This Week in "Unraveling the Secrets"
      Weather Report 
      Three World Wars
     Rare coin find stuns historians
     Dinosaur Fossils Found in Antarctica
     Proof that Bigfoot is Real
       Dellschau Showing in Orlando, Florida
Insider’s Report for 2004 #9        February/28/2004                             Editor: Dennis Crenshaw

Researched By Tal LaVesque
Formerly with The Hollow Hassle
"We've known for some time that we have to worry about the impacts of climate change on our children's and grandchildren's generations. But we now have to worry about ourselves as well." -- Margaret Beckett, British Secretary of State for Environment (April, 2002)

Editors Remarks:  If information coming out of several overseas newspapers is true there is a BIG problem coming down the pike.  A problem far greater than terrorism … or even gay marriages.  It’s the weather. 
  According to information leaked this week to the British newspaper, ‘The Observer", a 38 page report has just been issued to President George Bush warning of sudden drastic changes expected in the weather in the next few years. But not changes that will be welcomed by mankind according to this secret top-drawer report.
  I have always believed that the idea of ‘global warming’ was a farce.  I personally saw no significant changes in the weather to cause me concern.  But it might be high time I took another look at the idea.  Especially after studying all the undisputable hard evidence Tal has found in his usual doggedly way.    … Dennis.

   We’ll start with the new revelation, the Report to the President.  The Australian is not the only overseas newspaper running the story but there are no  United States mainstream papers reporting on this  that I know of yet.
From The Australian comes the following report:
"Climate change may bring famine, war."
From AFP
February 23, 2004
   "A SECRET report prepared by the Pentagon warns that climate change may lead to global catastrophe costing millions of lives and is a far greater threat than terrorism.
   "The report was ordered by an influential US Pentagon advisor but was covered up by "US defense chiefs" for four months, until it was "obtained" by the British weekly The Observer.
   "The leak promises to draw angry attention to US environmental and military policies, following Washington's rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and President George W. Bush's skepticism about global warning - a stance that has surprised scientists worldwide.
   "The Pentagon report, commissioned by Andrew Marshall, predicts that "abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies," The Observer reported. …"
The report, quoted in the paper, concluded: "Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life.... Once again, warfare would define human life."
For the complete in-depth story;,5744,8765076%5E31477,00.html
Here, according to the Observer, are some of the nightmarish predictions President Bush must face.
Key findings of the Pentagon
Sunday February 22, 2004
The Observer
· Future wars will be fought over the issue of survival rather than religion, ideology or national honor.
· By 2007 violent storms smash coastal barriers rendering large parts of the Netherlands inhabitable. Cities like The Hague are abandoned. In California the delta island levees in the Sacramento River area are breached, disrupting the aqueduct system transporting water from north to south …
Complete Report:,6903,1153514,00.html
For more on this important and breaking story read:
Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us.
Mark Townsend and Paul Harris in New York
Plenty of supporting evidence of drastically changing weather patterns can be found.  First, from a 12/15/03 report on
Forecasters say 2004 should be another busy hurricane season
By Patrick O'Driscoll, USA TODAY
   " … The 2004 hurricane season should also bring an above-average hurricane season, one of the nation's top hurricane forecasters is predicting.
"In its 21st annual forecast, released today, the project team led by hurricane scientist William Gray predicts that 13 tropical storms (with winds of 39 — 73 mph) will form with seven growing into hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or more), and three of them becoming major (winds 111 mph or more).
  "Gray's researchers also predict the hurricanes could be more damaging. They expect a 15% higher-than-normal "hurricane destruction potential" and forecast a 68% chance that one of those major hurricanes will hit the U.S. coast. That's a 30% higher probability than normal. …"
For the complete report:
As Tal explained on filing this report "I’m finding collaborating evidence everywhere. And from way back. This study comes from our own National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (also known as the Weather Service).  Some strong talk here.":
NOAA 2001-011
Contact: Connie Barclay
Coral Reefs, Wetlands, Shoreline Communities and Fisheries Under Threat Due To Potential Impacts Of Climate Change
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (the Weather Bureau) released a new report titled, "The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal and Marine Resources," that concludes in this century may have serious implications for U.S. coastal and marine resources:
The whole Report is at:
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has a very graphic report of the effect of drastic changes in climate called "The Impacts of climate change."
