//The Low DowN
//name: kris kagaoan
//age: 18
//dob: december 31, 1984
//location: la jolla, ca
//school: ucsd - marshall!
//occupation: college student and professional bum
//email: krispexcereal@yahoo.com
//aim sn: awok2remembr
//message: how many licks does it take to get to the center of a [brown] tootsie pop?


URL or Email


Thursday, March 25, 2004

ohkae if you can't read my tagboard..my blog has moved to the efforts of xanga http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=krispexcereal

as me and karina would like to INFORM you all..LEAVE A COMMENT! make us feel special =) or better yet, just tag the board..that will do the trick as well

kuh - risk // 6:21 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

in due time, the new layout will be up thanks to mark. the theme pretty much says it all... until then, life totally blows. im so far behind in school that its gonna be soo hard to catch up to where i should be. as for other stuff, i'm starting not to care and just live each day.

when life deals you a lemon, make some lemonade..but what happens if life is a lemon? the more you squeeze it to make lemonade, the less there is to squeeze. i guess i've gotten to the point where i don't know whats left...

i had a kickbutt time at usc last week, its chill. i was talking to my friend crista today after doc section and shes gonna transfer there next year. after talking to my parents, transfering to usc is a possibility, even though they wish id stick it out here in sd longer. how i chilled at sc was way different than i do down here. i haven't felt that comfortable around friends in a while. its been pretty much going to class and returning to my place going to sleep or procrastinating. chillen with jon and chuck was awesome. seeing riza, felix, ian, james michal, cesar was sick. but most importantly, it was good just sitting down with monica and just talking about everything. it never seizes to amaze me how much we connect on a level beyond best friends. some of the crap i go through here in san diego is what she goes through at usc. we're totally best friends for a reason. but yeah, kicking it with her was just dope, and im gonna visit usc more often.

so just wait for the new page and layout..my site will be moving to https://www.angelfire.com/un/kris

kuh - risk // 10:35 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Wednesday, February 04, 2004


kuh - risk // 1:17 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Monday, February 02, 2004

had to come off hiatus just to share this..

This is how a fucking gangsta rolls.. by starlitelily
gangsta name
gangsta jobenforcer
your fucking problemwanted felon
# of times you ran from the cops100
your sayingi'm being real with you
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

highland park for life fu!

This is how a fucking gangsta rolls.. by starlitelily
gangsta name
gangsta jobenforcer
your fucking problemyou can't read
# of times you ran from the cops59
your sayingfuck that bitch
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!

fo sheezy!

kuh - risk // 12:57 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

havent really talked much lately, and this is the most inopportune time to do so, cause i have a chem midterm and a shetload of hw that is due in the next two days, but then i felt the urge to express some lingering ideas in my head. first and foremost i havent really talked about the new year. one goal of mine for 2004 is to avoid drama at all possible costs, and just be whatever about everything and just appreciate all the good things. it's hard when you're handed a fruit that rots in your presence. as weird as the imagery seems, i don't really know what it meant by all that. all i know is that it explains something im feeling. there's only so much you can do with a rotten fruit. no matter how much you wait, it doesnt seem like its gonna become ripe once again. but you still have the hope that through a freak of nature, it will once again be something worthwhile. so due to my goal, im gonna throw away the fruit, and pick one up exactly like it, hopefully as close in comparison as possible and see how far it can go this time with some care. still confusing? dont worry, im confused as well.

bethel's debut was fun, but it reminded me of a few things. one of course was how much i miss chillin with the peeps and how much i miss dancing every weekend for jay's debut. that is what made my summer, so even just fooling around on the dance floor making a total ass out of myself was worthwhile in the long run, cause i can look back at the day and just remember that it was a day where i left most of my shet at the door and tried to enjoy the atmosphere. but then as much as you want to leave all your shet at the door, there are still somethings that you'll always carry with you that you can't avoid. twas the scenario that friday night, but whatever. life goes on. i've just got to except that i can't always get what i want. as depressing as it may seem for a spoiled brat that i am, it's true.

with school consuming my life, my social life in san diego has taken a turn for the better somewhat. even though i may not chill with everyone as much as i did last quarter, i'm getting by. i'm still antisocial as antisocial can be but amicable to people in my sections and lecture that i see on a regular basis. i've made some dope friends, but the potential of such friendships seem to be just for class purposes. as for the LA people down here with me, i've been spending a lot more time with jenn and margie, and less time with julio, more time with aica. i'm not complaining, don't get me wrong, but who woulda thunk it? each friendship has its perks and each one brings a different menu to the table, something i enjoy for different occasions.

