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Lesson Two: Basic Present Tense Grammer

Masculine/Feminine words

words ending in 'i' or 'a' --> masculine
words ending in 'ie' or 'o' -->feminine
words starting with 'a' or 's' -->feminine
all the rest --> masculine

no-gui, yes-yui, not-gett.


I         hly          we(including you)     hley
you       hle          we(not including you) hlay
he        hla          you(plural)           hles-ae
she       hlo          they                  hlas-ae


1: There are two we's. The first one is used when one is speaking about the other person being addressed, themself, and maybe another. An easy way to remember this pronoun is that it contains the endings from the pronouns 'you' and 'I' which are the 'e' and the 'y'. The second we is not including the person being spoken two. Notice that the pronouns with this one includes the endings from the pronouns 'he' and 'I' which are 'a' and 'y'. Eg: the second pronouns would be used if you were saying to a friend "my family and I, we went to the zoo."

2: In order to make a word plural, add on an 's' to the end and the suffix '-ae' (including the dash). It is pronounced like the english word 'say'. Notice that the plural form of the pronouns 'you', and 'they' contain this ending (because it refers to more than one person).

                 Eg: word: monster-->ahz
                     word: cat-->devi


Every verb has the suffix 'th' on the end when it is in infinative form (just the word without using to show and action. eg: "to eat" rather than "he eats"). To conjigate a verb, remove the 'th' ending and add the ending from the pronoun thst you wish to use. the ending of the pronouns are simply the part of the pronouns after the letters 'hl'. eg: hly --> y.

hly -> y    hley -> ey
hle -> e    hlay -> ay
hla -> a    hles-ae -> es-ae
hlo -> o    hlas-ae -> as-ae

Verb: stomoth (to eat)
stomoth --> stomo
hly stomoy --> I eat.
hle stomoe --> you eat.

*Pronouns are always put before a verb. Never left out like in some languages. This can be an advantage to people just learning the language becasue pronouns and verbs become easy to identify since they always seem to rhyme with one another.


To make a possesive pronoun simply take the 'h' off the pronoun.

Eg: my --> ly (from hly meaning I)

I-->my     hly-->ly    we-->our       hley-->ley
you-->your hle-->le    we(2)-->our    hlay-->lay
he-->his   hla-->la    you(pl)-->your hles-ae-->les-ae
she-->her  hlo-->lo    they-->their   hlas-ae-->las-ae

Eg: They eat your cat.
    las-ae stomoas-ae le devi.
Eg: We(2) eat your elephants.
    hlay stomoay le elephantes-ae.

Negative Sentances

The literal translation in english for all negative niue sentances is the word 'not'.

'Not' in niue is the suffix '-gett'. It is put after the verb (or after the last verb if more than one verbs are used but we'll get into thatlater).

        Eg: I do not love. (verb 'to love'-->pheonth)
            hly pheony-gett
            literal translation: 'I love not'.

Continue to Lesson 3