 "The earth’s changing climate will have impacts that are wide ranging for people and for wildlife. …
  "We are already aware of widespread effects on wildlife. The timing of the seasons is changing: swallows are arriving earlier, birds and other animals are breeding earlier, and trees are coming into leaf earlier. Some animals and plants are starting to move from or extend the places where they live, generally forced northwards (in the northern hemisphere) or upwards, as the Earth gets warmer. Some species, like the golden toad in the cloud forest of Monteverde in Costa Rica, have already failed to adapt to these changes and have become extinct: the first of what will be an inevitably long list of species paying the ultimate price for being unable to keep up with accelerated rate of climate change. …"
Read it all:
Here’s a report from the 3/20/02 issue of The Guardian:
Antarctica sends 500 billion tonne warning of the effects of global warming
Scientists stunned as huge ice shelf falls apart in a month
John Vidal
Wednesday March 20, 2002
The Guardian
  "An area of ice thought to weigh almost 500 billion tonnes has broken off the Antarctic continent and shattered into thousands of icebergs in one of the most dramatic examples yet of the effects of climate change.
  "Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey said yesterday the speed of the complete disintegration of the 200-metre thick, 3,250 square kilometre Larsen B ice-shelf was "staggering".
  "The collapse is believed to have dumped more ice into the Southern Ocean than all of the previous half century's icebergs combined. "This is the largest single event in a series of retreats by ice shelves in the peninsula over the last 30 years. The retreats are attributed to a strong climate warming in the region," said the US government's Ice Center. …",7369,670456,00.html
Just one of many articles on this subject posted at The Heat Is Online.
Scientists Warn of Imminent New Ice Age
Global warming will plunge Britain into new ice age 'within decades'
The Independent (U.K.) Jan 25, 2004
"Britain is likely to be plunged into an ice age within our lifetime by global warming, new research suggests.
A study, which is being taken seriously by top government scientists, has uncovered a change "of remarkable amplitude" in the circulation of the waters of the North Atlantic.
   "Similar events in pre-history are known to have caused sudden "flips" of the climate, bringing ice ages to northern Europe within a few decades. The development - described as "the largest and most dramatic oceanic change ever measured in the era of modern instruments", by the US Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, which led the research - threatens to turn off the Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe's weather mild.
From the first class scientific  information site, Nature, comes the following report:
"Record melt in Arctic and Greenland
"Ice sheets shrank by 1 million square kilometres this summer.
"9 December 2002
"Tom Clarke
   "Ice covering the Arctic Ocean and Greenland shrank by record amounts this summer, new research shows. The rise in seasonal melting has led some experts to estimate that 20% of Arctic sea ice could be lost by 2050.
   "Using satellite-based microwave surveys, Mark Serreze and colleagues at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, spotted that Arctic sea ice, which usually covers around 6.5 million square kilometres in the summer, fell to around 5.5 million square kilometres this year. Similarly, Konrad Steffen, of the University of Colorado at Boulder, found that 16% more Greenland ice melted this summer than in 1979, when satellite monitoring began.
   "These are the largest decreases ever seen. …"
Full report:
While the British newspaper The Observer is getting the credit for breaking the story David Stipp actually scooped them in this report published in Fortune magazine on-line last month:
"The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare
"The climate could change radically, and fast. That would be the mother of all national "security issues.
"By David Stipp

   "Global warming may be bad news for future generations, but let's face it, most of us spend as little time worrying about it as we did about al Qaeda before 9/11. Like the terrorists, though, the seemingly remote climate risk may hit home sooner and harder than we ever imagined. In fact, the prospect has become so real that the Pentagon's strategic planners are grappling with it.
   "The threat that has riveted their attention is this: Global warming, rather than causing gradual, centuries-spanning change, may be pushing the climate to a tipping point. Growing evidence suggests the ocean-atmosphere system that controls the world's climate can lurch from one state to another in less than a decade—
Read all about it here:,15935,582584,00.html
Finally, another good source of information to give you a better understanding of this problem, and help you decide for yourself what you will do (if anything) is the web page of the Stanford University group, "The Center for Conservation Biology."   I’m sure if you do a little surfing you’ll find more on this possible frightful worldwide problem.