but still something seems to be missing. haven't totally put my finger on it, but my finger is starting to point in a direction. i'm willing to change, willing to make some adjustments to accomodate other things, but so do others to make it work.

enough confusing stuff said. lastly some may come out of reading this thinking "oh, kris has drama again." my response is "again? no, not drama, just some stuff that all people have to face at certain times"

due to all this, a good hiatus is a remedy. i'm gonna go back to pencil and paper to releasing my thoughts, feelings, emotions, random comments, etc. but don't think that the whole site will be done, pics will be posted as soon as midterms are done, and the tagboard is there for communicating, SO COMMUNICATE!

to leave on this note, for those who havent seen my profile lately...jimmy eat world has been soothing to the ears of late..so here goes nothing..

hey don't write yourself off yet
it's only in your head you feel left out
or looked down on
just try your best try
everything you can
and don't you worry what they tell themselves
when you're away

hey you know they're all the same
you know you're doing better on your own
so don't buy in
live right now
just be yourself i
t doesn't matter if that's good enough
for someone else

it just takes some time

kuh - risk // 11:49 PM // GUESTBOOK //


kuh - risk // 1:33 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

hey its kaaat: I met this guy who said he loved children, then I found out he was on parole for it.
hey its kaaat: teheheh!
hey its kaaat: hilary duff i tell you! WRONG
hey its kaaat: lol jk!
hey its kaaat: I'm not saying my wife's a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer.
aWoK2ReMeMBR: you're gay!
aWoK2ReMeMBR: haha
hey its kaaat: no kris! i'm bored
hey its kaaat: but yes, actually i am gay
hey its kaaat: i do like guys
hey its kaaat: I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.
aWoK2ReMeMBR: lame!
aWoK2ReMeMBR: lame
hey its kaaat: ok fine!
aWoK2ReMeMBR: but funny!
aWoK2ReMeMBR: haha
hey its kaaat: =Þ
hey its kaaat: So I said, 'Where do you want to go for your anniversary?'
She said: 'I want to go somewhere I've never been before.'
I said, 'Try the kitchen.'
hey its kaaat: When I was a boy, my mother wore a mood ring. When she was in a good mood it turned blue. In a bad mood, it left a big red mark on my forehead.
hey its kaaat: I've often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go swimming.
hey its kaaat: We used to play spin the bottle when I was a kid. A girl would spin the bottle and if it pointed to you when it stopped, the girl could either kiss you or give you a dime. By the time I was 14, I owned my own home.
aWoK2ReMeMBR: hahahaha
aWoK2ReMeMBR: dork!
hey its kaaat: I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of another boy.

kuh - risk // 3:25 PM // GUESTBOOK //

just for you gail..just for you

You are "Force of Gravity"
You are far too controversial
and cause a scandal wherever you go.

What JC Song Are You?

kuh - risk // 12:59 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Monday, January 12, 2004

watching tmtv got this song stuck in my head, yet it seems pretty appropriate..

He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why
I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why
And I don't know why

- vertical horizon

brings back some memories of some things in the past, but again, i repeat it, its applicable... and thats all im willing to say

kuh - risk // 10:39 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Sunday, January 11, 2004

to clear up some confusion, that screenshot and direct quote is from the OC during the countdown for new years episode.. ok margie?

kuh - risk // 7:38 PM // GUESTBOOK //

enuff said....

all this just to avoid doing some chem hw....

kuh - risk // 3:02 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Monday, January 05, 2004


so im back in sun diego, cause today was a picturesque day. thanks to lorenz, i've started a shrine in my room.

thanks buddy!! looking out for the walls in my room. it's great to be back, but there's already homework knockin at my door, but im too lazy to go answer it. maybe tomorrow.

my roomate chris told me that john mayer and maroon 5 are having a concert in fresno in late february and we really wanna go! THAT SHOULD BE AN AWESOME ROAD TRIP!

kuh - risk // 9:13 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Wednesday, December 31, 2003


thanks julio and kat for greeting me already on the fone..you guys rock

thanks kat and margie for planning that shindig today, twas nice of you guys to do it that way. thanks to jp, lorenz, ed, keith, margie, kat, rose, wayne, aica, jenn, bel, rebbie, chon, therese and julio for showin up today @ kats.

