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Commonwealth Royal Navy

Commonwealth Fleet:  

16th Commonwealth High Guard Fleet – 10 Squadrons (20ships each) - 204 ships

            41st Chance BattleRon (20 ships)

(1)   Samurai class 200kdt Dreadnaught   (Samurai)

(2)   Monarch class 200kdt Battleships ( Royal Sovereign, Ajax)

(6)  5kt Fleet Escorts

(5) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(2) Scout ships

            19th Instigator BattleRon

(2)   Monarch class 200kdt Battleships  (Neptune, Monarch)

(1) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(4) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(3) Scout/Courier ships

101st Fighting AssaultRon

                        (2) Keith 30kt Transports


(5) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(5) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(3) Scout/Courier ships

             98th Deliverer StrikeRon

(6) Columbia class 225kt Battlestars, (75 fighters each)
             (Columbia, Pegasus, Bellerophon, Galactica, Solaria, Prometheus)

(6) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(5) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(3) Scout/Courier ships

            145th Empire StrikeRon (8 capital ships, 12 ships, 360 fighters)

                        (8) Storm Class 75kt Strike Carrier, (80 fighters each)
                                    (Maelstrom, Storm, Thunderer, Argonaught, Waterspout, Lightning Strike,
                                    Tornado, and Hurricane),

(2) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(3) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(3) Scout/Courier ships

 499th FirstIn CruRon

(2) Mars 100kt Strike Cruiser  (Collossus, Mars)

(2)   World class 75kt Heavy Cruiser (Ashima, World)

(2) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Conqueror, Vicious)

(4) Hero 30kt Light Cruiser

            124th Guards CruRon

                        (2) Mars 100kt Strike Cruiser (Cornwallis, Cumberland)

(4) World class 75kt Heavy Cruiser (Tobibak, Terra, Justends, Kearb)

(4) Hero 30kt Light Cruisers

            48th Guards CruRon  (Frontier Mission Squadron)

(2) Mars 100kt Strike Cruiser (Conquest, Aries)

(4) Vicious class 50kt Heavy Cruiser (Forsight, Attentive, Fearless, Skrimisher)

(4) Hero 30kt Light Cruisers

            345th Guards CruRon

(2) Mars 100kt Strike Cruiser (Topaze, Vindictive)

(4) Hawaii class 75kt Heavy Cruiser  (Newport, Easter, Tortola, Whyte)

(4) Hero 30kt Light Cruisers

            214th TankRon (39 ships)  - 19 detached

                  (2) TL13 500k Tanker

                  (2) TL12 500k Tanker

                  (8) TL15 20kt Common Imp. Transport

                  (7) TL15 2kt Frontier Transport TI (J2)

                  (5) TL15 2kt Frontier Transport TJ (J6)

                  (15) 1kt tenders

24th  Mothball Fleet - 540 vessels

            1024th Cannibalization Squadron – 479 ships

            2024th Mothball Squadron – 61 ships

            41st  Training Fleet - 2 Squadrons (10 ships each)

(2)    Hawaii class 75kt Heavy Cruiser (Long Island,  Bermuda)

(2)    PF Sloan 5kt Fleet Escorts

(4) 400t patrol cruisers

70th  Security Fleet - 2 Squadrons (52 ships+500 fighters)

            (1) Lioness class 500kt Battle Station +300 fighters (Lioness)

(14)    400t patrol cruisers

(15)    400t SDB

(100) Fighters at GGS

(100) Fighters at Enders


Numbered Subsector Fleets:  202 ships

Strand Subsector (80 ships):

Six Lights Navy (but holds a secondary facility at Depot)

            59th Assault Fleet, 2 squadrons  - 2 squadron (40 ships)

                        82nd Fast CruRons,

(1) Monarch class Battleships (Warspite)

(1) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(9) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

(3) Scout/Courier ships

99th Intimidator StrikeRons

(2) Olympia class 120kt Battlestars, (64 fighters each) (Olympia, Pacifica)

(2) 5kt Fleet Escorts

(2) 1kt Destroyer escorts

(4) 300t Close Escorts

            (12) Scout/Courier ships

            1059th Reserve Fleet, 6 squadrons  - 10 ships per squadron (20 ships)

                        93rd Reserve Guards CruRon

(1)   World class 75kt Heavy Cruiser  (Vanquet)

(1)   Hero 30kt Light Cruisers

](1)   3kt  Destroyer

(2)   300t Close Escort

 (5) 100t scout/courier

223rd Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Challenger)