Editors Remark:  Like I said at the beginning of this well researched report from TAL I never paid much attention to the tree-huggers and their "global warming" warning before.   But with this accumulative information it might be time I started.  However, I’m afraid that if it’s true, even Governor Arnold can’t get us out of this one.   
  Of course, having a conspiratorial mind, I also realize that this is an election year in the United States.  Global Warming is old news. Kerry, the liberal Democratic opponent  believes in global warming.  Bush, the conservative Republican President doesn’t.  The press is liberal.  And like the man said … timing is everything.   …  Dennis.
   "Are you losing sleep because you don't know what's happening in this world of ours?
   "Sick of the constant babble spewed forth from almost all network news stations, where they seem to say so much, and yet inform so little?
  "Desperate in your quest to find the real reason events are transpiring the way they are, and yet not finding any answers?
   "Do you understand the bigger picture?
   "Are you really able to stand back and grasp the helicopter view of current events? Are you too easily influenced by the useless 'news' regurgitated by today's controlled media? Are you bombarded by too much information of inconsequential import to be able to 'time out' and understand where this is all leading? Wouldn't the way you live your life be vastly different if you understood what's happening around you?
   "If you don't know how much of recent history has been manipulated to achieve the desires of powerful leaders, you may be setting yourself up for treatment similar to those who suffered in the German concentration camps in the 1940's.
   "Well read on to see how we can justify this statement. Here's your opportunity to learn about the Conspiratorial Nature of History, and how all events of historical significance have been planned and engineered. Here's what an astute politician said, 9 months before the tragic events of 9/11: …"
Continued in:
pandt725, a member of the Hollow Earth Study Group, brought the following report to the group’s attention.
[Not a member?  Join the group today by sending your e-mail address to the group site.  .  They are good people, truth seekers all. Tell them I sent you gotta do it ...  I promised I’d draw in 12 new members!]. 
© 2004 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
March/April 2004, Volume 60, No. 2, p. 2
Something must be done
By Linda Rothstein
   "Last August … the president's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) was busy putting the final touches on its "Draft Bulletin on Peer Review." The
bulletin, now halfway through the approval process, is a little
something designed to give a White House known for denying unpleasant
facts absolute power over information.
   "Don't be silly, you say--they couldn't do that. But John D. Graham,
OMB's administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, finds that viewpoint naïve. As he told a National Academy of
Sciences' conference on the OMB's proposed new rule governing the
control of scientific information, …"
For the complete article go to:

DENNIS:  Welcome Bruce.  First let me welcome you back to the pages of the Hollow Earth Insider.  It’s been a long time since we last talked officially, and much has changed.  If you’re ready, then I’m ready to do that interview.  I hope this isn’t too short of a notice, but doing a weekly thing instead of a bi-monthly is a bit different. Everything is speeded up. I decided when I brought the report on-line at the first of the year that, with the Internet, information travels so fast that a week was about as long as a person can hold a story before its old news. Things sure have changed since the "good old days" of swapping information through the post office.
BRANTON: I understand, and agree.   Things have changed.   But I believe it’s for the better.
DENNIS:  For us information freaks it couldn‘t be better, that‘s for sure.
  This is a bit strange, as I’ve never conducted an interview through e-mail before. It seems like it will work out nicely because it doesn’t put a person on the spot like radio shows or phone calls do.
BRANTON:  And It Gives the "interviewee" time to think about his response rather than just sprouting off the first thing that comes to his/her mind.
DENNIS:  First a couple of personal questions, if you don’t mind.
Do you mind giving out your age?
BRANTON:  No not at all, I am 43.
DENNIS:   I know that recently you were involved in a near-fatal accident and that the rumor started to spread that you hadn’t made it, but several of us (thanks to Tal LaVesque for keeping us posted) were able to squelch that tale before it got too far. What exactly happened?