even more thanks to LORENZ for that awesome birthday present. seriously means a lot that you did that for me. it REALLY surprised me -=)

kuh - risk // 12:16 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

THANKS KRISTINA FOR THE DUNKS! muahahahahaha.. im a happy boy


it's only the start, but starting with jennifer gardner {sp?} and dunks can make turning 19 not so bad

kuh - risk // 5:41 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Thursday, December 25, 2003


kuh - risk // 12:01 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

it's sweet to be home again. i'm loving this. im seeing so many of my homies and what not that its just awsome. cant be anymore happier. i've visited the mall three times in the last two days and i havent bought a thing. actually, thats a lie. dianne hooked it up with wetzel today and that was pure awesome.

but yeah, today i spent the day with andrew and paul and someone else at the mall. spending time with them made me realize how much fun i useta have with them. the constant stupid things outta andrew's mouth today like the shirt that said muff diving @ quake: only andrew would find something like that.

all in all it's just the best.

@ the mall today, i found so many things i wanted, yet im waiting for buddy andrew to get em for me. or to see which of them he will get for me. from the dunks @ footaction that are only 50 bucks to the abercrombie jeans to the american eagle jeans, it was funny how anything andrew said to me today, i turned it around and made it about him getting me those items. andrew's a homie...

anyways, im off to watch more METEOR GARDEN. im addicted to this damn chinese soap opera. THANK GOD FOR SUBTITLES...

give me a call if you wanna chill people...

kuh - risk // 12:10 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


i'm almost done with my first fall quarter @ UCSD and it's been a rollercoaster i've enjoyed. the last 3 weeks have been awesome. even better, i'm almost done with my krismukkah shopping! i did most of it today, and theres like ONE PERSON i have to get a gift for still. finals have been an experience. it's like AP tests all over again, yet these come 12 times a year in most cases.

as we were walking back from the bookstore tonight, mahta, erin, chris, and i were just talking about spending money. and after voicing my disgust about spending $200 dollars in the bookstore, i connected buying all these things with needing to do my laundry. it sucks when you're friends laugh at you. i couldn't figure out why they were laughing, yet they informed that my spending habits do not have to do with me doing my laundry AND they knew i wouldn't do something absurd like do my laundry 3 days before go home. i've only done the laundry once down here and i plan not to do it again for a LONG time. it's sad, my roomies and friends here know me better than i know myelf.

oh yeah to KARIZSA and KARINA: i love you guys, HAPPY 19TH birthday yesterday. you know i absolutely cherish our friendships and would go crazy if i didn't have people as dope as you are in my life.

REBBIE: happy 20th birthday today! you hit the TRIPLE D STATUS! DEUCE DOUBLE DIGITS. that's P.I.M.P status right there!

kuh - risk // 9:01 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Saturday, December 06, 2003


so i finally watched love actually, fell asleep but woke up and it was goood. i gotta stop watching movies when im about to sleep, cause i cant really appreciate a movie. like last night i watched matrix revolutions as i was falling asleep and i didn't finish it till when i woke up this morning. the whole movie effect just doesn't happen that way.

anyway, finals coming up. i got one on monday, tuesday, and friday. and then i'm leaving back for home friday. im not scared about any of them except for english. i hate having open ended essay questions. since we've covered so much material in the last 10 weeks, i don't know what to expect really..

time for calc peeps..

kuh - risk // 5:02 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

this is bs...

What will your Funeral be like? by rashock
You will die by:Terrible animal attack while you were out hiking in the mountains. Seemed that you made good animal food, definately a closed casket.
Death Date:November 20, 2031
Number attending your funeral?53
How much will you leave to friends and family?$1,064,219
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

so i die rich, yet young... i bet that animal attack is from a bear by the name of PAUL KARAIAKOUBIAN...

kuh - risk // 10:48 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Monday, December 01, 2003


after watching the last episode of the OC [episode 12 about lukes dad] i started to think about the last couple of days, thanksgiving break in general. i've come to the realization that ive regressed in life a bit. people have come out of high school attempting to "fit in" to a certain group. some have succeeded while others have failed in their attempts to do so. fitting in wasn't a concern of mine in high school. i had my friends and i was content with that. from the guys at school from monday to friday, to the sdym crew on at least wednesday nights for sure, to everyone else on the weekend nights from the imac girls to the sdym people to the old school saint dominics grade school barkada. but despite all of this, i never really associated myself with just one group and one group alone. i was a floater. in each group, i found my knack as i'd like to believe and saw that i didn't need to really fit in. people accepted me for me, not because i was a charity case they wanted to adopt, or so i believe. people accepted me because i was someone they saw something they liked or wanted to share something or wanted to learn something. thanksgiving made me realize how great high school was for me...

