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Click Here to travel back in time!!
We just need to wait for the planetary Alignments to be correct, Then we must sing the song of Janus and Dance around a pentagram of Platinum on the day of the Winter Solstice... What? You mean you Just want to go back a page?!?

Welcome to the C.O.N. HQ, Home of the Council Of Nerds!
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Created by Chris "The Psycho", credit to Dave for helping me out with the odd thing, Java Script Source, for their cool free scrips, Angelfire for hosting me, and everyone who made a site without protecting the code so the rest of us can lift it and edit it! THANKS GUYS!! P.S. feel free to lift my code back! I'm not to bothered as long as you don't totaly steal my site, or not give me any credit for the code!!