BRANTON:  I like to bicycle, and I was on my ten-speed crossing a street at an intersection.  Just at that moment a man who was arguing with his girlfriend instead of watching where he was driving turned the corner and slammed into my bike and me. I flew through the air and was thrown through his windshield. 
  When the paramedics arrived they tried to revive me.  I was later told that my heart stopped beating for about a minute when they were working over me, but they were able to bring me back. (I have a strong feeling that in the short time that I was "dead" I encountered the Almighty, who told me to go back.  That my mission was not complete.  This is not a memory but a strong feeling). 
  I was life-flighted 45 miles north from Provo to Salt Lake City.   I was in a coma for half a week.  They kept me in intensive care for about three months.  Then I was moved to a care center for about a year-and-a-half.  Since then I have been living in an "assisted-living" center in Orem, Utah.  I have been working a part-time job in an effort to work my way back into the work force.      Of course, my parents have been there for me all along and have helped me through this.  In the mean time my attorney is suing the man who hit me (and the company of the truck he was driving) for 1.5 million dollars, since the medical bills alone came to about half a million.  Not to speak of all the other expenses.  But I’m alive.
DENNIS:  Believe me, all of your many friends were praying for you during your ordeal.  But, You can’t go anywhere just yet; we still need your help in exposing the stuff going on right under our feet … pun intended. 
    Even though I hate to bring it up … but because of your research and you popularity amongst those of us who study government conspiracy and related subjects, I must ask you … do you believe there were any "outside forces" or sinister agents involved in this accident?
BRANTON:   If there were outside forces I would suspect that they were spiritual forces, however I see no indication that it was intentionally planned (not by humans at least).  It was just an accident caused by someone not paying attention.  Pure and simple.
DENNIS: When, did you first become involved in your research/writing about the Inner Earth?
BRANTON:  Well, about the age of 12 when I lived in Draper, Utah, I would often sleep outside in the summer, and look at the stars.  I remember that I saw many strange lights in the sky from time to time that I could not explain.  Now, my big brother collects all kinds of book and among his books I found one titled, "Flying Saucers: Serious Business", by Frank Edwards.  I read it through and I was hooked.  Then things started to click.   For, although I do not have solid memories of this, I have had many "dreams" of being abducted, I think by Grays and Nordics.
   As a child in the dreams other family members were also there.  I believe that some of these abductions took place out in the wilds, because in my younger days my parents took all eight of us kids into the Utah deserts to hunt bits of pottery, arrowheads, dinosaur bones and such.  The family spent a lot of time camping and fishing.  I believe that many of these  contacts took place during these outdoor times.
DENNIS:   The person who I credit to pointing me in the right direction was Ray Palmer. Unfortunately he died before I could meet him, but I do treasure the several long phone conversations I had with him in the late 60s.  Did Ray Palmer or Richard Shaver have any kind of influence on your involvement into what has become your life‘s work?
BRANTON:  I remember that as a teenager I would often go to the University library in Provo, Utah (it is a huge library). And pour through the back issues of "Amazing Stories" and read many of the articles and letter concerning the underground world. As you know Richard Shaver first became well known in the pages of "Amazing Stories."  And Ray Palmer was the editor.  Many of the entrances, etc. that were mentioned in those early stories can now be found at my "Project Redbook" database at:
 DENNIS:   I recently saw a copy of the 1983 book, "A Guide to the Inner Earth" that you wrote and compiled under the name Bruce A. Walton for sell on the Internet for $53.00. Bet you never thought it would bring in that kind of dough.
   By the way I think that "A Guide to the Inner Earth" is one of the most important books in my extensive Inner Earth research library. I mean that sincerely.
   How long did it take you to compile it?
BRANTON:  It took me about a year to write it, however I had been collecting the information and references for a few years before that, trying to organize all of the notes that I had into an alphabetical list.  Then the list became so large that I decided to put it all into a book.  I gave away all the rights to the book to the publishers because at the time I was more interested in getting the information out than in money.   However that is one thing I regretted doing, because I gave up all royalties for the book.  But it’s all right, I guess, because all my needs are being met, and I believe that there will be rewards in the afterlife for those who stand for the truth.
DENNIS:  We have to believe that or what’s the use?  And how were you able to locate the massive amount of information presented in A Guide to the Inner Earth?