(3)    1250t colonial cruiser

(6) 100t scout/courier

Ashima Provincial Fleet 10 ships per squadron (20 ships)

 527th Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (High Adventure)

 (1) 1250t colonial cruiser

 (8) 100t scout/courier

1527th Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Worth)

(1)   1250t colonial cruiser,

(8) 100t scout/courier

Naadi Subsector: (70 ships)

            150th Combat Fleet (Farlion)- 10 ships per squadron (20 ships)

694th Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Inflexible)

 (1) 1250t colonial cruiser

(8) 100t scout/courier

1694th Reserve Guards CruRon          

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Repulse)
                        (1)  5kt Fleet Escort

(1)   1250t colonial cruiser,

(8) 100t scout/courier

            1150th Reserve Combat Fleet (Farlion)  - 10 ships per squadron (20 ships)

   912th Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Resistance)

 (1) 1250t colonial cruiser

 (8) 100t scout/courier

  1912th Reserve Guards CruRon           

             (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Valiant)

  (1)   1250t colonial cruiser

                                    (8) 100t scout/courier

             255th Stallion Fleet (Farplace)  - 12 ships per squadron (24 ships)

1527th Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Superb)

(4)   1250t colonial cruiser

            (7) 100t scout/courier

1092nd Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Invincible)

(5)   1250t colonial cruiser

(7) 100t scout/courier

Atu'l Subsector: (36 ships)

             213th   Battle Fleet (Atu'l)  - 10 ships per squadron (25 ships)

222nd Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Indomitable)

 (1) 1250t colonial cruiser

 (8) 100t scout/courier

23rd Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Viciuos class 50kt armoured cruiser (Dominion)

(6)   1250t colonial cruiser

(8) 100t scout/courier

            1213th Reserve Battle Fleet (Rill)  - 11 ships per squadron (11 ships)

229rd Reserve Guards CruRon           

            (1) Vicious class 50kt armoured cruiser (Triumph)

(2)   1250t colonial cruiser

(8) 100t scout/courier

System Squadrons

Each system has been asigned a system squadron (with the exception of Enders) to manage day-to-day police activities. They are provided with 1 courier ship for comunications with the nearest Navy Base (named for the host system) and reports to the local government except in times of war.

            Typical System Squadron

(1)   1kt Tender

(4)    400t Patrol Cruisers or SDBs,

(1)  Scout/courier

Fleet History

After the Imperium Rebellion began, the Navy’s numbered fleets moved to combat under the flag of Lucan’s Loyalty Fleet.  Corridor's Reserve Fleet and Depot fleets stayed on station to hold the sector together.  The Corridor Reserve Fleet was almost immediately overrun by incoming Vargr raiders. In quick defensive action, the remaining resources of 1059th Reserve Fleet moved, with Navy families, to support the defense of Depot from invasion as its first line of defense. Once resources were located on Depot Prime, the fleet began patrolling the outer system.   As the Vargr hit Depot with 500 ships one Imperial Planet Heavy Cruiser survived the nightmare. Engine malfunctions put her behind the other vessels.   The forewarning of the 1059th and intel gave Depot Prime the information necessary to survive.

Ships were then used for risky recovery mission and throwing the Vargr invaders off base.

Later, the agressive, marshal law efforts of Rear Admiral James Corrins resulted in the “Work for Food” and "For our Future" programs. Continued efforts and quick thinking rescued the mothball fleet from certain demise.  Over 50% of the ships were eventually reactivated.

Naval Depot History

An Imperium Depot is a system and is not designated as a single individual site.  Depot Prime's Navy site contained Headquaters, Administrative, Engineering Construction and Academy facilities for the sector.  A duplicate facility had been was located on Syfke at Depot Syfke.  Additional bases were located on every planet in system for use by individual fleets or armed ground forces.  Large high ports were located above Depot Prime and Syfke. The main Gas Giant had been managed by a planetoid base called Gas Giant Station. The secondary gas giant has been mined and contained an automated DMG system.
During the Rebellion extensive work was done on expanding the Depot Prime underground.  This actually resulted in the formation of Savior and Corrins mountains near the starport.  During the war these facilities would not only house the rapidly growing population but also the entire mothball fleet.

The Fleet Today


The Commonwealth was building a military, growth based economy through  Selling ships and materials to reconstructing Vilani or other buyers. Between mothballed vessel re-use and new construction, this left a Fleet that is large for this size of this pocket empire and has allowed it to grow quicker but has demanded that the government carefully manage their Navy budget.  Today, it supports the cutting edge development that would even impress the Regency.  Despite the military superiority, the majority of vessels are older refits from the mothball fleet that orbited Sabole. Even today Sobole contains over 1000 ZeroG Moorings at its L5 coordinates. Many of the large moorings were not moveable by invaders and were used for an orbital operations location.  Today they are being moved in-system for use in other locations.

