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what did I learn?

First of all I'd like to say that there are a lot of things that I've learned in this course so far. It has been a very interesting course and covering a lot of areas.

The history of the Internet was interesting in the sense that a lot of things, not at all known to me, were revealed. I had some notion that the first thing with the Internet started in the 60's and that it later on exploded to huge proportions (around the mid 1990's)

Of course I was wrong and now I have gotten a good look into why it was constructed and who constructed it. If you want to take a brief look at the History of the Internet and the key persons, just click here. I said, when starting this course, that I wanted to learn more about computers and how they think/work. I think I've done that during this semester since I've learned about history protocols etc.

The most fun part and what's been very useful to me was how to set up a network. After we went through all that stuff in class, I have been able to set up a network of my own in my apartment. When I get back to Sweden in a couple of weeks, I'm definitely going to connect my two computers and start sharing files. That will make my life a lot more easier!

Do you want to take a look to my solution for a home lan?

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This is what I thought at the start of semester

Visit my own, private Website if you want to take a look at it

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