TUESDAY: margie and i left early to go back to LA, despite classes and what not on wednesday, we just wanted to be back. the funny part is that margie and i didn't have our normal car ride conversations that are always awesome. we just sang songs to ourselves, to each other, to whoever wanted to listen. we sang the same songs over and over, and i could honestly say that it was one of the best car rides home i've so far witnessed. not because i opened up my whole life to margie and she returned the favor, not because margie gave me the best advice ever or i listened to her plead her case about things, it was the bomb cause we were able to be ourselves genuinely without a front or a mask. in the past few weeks, i've gotten closer to margie more than ever in the last ten years. she has been there to listen to me bitch and moan about the stupidest things, about my insecurities, about how bad i've felt lately, she's always been there to make sure i'm doing fine, and i miss that about high school: being surrounded by so many people that care. of course i know my friends all around care about me, but having margie here is different. it seems as if all the people ive grown close to in high school has transformed into one person at the moment. don't get me wrong, for the people like gail and monica who i still keep in contact with, you guys are awesome. even though we talk everyday almost and it seems like we haven't missed a step, it's different when the person is someone you see almost on a daily basis. i use to be hesitant to tell margie things, but now she has proven to be my wall that i need to lean against when i don't know which direction i should take in the path of life. i don't think anyone has to prove themselves to other people. it's plain stupid. the only person you have something to prove to is yourself. as long as you can sleep at night with a clear conscious and know that you're being true to yourself, it doesn't matter what others think. i use to think that poeple had to prove to me that they were trustworthy enough for me to confide in them. with margie, it was different. she didn't have to do a thing. over time i noticed that she was that kind of person that i could be frankly honest with. you can't go off of other people's incidents with people to formulate you're own opinion about someone. i know it's easier said than done, but im seriously trying to change things and live by that philosophy. i've gotten to the point that i don't care what others think, or so i believe. all i care about is what i believe. it's not me being egocentric or all about myself, it's more about me looking out for myself, or my best interests. margie has called me on it that sometimes im too involved with other people that i forget about the person that is nearest to me: myself.

WEDNESDAY: i travelled to loyola early in the morning after spending about almost 2 hours in line at porto's to buy some breakfast for some teachers that have missed my porto boxes filled with cheese rolls. as soon as i got back to loyola, it felt like i never left. noticing how the school has changed in just a few months, i was able to navigate my way to an old friend's class room. as i walked into Burr Hall, Ms. Perez was talking to her sophomores as i glanced in. she somewhat stopped class for me to acknowledge i was there and it was the nicest thing how she introduced me to her class. after giving her class some busy work, we sat at the back of her class room just catching up on our busy lives since that graduation day in june. despite the frequent emails, it was nice to see her face to face. there is only so much that can be translated through email, instant messaging, text messages and whatever else there is in the world that takes away from face to face conversations and confrontations. being able to see her mouth tell me things was soothing to my ears. walking the hallways was a most memorable occasion. seeing teachers poke their heads out of their classrooms to say hi to me, embracing me with greetings of the college life, and accepting me back into the community like i never left was just an undescribable feeling. the most exhilarating moment of the day came when i was hanging out in my normal spot during class, also known as campus ministry, when a good friend of mine, matt le blanc, walked up in there with his air force uniform on. the coincidence that both of us would visit loyola at the same day is slim to none being that he now resides in colorado. seeing matt for the first time since graduation was just awesome. it reminded me of all the guys i got to know throughout high school. it's one thing to meet people, but it's another thing to grow close to some. it made me realize how much i am at fault for not continuing some of those friendships past graduation. there is so much a person can put into a friendship, the fifty fifty approach, yet if i don't put in my fifty percent, how can i expect someone else to return the favor? i've been stubborn of late to initiate that fifty percent, i admit, yet there are some cases that i feel even if i did, i would not be met halfway. talking to monica about that sunday night during the early hours of the morning as both of us tried to write our papers we talked about how crappy some people have made us feel. trying to be friends with people has backfired and has made us feel like crap cause we're left with the undaunting feeling that maybe we're working for something that is a lost cause. past posts on this blog of mine has talked about the dynamics of friendships. as margie put it, i've attemped to be friends with people that probably don't really care about the friendship and i've overlooked other friendships or attempts at people being friends with me cause it was not what i was looking for. thanksgiving has made me realize, she's more right than i'd like to admit. wednesday night at randy's reminded me how much i've overlooked people that have tried to be my friends. past the fun and games we had playing texas hold em with the guys and taboo with everyone, it made me FOCUS on how lucky i am to be surrounded by some of the greatest people. from randy, gail, tanya, herbie, monica and bobby to name some of them, they have been nothing but supporting to me. they've been there for as long as they could have been and still remain there for the times i need to call upon them. i miss the sdym family feeling. as monica reminded me in her thanksgiving email, FAMILY means that i must FORGET ABOUT ME because I LOVE YOU. the sdym people are a part of my extended family.

