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Exiled Souls


Exiled Souls

Born From Ashes

In the begining we where known as Excalibers Shadows. Although we were small we where also a prosperous kingdom. The kingdom was growing and every day new people would wander into the land and bring something to help benifit all those around. Soon the kingdom was formed from people of all races and beings. Although the King and Queen of this kingdom where not wed they still managed to rule with conviction and equality. They made bounds in directions which other kingdoms and clans had failed they made these bounds with the help of all the people who where a part of the kingdom. Soon there was an adopted child of the Queen who was named Crowned Prince of Xs. Although he was mischevious at times he was learning the ins and outs of the kingdom. Both the King and Queen thought that he could be trusted with the kingdom and that he would hold it together if he was to ever be left in charge. And so the kingdom went forward into what would seem to be a quite succesful and powerful future. The King and Queen seeing how succesfull the kingdom was decided that it was time for them to go on a quest to help futher advance there kingdom in hopes of bringing it to great glory. So haveing trust in the Crowned Prince the King and Queen left on there quest leaving the Crowned Prince in charge. Whilst the King and Queen where gone the Crowned Prince began to play his foolish games and ruine everything which was created as he lied to alliances and people the King and Queen knew. He even went as far as to lie to the people of the kingdom. His relentless rule of the kingdom went on for about a year and then it came to an end. For it was at this time the King and Queen had made there return. What they returned to they where not ready to see for around them everything was in great chaos and distruction. So the King and Queen decided to disbann the Xs and send it into exile. The King and Queen warned the former people that Xs was greatly disgraced and if any where caught wearing the Xs crest that they would be killed on the spot. Although few tried after that to keep the Xs it never stayed within there grasp and soon there was no Xs to be seen or heard. The King and Queen began to wander in exil and they stayed there for a few years till they got tired of blaiming themselves for the distruction of the Xs. With a new feeling of vigor the King and Queen stepped back into the picture to start anew as the Exiled Souls and to be reborn from the ashes as the great and powerful phenox is. So now they have returned to bring a once great and glorious kingdom back and to make it just as strong if not stronger then what it was before.

So here we are the Exiled Souls. All will learn our name, our friends will grow with us and our enimies will fear and tremble at the sound of our name. Again Xs will go down as one of the supreme kingdoms known to all.

Exiled Souls


Royal Family



Supervisory Ranks


Subbordinate Ranks




Common Ranks



Vampire Wariors of Vengance VwV


Read Carefully

Clan Laws/Rules
Clan Application