Approximately, 20% of the fleet is active at any one time. All other vessels stand down. Meaning that half of a squadron might be in a guard operation.  Capital ships are used sparingly to conserve them, and to reduce costs, except in training and guard operations. 


Cutting Edge

Although, all new constructions sold to other governments do not exceed TL15, a significant number of  refit constructions contain TL16 power plants.  These power station allow the use of superfuel. Superfuel doubles ship jump performance but requires additional engine maintenance.

Command and Control

At the heart of the remaining Depot Prime Naval Facility (DPNF) are the Imperium Sector Command Headquarters (now the Royal Navy Headquarters) and the neighboring Imperium Naval Academy (now the Royal Naval Academy).  Key features of the Royal Navy Headquarters and its duplicate facility near the capital city of Caprica, are the Depot System Defense Grid (DSDG) and an artificially intelligent Imperial "War World" Avatar. The avatar extension of SDDG is also known commonly to the people as First Citizen.

Changes to Designation

The Royal Navy has taken significant direction from the 3rd Imperium and very little has changed. One exception is the designation StrikeRon that has been added to the squadron types. StrikeRons are essentially assault carrier groups.  Several new vessels have been added to the fleet line. This includes the battlestar forming the center of the new StrikeRons.

Vessel Information and Designations

The Depot Prime shipyards have mastered the art of TL16 refits. Their new construction is relatively limited, by choice, but has significant quality.  Learning from the fleet refitting and centuries of  Navy tradition have developed a skilled workforce capable of handling all issues.
Much of the work was moved underground into the vast caverns constructed near the Depot and the Starport.
NED, Naval Engineering Division, produces new Battlestars and the old Wind class vessels.  The Wind class Strike Carriers are produced for use by the Vilani as part of a negotiated trade agreement at a rate of 4 per year.  Only one of the new Storm class vessels is serving in the Commonwealth fleet.  The Vilani also purchase a minimum of 3 Kinunir colonial cruisers per year.
As mentioned, Battlestars are the primary new vessel production of the Commonwealth.  NED started with a production rate of 2 per 5 year but has improved it to 4 per 4 years.  NED has started limited production of  a complete TL16 version of the Vicious class Armoured Cruisers and the Mars class Strike Cruisers.

Commonwealth Rangers

The Rangers were formed to replace the original Imperium Scout Service in an expanded role.

Ranger's Mission
They surpassed the original intent by supplementing as a communications element for government activities.

Ship Types
The Rangers consistently use colonial cruisers and tenders as their remote command centers. A single frontier cruiser has been used as a mobile Rangers base.  Individual mssion vessels consist of Serpent or Stretch Wind class scout vessels. The squadrons are named for types of storms and the ships after Ranger that have fallen in the line of duty.

Rangers Mustered Out with a Ship
The Ranger service will often back the purchase of scout vessel for Rangers that can be used to supplement the fleet.  They are then assigned to a fleet as detached but called to active duty in times of crisis. Once a Ranger always a Rangers.

Ranger Operations
It is believed that the Rangers have relieved the Regency of TL16 technology on several occassions. Ranger efforts in Vargr, Virus and Vilani territory have not leaked to the general public but are extensive.  Limited resources have minimized some efforts.

 Ranger's Fleet: (35 ships)
                      12th Blizzard Rangers (Enders)
                                   (2)   1250t colonial cruiser
                                   (2) 1kt Tenders
                                   (8) 100t Serpent or Stretch Wind class scouts

                      101st Ice Rangers  (Vigh)
                                   (1) Azanti Rain class 60kt frontier cruiser (Azahti Rain)
                                   (2)   1250t colonial cruiser
                                   (3) 1kt Tenders
                                   (8) 100t Serpent or Stretch Wind class scouts

                      94th Wind Rangers (Darkmoon)
                                   (2)   1kt Tender
                                   (8)   100t Serpent or Stretch Wind class scouts

                      35th Hurricane Rangers  (Atu'l)
                                    (1)  1kt Tender
                                    (4)   100t Serpent class scouts

Stargate Operations
The Stargate Command Center on Depot is under the control of the Rangers. Missions of exploration usually take teams 20 teams outside of the known space.  Although the existence of the gate is public knowledge, its exact location and purpose are classified, Ultra Top Secret.