BRANTON:  Well, when you dig up one root you may find that it is connected to another one, and eventually you will find lots of them.  For instance if you read a book or an article about a certain subject, then they will often have references directing you to similar information, and on and on … I simply kept track of every reference that I came across as I followed the trail of knowledge back to it‘s original source.
DENNIS:  Well, I know one thing.  If it was a sentence in an obscure magazine that mentioned anything about the Inner Lands before 1983, it can be located using your guide.  I personally want to thank you for that great contribution to our field of study.
People who have been investigating the Inner Lands and stuff related to it for several decades recognize the name Bruce Walton right off the bat. However, many of those who have only been looking into this stuff for only 10 years are so don’t usually recognize the name.
   Yet, mention the name "BRANTON" and everyone knows who we mean. I knew that they were one and the same, but I never publicized the fact. We never talked about it, and I never asked.  But now that it’s out in the open. Tell me, why the name change?
BRANTON:  No name change.  You can tell others this, because it is no longer a secret.  The name BRANTON simply comes from "BRuce Alan WalTON" (BR-A-N-TON)
DENNIS:  And did you mean for it to become general knowledge that Bruce A. Walton and "BRANTON" were one and the same?
BRANTON:  At first I was leery of it, but later on I really did not care if anyone associated "BRANTON" with Bruce Alan Walton.

DENNIS:  One of the classic subterranean books of all time, of course is "Etidorhpa" which follows the adventures and misadventures of THE MAN on a trip to the center of the earth. Years ago you pretty much proved that our hero in Etidorhpa" "THE MAN" was actually a real person, William Morgan, and that the events leading up to his descent into the caverns were in fact true.
[Thanks to the efforts of Hollow Earth research/writer Dean Dominic De Lucia (Dean/Drama) (Hollow Earth in The Puranas) you can find the  complete classic book, "Etidorhpa" online at:].
 [BRANTON‘S complete report "Was William Morgan The Man?" can be read on our site on the "Guest Researchers" page at].
DENNIS:  Also at the same time as the Morgan report you presented pretty convincing evidence of the exact location of the cavern entrance that I AM THE MAN and his guide used to reach the inner lands.   Somewhere in Kentucky, wasn’t it?
BRANTON:  That is correct. 
DENNIS:  If I remember right, you had it narrowed down to a certain plat map.
BRANTON:  Here’s a topo map site of Kentucky … about in the center there are two sections covering "Livingston County", if I remember correctly it is the "Burna" quadrangle that we are interested in.  The library computer that I am currently using at this time cannot download the file, however you might be able to do so.  Here is the link:
DENNIS:  Since you release that report have you been able to narrow it down any closer to the spot where that entrance is located?
BRANTON:  No I have not really checked into it, however others might have better luck.
DENNIS:   I remember the excitement of your correspondence with me during the time when you were working on the Dulce project.
[The Dulce War: Underground Alien Bases & the Battle for Planet Earth].
 What’s the word today on the 4-Corners area? Any activity going on there?
BRANTON:  Just what I have written about in the past, if there is any current activity I have not heard of it.  Oh, just for the information of you and others my "root" web site is at:
DENNIS: It should already be bookmarker by most of our readers, and I know that from this moment on  it will be on the top of the list of all our readers favorite sites.
   In "THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE" you and your colleagues revealed what you called "The Conspiracy Against Reality".
       [The Secrets of The Mohave:].
Some pretty heavy stuff. Has your revelations stopped, or at least slowed down that particular movement against our freedoms and all that that entails?
BRANTON:  I do not know for sure, bit I certainly hope so.
. DENNIS:  And of course the information you supplied which chilled me personally the most … The Omega File.
[The Omega Files: Nazi UFO Bases Revealed!:].
This massive amount of work got to me the most because, without going into detail at this time, it dovetails with my personal independent research in many scary ways.
BRANTON:  Great! I am glad to hear that others are finding these e-books useful.
DENNIS: My question is.  Is there  any new information to report from this sinister web of intrigue?