THURSDAY: turkey day served as a way for me to realize that i'm a lucky guy to have such a supporting family. a family that believe in my capabilities who all see my potential to become whatever i want to be, it being a doctor or an engineer or whatever my heart desires. the constant asking of how school is going and the affirmation that they believe i can do whatever i set my goals to shows that i've not been forgotten. at times when i think that my family forgets about me since i'm no longer constantly there, i've noticed that they are just making due with what life has given them. they have enjoyed the time they spent with me each time i visit home, but everyone goes on with their life as do i. i need to realize that life goes on when we're dealt a lemon instead of an orange. we may not get what we want, yet we must make due with what we're dealt. it's like texas holdem, either you play the hand or you fold. it's time to be like sam farha and play almost every hand like you have the best hand, even if it deserves a little bluff here and there. i hold the cards in my own pocket. no one can see them the way i do except for myself.

FRIDAY through SATURDAY: growing sick as most of your friends are away at a theme park having a fun time as i spend more time with my family made me realize how much i do love my family. i may not get along with all of them as well as perfect families on television, but then again, no one is perfect. why strive towards perfection when its unattainable. again, make due with what you have, and get as close as to that level of perfection as you can. being sick sucks, especially when you're far from home. no one to tend to your princely needs as being home with your mom making you soup, or your best friend stopping by just to make sure you're as comfortable as comfortable can be with tonsilitis. i miss that feeling, yet i haven't been open to the chance of something happening here in san diego close to what i have grown accustomed to back at home. i've viewed san diego as a stepping ground for higher endeavours yet maybe this is the right place for me, yet my expectations of this place has been dismal. my time in san diego has not been a waste. im doing fine in school, ive met a few people here and there, yet i like to believe that this place has been nothing but a hell hole for me. i've made that hell hole with my mind, distorting the reality around me that i'm doing well here. people thought i'd flourish in san diego cause it was the right setting for my personality, yet my personality has changed a bit. i'm not the same guy in high school that would go out of his way to meet new people to hang out with, talk to, or just meet in general. i've become a victim to my own circle of patheticness.

SUNDAY: everything culmintated well with a quick thirty minute visit on hill drive in front of a house i've grown close to. it was sweet just sitting and catching up with karina and karizsa. it's been ages since we've all sat down and just talked, yet it seemed to pick up where we left off. me and karizsa laughing, and karina talking about whatever comes to mind. for REAL friends, no time is lost no matter what the calendar shows between last visits or conversations. i've been pretty insecure about who are my friends lately and who i've lost in the process, yet i haven't lost anyone. i know that when i do see jason or chris, things will pick up where i left off. with new friendships, whatever happens, happens. the course i take in this journey is one that i will not regret. i've been trying to fit into this college scene yet maybe i should stop trying and see where it takes me. i should apply the same mentality as we told that awesome kairos 47 group: forget what you heard about kairos and experience it for yourself. i should just forget what i expected from college and just live each day as a new day with different things and opportunities to offer me. even though i may not feel like flying anymore, i'm not gonna give up my wings in a sense. here goes it all.

different mentality, different game, different outcomes...

kuh - risk // 2:04 AM // GUESTBOOK //


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

kuh - risk // 1:01 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Friday, November 28, 2003

it feels awesome to be home once again. things have settled down here better than i expected and im so loving this extended trip at home. what sucks is that im sick...

