New Species Discoveries on Cebu

(By Dr. Franz Seidenschwarz)

All Taxa listed below are endemic to the island of Cebu, Philippines

A. New Species

February 13, 2001 - Kawasan Protosticta. A new damselfly species was discovered in the Kawasan valley by the USC - Botany Research Group. The species was scientifically described by J.van Tol in July of 2005 as Protosticta plicata. The Kawasan valley is the only known place worldwide where this very rare species can be found. 

April 1, 2000 - Nug-as Warrior. A new stick insect was discovered in the Nug-as forest by Sol Pedegrosa, who was working for the Cebu Biodiversity Conservation Foundation at that time. The species was described as Theramenes mandirigma by Oliver Zompro and Orlando Eusebio in April of 2001. The same species had been  already collected in 1974 in Camp-7 but not recognized as a new species. 

Nugas Warrior (Theramenes mandirigma)

August 12, 1999 - A new Drepanosticta damselfly species of the halterata group was discovered in the Kawasan valley by the USC - Botany Research Group. The species still awaits its scientific description.

Kawasan Drepanosticta (Drepanosticta sp.)

November 19, 1998 - Tabunan Risiocnemis. A new  damselfly species was discovered along a  small creek flowing out of the Tabunan forest. The species was scientifically described by Dr. Matti Hämälainen, and named in honor of the head of the USC Botany Research Group, Dr. Franz Seidenschwarz.


Tabunan Risiocnemis (Risiocnemis seidenschwarzi)  

In July of 2000 the population started dwindling and soon became extinct. The last damselfly was seen in March of 2001.

In December of 2007, Reagan Villanueva discovered a new population in the Kawasan river valley in the municipality of Badian.

June 1998 - Bicknell's Hoya. A new Hoya species was discovered in the Municipality of Badian by David Bicknell. De species was described by Dale Kloppenburg in 1999, and named in honor of the finder (Hoya bicknellii).


Bicknell's Hoya (Hoya bicknelli)   

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B. New Subspecies

May 2003 -  Kawasan Paper Kite Butterfly - the Cebu-endemic subspecies of Idea leuconoe was scientifically described by Colin G. Traedaway. He named it in honor of the late Julian Jumalon, a renowned Cebu-based Lepidopterist.

Kawasan Paper Kite (Idea leuconoe jumaloni)  

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Many rare Cebu-species whose only home is Cebu island are threatened. We can do something to avert their extinction by protecting the existing habitats and creating new "survival habitats". 
The loss of habitat must be stopped by all means.

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[USC-Biodiversity Databank] [Research Projects at USC]
[Indigenous Tree Program - Philippines]