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Hidiour Empire History


The Hidiour Empire is organized in two clases the High Command who takes political desicions, research new technologies, and many others functions. The other class are the workers who obdey the High Command without questionning. Noone in the history of our empire has tried a rebellion because of the iron hand of the High Command.


Biological Description:

The Hidiour people are semi-liquid, our skin color changes as we want, we can be anything from a thing of half our size to a thing of the double of our size. The size of one Hidiour can be from 2 meter of diameter to 5 meters. Our livespan is 200 years. Because our morphing ability we're specialized on intelligence operations.


We are a very ancient race, we appear after the creation of the universe in a far side of the universe mostly uninhabited. When we made our first space travel with a ship named Arkor I (who was our emperor) and explored our moon. We named our home planet as Darknoss I because the grey color it had. After the exploration of our moon named Skas we develop new technologies, mainly propulsion systems to explore our solar system, a few years later one ship discovered an anomaly wich could be used to travel to another system, we named them warp points.

We continue to develop new technologies and expanding across our galaxy, in a few decades we've colonized half of our galaxy, but not much passed before we encounter a race... on year 1253 (Of our race) at the Grafj system while we were exploring, one of our recon ships reported something coming out of a warp point. A few minutes later the ship sent a transmission on an unknown language, that we're unable to translate. A few hours later the ship attacked and destroy our explorer ship. On our worlds this was a war declaration and we move a fleet to secure the system. We find out that our enemy was technologicaly inferior and our warships quickly defeated them, forcing them to surrender. As we explore the rest of our galaxy we encounter a few more races, some of them Allied with us others were wiped out. And in little time we controlled the whole galaxy. Years later our scientists began the development of a technology wich will allow us to travel to anothers galaxies the development of this technology took 1000 years, but finally we made it.

We made 10 fleets of 1000 ships each, specially for this task, and we travel...

Our fleet entered the portal and appear in another galaxy, we saw a few planets and we went to the most apropiate, and stablish a colony. Millons of years passed and we continue colonizing galaxies wiping out species, without saying a word, we had most of the know universe but then our scientist discovered something....

On a abandoned planet we found a ruin of an ancient civilization even olders than us, and a message wich only our most advanced equipment could decode. We decoded it, and an unknown signal was sent somewhere, the message said "You advanced race, you now have sufficient technology to join us, we can not allow you to control most of your universe you must depart. On the ruins of this planet you'll find the technology plans for a gate wich you must activate, otherwise we'll come for you..."

We do not belive the message and put our forces in alert, a haundred years later when we thought it was over one of our fleets send a message... "Alert, Alert, unknown jump signature detected, unknown ships are attacking us, we need reinforcements. We have destroyed some of their ships but they still incoming our fleet it's almost destroyed we die for the emperor.... (Transmission lost)"

So we sent 50% of our fleet to block the galaxy and system invaded, and when they arrived the unknows attacked them quickly. They always send the same transmission... "We came for you do not fight came to us or be destroyed we can't allow you to continue on this universe." So we attacked and ordered to build more warships, we also ordered to made the final solution... The Galaxy Destroyer. The unknows wiped out our fleet but they suffered a serious damage. So we decided to send the galaxy destroyer the most powerfull vessel ever created scorted by all of our ships once it reaches the center of the galaxy our ship's would warp out and we'll destroy the whole galaxy with any enemy in....

So the fleet departed and after a giant battle and with our forces almost destroyed the galaxy destroyer reach the center of the galaxy but our fleet was so damaged that they couldn't warp out so the fleet activated the galaxy destroyer and the following message was sent by out fleet: "we're trapped we can't scape but the galaxy destroyer has reach the center of the galaxy even if we die they came with us, rebuild our fleet an anihilate them please, we die for the emperor, activating the galaxy destroyer device in 5,4,3,2,1, (Transmission lost)". Then ours sensors detected a massive explosion wich destroyed the entire galaxy. We tought that the enemy was destroyed but...

... A few days later we recived emergency comunnications from many of our galaxies... "Unknows jumping in we need reinforcements now, they are sending a message: This is your last chance, came with us or be destroyed" The new fleets that appear were even bigger than the fleet we destroyed and them jump in almost every galaxy of our empire. So the emperor sent this message in all know frequencies "This is the Hidiour Empire we have decided to go with you" but the emperor who was not happy ordered a big number of our people to take many ancient spacecraft and stay to colonize a few planets with the order to rebuild our empire..."

A few hours later a massive wave of energy transported us with our enemy... but not all of us were transported, the ancient ships with our people remain and we're now alone in this universe with our empire reduced to one system in one galaxy and without all our technollogy. So we grew anger and we are starting to rebuild our empire again and a promess was made: "We will recover our ancient empire even if we need to destroy all damned species in this universe."