- head ache
- fever
- tonsilitis (sP?)
- waking up to bloody noses almost every morning
- aching back

what else could i guy ask for?! 2 days left, and im gonna try to make the most of it before finals week comes around. i'll fill you people in on this awesome week when i get back to my lonely dorm @ ucsd. but until then, FAWK SAN DIEGO! im such a city guy [dante bascoc's character from what some people at marshall have noticed, due to the fact i room with a black guy and a white guy and im the filipino...what tv addicts.. oh wait, i am one too]

peace people...

kuh - risk // 11:36 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Sunday, November 23, 2003

ohkae, let's get something STRAIGHT,

i AM NOT GAY. i like FEMALES, which would make me STRAIGHT. so to those who have been wondering or thinking or believing or spreading rumors otherwise, get it into your non-fickle minds.

im pretty tired of this sh!et.

kuh - risk // 3:15 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Friday, November 21, 2003

FRIDAY NIGHT, absolutely not doing anything, so in my frustration of being trapped in my apartment, i started looking at my yearbook and just wanted to put a smile on my face. i've kept in touch with a few of my high school friends from loyola aka lorenz, ed, and a few others. but reading some of the things in my yearbook made me just smile so i thought id share it with you.. the loyola guys that read this will smile if not laugh at some of the stupidest things in here [transcribed word for word as written in my yearbook]....

"Kris con K,
yo wutup kid. it's been mad cool ebing friends with ya. You made my kairos hella fun. it's no doubt you're gonna do your thing and make that cash flow, cuz you know i will (legally or illegally; you know how black peeps do it). But check it, enjoy yourself in wahtever, or whoever, you get into. Peac kid, stay up! One.

That half Ni**A named B.J. aka B Sweets aka Byron


if you have 1 apple, and i have 2 apples, together we would have three apples. =) Been great knowing you and i see endless potential in that little head of yours. I'm sure the society of Jesus is very fortunate to have such a fine person. You'll make a great Jesuit. You're the greatest. Peace out playa.

Clarence Funtanilla


4 years have gone by. We had good memories. We had the West Co - Eagle Rock connection. They couldn't touch us. You and me had the best style of all these fools. I'll seriously miss you. You were one of my best buddies over here. Call me up anytime.

Nogales 4 Life


loyola was just awesome. i miss the island boys and the pusoy dos playing and the MUCHO MACHO BURRITO. the one thing i lack down here in sd is having that sense of brotherhood. some of the guys were just full on dope. from Jason, Jon, Clarence, Prado, Chuck to Joel, Ian, Joey, Raymond to Andrew, Paul, and Coconut [Michael], to Pat, Theo and Ivan to JP, Edgard, Lorenz, Sully, Paul Lee, Jeff, Lok Ming, Brian the island made its presence known.

the new task at hand is to make that same connection here @ SD.... now thats gonna be difficult..

kuh - risk // 9:53 PM // GUESTBOOK //

i've made a new friend...

MUSIQ. he's gotten me through long nights of not doing homework and just been there for me through the restless nights of tossing and turning in bed trying to fall asleep. im just waiting for his new cd to drop, cause for sure that will be off the hook.

speaking of friend, i talked to my snapple elements partner today, oh how i've missed her. she makes me smile. 'nuff said.

all i ask is to be able to get through this weekend. i need to write this paper and i can go home for thanksgiving a happy camper. my first quarter in college is almost at its end. i have a lot of mixed feelings about it. but maybe last night settled some uncertainty. will i stick around to see my sophomore year at ucsd occur, not sure yet, but i just have to make the best of this year.

in other news, i'm just waiting for mark to make me a new template. the THEME is just awesome. i was sitting in my living room and one of my apartment-mates played this song that i haven't heard in like forever and a year. it brought back some good ole memories of a week in may of 2002. and the lyrics could not be more perfect for my changed attitude now a days..

with KRISmas rolling around the corner, i've been wondering what i'm gonna buy people. but before that happens, karizsa reminded me that we're turning 19 in a few weeks. gosh we feel old. that's lolo status already. who woulda thunk it?

