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Busjahn Kennels LogoBusjahn's Kennels

"Versatile Foot Hunting Companions for Field and Family"

       Photo Gallery/Scrapbook

We have had some very satisfied customers over the years at Busjahn's Kennels GSP's. We update this photo gallery/scrapbook frequently with some of the most recent snapshots of the dogs we have produced. For more information, please fill out our online response form, or email us!

Highly socialized, versatile puppies & started dogs

Blitz & Sach following a successful day in Obedience Competition at the 2002 GSPCA Nationals!

Do you field trial, too?

GSP's? Nah, they hate the water! LOL!

I've got my blue baby!


 It's my party. . .and I'll whine if I want to!

Pretty Phoebe. . .

Jake protects daughter Lily...up or down. . .

When I come back in my next life, I wanna' be a Busjahn GSP!

Big Daddy, a/k/a "Jake", plays with his love child, Lily. . .



Randy and Sherrie Busjahn
1311 Greathouse Rd
Waxahachie, TX 75167
(972) 435-5036
For more information, Please call or

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