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Clan Laws/Rules

Clan Laws

1. No adultry shall be commited.

2. No rapid aging (or instant growing) of children into adults. You either play an adult or a child. And once the child becomes an adult their is no going back to being a child. Unless Rules of Engagment rule #10 is broken.

3. It is okay to play one or two characters buit it is forbiden to play another character in a rival clan. The only acception to this is that of a spy and only with the King and or the Queen's permission.

4. If you have ot depart from rpg for a while for O.O.C. reasons please let someone know that way we don't drop you from the clan.

5. Minimize O.O.C. talking while I.C. or take it to whisper.

6. There will be no vengence done for O.O.C. reasons. Do it on your own time meaning do not do it in your tags. If you are caught doing this you will be removed from the clan no exceptions.

7. Show up as often as possible this does not mean spend every wakeing moment on the internet in the chat room. At least pop in every once in a while to keep on things and to let us know you still exist. Otherwise you will be dropped from the clan. Unless you have done what is asked in Law #4.

8. You can have no more then one spouse/boy friend or girlfriend.

9. No slaves what so ever.

10. There will be no raping of anyone for any reason. If you are caught there will be an automatic bann and K.O.S. on your head.

11. Pregnancy rule: All pregnancies regardless of what race you are will last exactly one month. Meaning IRL calander month. No exceptions. Unless miscarriage or premature birth. You must however inform the king or the Queen of this.

12. You may adopt children. However once that child grows up no adult parent raising the child may marry the child.

13. There will be no cybering in the room what so ever. Once again this is something that should either be done in another room or in whisper.

14. All relationships will be age appropriate meaning if you play a 20 year old char then you cannot have anyone under the age of 16. 16 will be the age allowed to be in a relationship and 16 will be considered an adult.

15. There will be no fighting in the room unless the two ppl agree and they have the permission of the King and or Queen.

16. Character seperate. If you are caught not C/Sing you will be asked to drop all characters but one or you will be banned.

Rules of Engagement

1. You must declare what style of fighting it is you do before you begin your fight. The only acception to this rule would be if you7 are defending someone and you do not hve time to declare.

2. If you use speed you will be required to type 3-3-3.

3. When going to fight someone you must declare weither you are using magic, hand to hand, weapons, etc. or a mixture of things.

4. All deaths will be for 24 hours.

5. God modeing will not be allowed nor tolerated. Breaking this rule will cause you to be banned from the room for 24 hours. If done repeatedly you will be banned perminantly.

6. This is a midevil fantasy RPG no modern or futuristic weapons allowed.

7. If you are challanged to a death match please take it to an areana and not in a public room.

8. All matches will consist of one judge and at least two witnesses. Unless it is just a practice match.

9. You can spar but please let everyone know that it is just a sparing match.

10. No killing of children what so ever. If the child is being unruley then the child will be warned and if the child continues to be unruly then the child will be held in an adult status and the can be challanged or fought but only in an areana.

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