GO LAKERS. can't wait till the 21st of December. should be an awesome day, from what i plan.. let's just hope everything follows through. and who said money can't buy happiness? i'll be pretty damn happy that day watching the dream team. nuff said..

kuh - risk // 12:01 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Thursday, November 20, 2003


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

kuh - risk // 10:50 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Friday, November 14, 2003

ok. sorry, i couldn't read your last post so i had to check by posting? anyway, yeah i'm new at this blog thing... like a virgin, yknow. oh btw, it's margie. kris and i had a talk bout friends and friendships and as yall can see in the previous post, before my "checking" one, he blogged his frustrations out and vented to me online.

ok bud, i'm just going to talk to you through this post bc that it'll be easier for me. think of it as a public letter.

so here we are again talking about friendships right? Kris, the friend, the "bad boy," the generous giver, the one who puts alot of effort in his friendships. My friend, sometimes you got to let things flow, you got to let things breathe, you got to let things go. I'm going to be completely honest with you because true friends are the ones who tread on soft ground; they will dare to tell you things you may not want to hear. And sometimes it seems as though you, like you said, try so hard to develop friendships by giving it your all, but when it comes to relationships and such, things have to work out naturally. You are right when you said that friendships are about meeting halfway. However, meeting halfway doesn't necessarily mean having the both of you put as much effort as the other. With friendships, there has to be a willingness that you feel. If you feel that you have to try, that it's almost a burden, do you genuinely want that friendship? Because if you do then you can't expect anything in return. You can't be impatient about not getting what you think you deserve. You give yourself freely to another because your friendship with that person is important to you. On the otherhand, you don't want to be in a relationship/friendship with someone who seems to be doing all the taking, leaving you with nothing. I'm sorry that this is so broad, but I don't know who you're talking about and what your situation is exactly, so I am making this as general as possible.

I don't know. It's like you know who your real friends are, your soulmates, your inspirations. You can get along without them, but you wouldn't want to because they make you feel good about yourself and about life. It's not like you depend on them for everything, but you know that they will be there during those times when you really need someone. Take for instance Monica! Now she's a true friend. Like you told me, you guys click. You get along very well. As friendships come, your friendship with monica is one of the best. You appreciate her and she appreciates you.

Why would you want to "try" with someone who doesn't appreciate you? Ok. I'm hoping you are not expecting way too much, because even you know that you have high expectations when it comes to having friends. lol They're human too and they make mistakes. All I'm saying is that why would you want something to fit when it can't? It's like girls. They have different body types. They should wear clothes that fit according to the body types they have. A girl who doesn't have a nice stomach would not look as good with a tankini or whatever than a girl who has a toned one. I mean, it's just not flattering. It's awkward. It just won't fit right. I'm not saying that you are a girl or that you have a stomach!!! lol haha. no. But yes, things are meant to be and aren't meant to be for a reason. Who knows? Maybe it's the timing that sucks and maybe later it'll happen. But if it wasn't meant to be, then let that be. It's better for you anyway. I'm sure there are other people who are more compatible with you.

People fear loss. They fear it because they are not sure how they'd be able to handle it. They even fear losing the things that weren't good for them in the first place. In time, you'll look back and be grateful for your experiences even with things that didn't quite fit. Just don't force something. It's bound to break.

Oh my. It's late and I usually go to bed at 10 30 to 11! wah because of you!!!! Hello! I let you know that i was here already and you still had to call?!?!!??? why?!?!?!!

jk. staying up to write this for you is all good. that's what friends are for! be grateful for your true friends kris. even the ones who you don't even see as true friends. don't let those go bc you'll miss out.

luv yah bud. take it easy. remember. it'll all be ok. like we all say in meteor, "you got this."

kuh - risk // 12:04 AM // GUESTBOOK //

hmm ok i have to check something

kuh - risk // 12:00 AM // GUESTBOOK //

Thursday, November 13, 2003

why is being friends with someone so frustrating? it's like damn b!tch, what the hell.. i'm trying.. but then i get slapped and pushed away.... i can only goo so far...

the dynamics of friendship... soo complicated...

kuh - risk // 11:56 PM // GUESTBOOK //

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

simply said, i miss..

kuh - risk // 11:13 AM // GUESTBOOK //

//PeaK aT ThiS PiCs
updated: 12.01.03

//webcam pics
//carly's bday
//old school st dominic pictures
//random pics
//random pics 2
//karizsa and karina's debut
//loyola winter formal 2002
//sdym krismas party
//imac winter formal 2002
//kris' 18th birthday party
//bel's 18th birthday party
//carly's debut
//krissy's debut
//loyola high school prom 03
//loyola grad nite 03
//thanksgiving 03

//Take Me There

//bLog buds:
//JEFF (D)
//JEFF (M)
//JOHN (A)
//KRIS (L)