BRANTON:  Well, I would suggest that you click on the link above [the "root" web site], and it will take you to other pages that I am constantly adding to.  A person could literally spend days or weeks browsing through all of the information and links that can be accessed through my root website.  My main concern right now is to continue to build my web site … actually "web-net" or "website-network" would be more appropriate … and to continue spreading the word.
DENNIS:  I know that much of the stuff … your connections etc. must be kept confidential and I realize that you can‘t talk about on-going investigations.  But, can you tell us, what direction your research is going in today?
BRANTON:  Well, at this time I am trying to link the connections between the spirit-mental-physical realms, the exterran-quanterran-subterranean (quanterran refers to other dimensions) realms as it related to the "cosmic conflict" (COS-CON) that we are involved with.
  I have found that terrain politics, extraterrestrials, other-dimensions, and the cavern world all link together on several levels. 
  I honestly believe that there is a  ‘war’ going on between the Reptilian Grays and the Nordic Humans.  I have heard that anyone who asks could simply receive a divine blood-transfusion from the Christ-logos and be empowered with divine energy to defeat these dark entities, for the Bible tells us: "Behold I give onto you power to tread on serpents" …  And these aliens (PTERODACTYLIN  "MOTHMAN," veloci-raptor like   "REPTILOID"), the GRAYS who are remarkably similar to a smallish dinosaur called, "STENONYCHOSAURUS EQUALLUS", and the so-called "AMPHIBOIDS", and of course, according to the Eden legend the "serpent" and it’s alliance with the fallen archangel Lucifer, are behind all of the problems we see in the world.
   I firmly believe that many of these fallen angels have actually "incarnated" within Reptilian/Saurian bodies, and that these space-based Reptilians are mentioned in the Book of Revelations where it talks about the "war in Heaven" between Michael and his Angels and "the Dragon".  I believe that the "the Dragon" mentioned in the Book of revelations are these demon-Reptilians which operate in all three levels of reality (the spirit-mental-physical planes) under a collective mind that is ultimately run by the Dark Lord himself.  As for the "hybrids", there may be hope for them because I believe that many of them have human-like souls.
DENNIS:  Well, all I can say, my friend, is keep on digging.  If this whole snake pit of poison is ever fully realized, I know for a fact that you‘ll be the guy holding the rock up and exposing the vermin below.
DENNIS:  Before I forget, I’d like to thank you for your kind offer to answer questions of our Insiders from time to time.  I know you hadn’t planned on answering any of our readers’ questions in this session.  However I am going to ask you just one of our readers questions before you go. And I’ll tell you why I‘m making an exception.
Ollie was my first paying subscriber way back in 1992 when I started the old Hollow Earth Insider Magazine.  A fine researcher in his own right, Ollie is still a strong supporter of the Hollow Earth Insider and my most loyal fan.
   He asked me to ask you what you thought would be the outcome of the upcoming Voyage to The Hollow Earth by icebreaker being put together adventure organizer Steve Currey. I promised him that it would be the first reader’s question I would put to you. So, here it is. What are your thoughts on the expedition?
[For information on the "Voyage to the Hollow Earth go to:].
BRANTON:  I think that the expedition is a very good idea.  However, we should be aware that the government knows about the entrance and probably has "guard stations" on the lip, and the Insiders probably guard the entrance as well. Also, considering aggressive militaries like the Chinese, Russians, and even the USA have also probably made expeditions to the area, not to mention the Nazis (especially from the south pole and the so-called "Neu Schwabenland" underground base there). Any of these powers could be lurking about. 
  I would not take this expedition lightly or just go out blindly, but pour through the documentation of others who claim to have encountered the vortex, so that those involved know exactly where to go.  Otherwise the expedition might just be another expensive waste of time and money.  And I hope those who make the trip realize that the expedition in the mind must be successful before the expedition in the physical can be.  That’s a given.
  However, it all sounds very interesting, and I’m looking forward to what may come of this expedition in the future.
I have to go now, however like I said before I am more than willing to answer any further questions from you or your readers.
DENNIS:  I want to thank you for your time, and welcome you back to the pages of The Hollow Earth Insider. It’s been a long time since your words have appeared in THEI.  I’ve enjoyed it, and please call on us for anything you need.
