went to a PARTAY!! at keiths house....O>>>>M>>>>>>G>.. LOL!! soo much fun!!! got sooooo TANKED!! heeeh i did shots and everything heheh sooo much fun....i flashed a bunch of pplz...ave lapdances and hickeys! lol then ended up in a shower wit 4 guys !! hhaha but nothing happened,...saw alot of naked ness!! lol...then saturday...kinda flopped....then sunday...went to ribfest!! lol then monday went to a POOL PARTY!! lol ....gotta talk to eric lately...hes a sweet guy ..easy to talk to!! it made me a lil bit happier...lol ...ummm....this weekend...im supposed to go out to the beach wit jo jo tomorrow...then friday i dunno....and SATURDAY im goin TO SANDBANKS!! YAY!!! heheh sooo much fun cant wait!! ...then SUNDAY IS SUMMER RUSH!!!!!! YAYAY!!!!! heehhe cant wait!!!!oh mah gawwwwddd...then my rents are goin to B.C. again! well see what goes down then!!lol hopefully i can RELAX! lol--i gtg ez [!]

>[Posted]<: July 26,2003

[!] Well yesterday i FINALLY got my damn G1 lol got off my lazy azz to go get it lol..and den i went to lesleys house ...and we went on a ADVENTURE down and back up the bluffs....fun fun fun...lol then colette and anna came over and we put extensions in anna and lesleys hair and went to licks for dinner...then i can home...made a bracelet for yoko..shes soo cute...but now shes gone...we went to the airport at like 5 am ...lol then i ate mcdonalds Breakfast....and then i slept till 2 now im kinda bored lol...hhee..well imma werk on this site sum more!!....Ez[!]

>[Posted]<: july 24, 2003
[!]So!! itz 9:56 am....DAMN IM UP EARLY!! im never up before 12 ya know..i love summer! heheh well anyways..yesterday i went to the C N Tower wit my brother mark and his Gf Yoko...it was ayt styll then we went to the eatons center..and katie met us down there and we all shopped around a bit ...it was fun...then i went home at like 9 30...talked to matt on the phone...then johnny called me...and i missed it so i called him back...and den he came over....and we talked...and i dunno....i love spending time wit him....and when he was here i totally forgot what i was upset about...itz so whack...i dunno....i styll like him...but i know we rnt goin anywhere...kinda sad lol ohhh wellz....life sucks....well im waiting for johnny right now...we r gunna go to mcdonalds for breakfast....YAY!!! i love it!! heehee...then i wanna go pick up my photoz from athletic banquet!! heheheh after that....i think im gunna come home and go back to sleep lol i slept for 5 hours but styll i like to sleep hehehehhe ....hmm well i added a past entriez page...so if u really want to u can read the shit goin on before lol ....my lifes pretty whack lol...ayt well imma try to get the lyrics page up too ...Ez[!]

>[..::Posted::..]< July 23,2003

[!] WEll itz 3:30 am....gettin this website goin here ....well lately..my lifes ....up and down all the time...i dont know what i want anymore... so i dont really know what im lookin for...ive decided livin every day one day at a time instead of thinkin of the future all the time is the best way for me to have a good summer...less stressful....styll find myself thinkin about alot of things i wanna change but hey...i can only do so much at one time...im really paranoid about sumthing right now...i was ready to freak...but then i thought it was okies....butim gettin paranoid again...ack i make sum stupid azz decisions....i cant believe what i do for other pplz sum times...what i do to make others happy.....i think itz one of my weaknesses....i dont know...i miss johnny too...havent seen him in about a week...but at the same time i dont wanna see him...i dunno...i just wish we were on the same page...but everything happens for a reason right...so if thats how its gunna be so be it....*sigh*...he called me the other day..at 3 am..and i was kinda half asleep...it scared the crap out of me....but now i feel like i acted like a bitch...and i feel bad...but i dont wanna call him...cuz lately i just dont have anythin to say....ack ohh wells....my brothers gf is here from japan....shes soooo cute !!! she gave me a change purse!! hehe i love it....katies B day just passed...*snniff* my lil sis....finally 16 lol hehehe fun fun fun!! g 1 time baby well ...i guess my summers goin okies...i wanna meet new guys tho....start moving on eh lol....ayt im goin to the Cn tower later today so imma go now....EZ[!]