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Welcome to, the homepage of Laura Kanis. I am a semi-professional graphics artist, currently going to a Production Art course in college, and my specialties are illustrations and layouts. I am available for commissions, check out my contact info for more information.

This site also contains some images and layouts which are free for use, you can find those in the works section, along with images, layouts, and more, which are up for display and/or sale. My artblog contains blog-format posts of doodles, sketches, and works in progress, arranged by date, newest to oldest. You can comment on entries of the artblog. As well, you can sign the guestbook. Feel free to browse my small collection of links, or link back to me with the banners provided. If you'd like to be included in my links collection, or if you're interested in posting in my artblog, click over to contact and send me a message.

Yes, this is supposed to be the gallery. But I haven't gotten that far yet! First I wanna make all the links clickable. :D YOU=HAPPYNOW KTHX 8D

notes to self: layout fancy text: ATC Jamaica; layout theme colours in hex: yellowish - E6E6BB; blue - 000395; green - 95B084;
Jan.10.05:// Recreated concept of Created flowergroove layout. Did basic coding for layout, as well as basic coding for a few of the pages. Created artblog. Moved Moon Priestess layout to works category and resolved to offer it as a free layout for now.