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How will Internet and Communications Technology (CT) affect me?

The first question I ask myself is: Hasn't it affected me already?

And I guess it has, and thinking about what I use it for right now, makes me come to think about this:

Of course it is hard to just explode with things that has to do with the Internet and Communication Technology, this is my best effort though. When looking at it, I start to wonder whether it's not included in everything already...

You see it everywhere and you can have it almost everywhere, just take a look at the Campuswide wireless network at the College of Charleston, created to improve our ability to communicate through Mobile access to information.

Everywhere you look, you'll see something related to Internet or CT and what will it look like in the future? How will it be?

My guess is that we won't see as many cables as we see now, more and more access to Internet will be through wireless means and hopefully cheaper for us consumers.

In schools more and more emphasis will be given to computing skills and handling the machines. I don't think it will be like the movies "Minority Report" or "Terminator" but as it continues to develop, machines (computers) will take over more and more from humans, performing tasks (in a factory for example). Of course they are already doing that but I think we'll see even more of that in the future.

Of course access to data and Internet will be a lot faster since there is a steady current going up in development of processors and RAM and also in connecting to the Internet.

E-commerce is also one thing that will go up in the future., eBay and basically every company that has a website will sell their products online.

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This is what I thought at the start of semester

This is what I thought at the end of semester

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