Look into BRANTON’S work yourself. Start your journey here at his "root" site:  Then you make up your own mind.  That’s what it’s for.
If you have any questions for Branton send them to me at  Subject: BRANTON QUESTION.  I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to question BRANTON, probably the world’s foremost expert into the darkest depths of the Subterranean Worlds.
According to a story filed by Ananova:

  "Rare coin find stuns historians
  "A man with a metal detector has unearthed a Roman bronze coin so rare it bears the face of a mystery emperor who "ruled" Britain for a matter of days. …"
Get it all from:
Long time friend, research/writer Jan Limprecht (Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds © 1998) has posted a report of
"Two dinosaurs fossils found in Antarctica" on his excellent Hollow earth Website:
The article can be found in the "news article" session.  While you are there you should his book if you haven‘t already read it.  "Hollow Planets" (596 pages) is the best attempt yet to examine the Hollow Earth theory scientifically and is without a doubt the best Hollow Earth book published since Trench’s 1974 classic "Secrets of the Ages."  I highly recommend it.

Proof that Bigfoot is Real
This story comes from … believe it or not … National Geographic News.
Forensic Expert Says Bigfoot Is Real
Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
October 23, 2003
   "It's been the subject of campfire stories for decades. A camera-elusive, grooming-challenged, bipedal ape-man that roams the mountain regions of North America. Some call it Sasquatch. Others know it as Bigfoot.
Thousands of people claim to have seen the hairy hominoid, but the evidence of its existence is fuzzy. There are few clear photographs of the oversized beast. No bones have ever been found. Countless pranksters have admitted to faking footprints.
   "Yet a small but vociferous number of scientists remain undeterred. Risking ridicule from other academics, they propose that there's enough forensic evidence to warrant something that has never been done: a comprehensive, scientific study to determine if the legendary primate actually exists. …"
For the complete article plus a very clear picture of Bigfoot taken from the Patterson film:

Dellschau Showing Scheduled for Orlando Florida Museum
Forty-four of the Airship drawings of C. C. A. Dellschau will be on display at the
Mennello Museum of American Folk Art
900 E. Princeton St.
Orlando, FL 32803-1437
Venue phone: (407) 246-4278
Dellschau’s work will be on display from 3/12/04 through 5/13/04.
 As most of you know I teamed up with Pete Navarro to write a book.  "The Secrets of Dellschau: The Sonora Aero Club and the Airships of the 1850s" which we recently completed.    The book is about the artist C. A. A. Dellschau and his artwork and the secrets he had painstakingly hidden throughout his 5,000 paintings.  Using complicated coded messages in English and German, secret symbols and drawings within drawings he told a fascinating story.  It’s a story of secret societies during the California gold rush, of flying in airships using a secret formula anti-gravity fuel and tragically, even death.
    But there are two stories in "The Secrets of Dellschau."  The second story is about another man. The man who broke Dellschau’s code.  Pete Navarro.   Once he discovering Dellschau’s work he would spend the next 27 years breaking the code and putting the complete story together. 
Well, maybe not complete … hum.  My lips are sealed. 
 You’ll just have to wait for the book.  However just because I’m a nice guy I’ll give you a site where you can get an overview of the Dellschau story.
I must confess that I was just the scribe in this remarkable story, the real person behind our book is Pete, who not only let me use his many journals to tell the story exactly as it happened, but also provided 100s of his professional drawings of details from Dellschau‘s Aero‘s.   It’s a great story and I feel privileged that I was the one Pete asked to tell it. 
Anyway.  Orlando Florida from March 12, 04 through May 15, 045/13 The fabulous flying machines of Dellschau, The Aeros.  On display.
    The museum has requested that I give a lecture on Dellschau and his secrets sometime during the showing, but we haven’t decided on a date yet.  I’ll let you know when.  Who knows, you might be in Orlando at the same time.  That would be nice. 
  But if not, at least try and catch the Dellschau showing, if not there … somewhere.  And of course I expect you to buy the book when it comes out. (I’m not bashful).
Next Report:  Loco-Motion
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Hope you enjoy this report. Until next time, bye!
Dennis Crenshaw
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