Urolagnia and Coprophilia

(aka Watersports and Scat)

Ah, I see you have made it to my deepest, darkest secrets - and since there is no link to this page from the rest of my site, I must have sent it to you. Welcome! ;-)

Yes, it's true, I have a fetish for being at the receiving end; firmly planted under a lovely woman's backside, and unable to escape my fate. Why am I so interested in this? It must be because I think of it as the ultimate kind of humiliation. It's very personal and very intimate, yet outrageously disgusting. It shows how much I appreciate her; so much so that I am willing to do even this for her. It also shows what she thinks I'm good for, and that attitude turns me on. I find myself disgusted by my thoughts, and have fought my scat thoughts for years, but am irresistably drawn to them again and again.

Watersports, as most people realize, are relatively safe. Interestingly enough, and contrary to much of what you read about on the web, I understand from an eminent bacteriologist that swallowing solid human waste is also quite safe (unless the feeder has some nasty diseases), since the human digestive system can adequately cope with even the large quantity of live and dead bacteria found in feces. He was making a point about the number of bacteria normally ingested by humans, and how excellent the digestive and immune systems are at protecting the body. I'm sure he would be shocked if he knew I had taken his point as licence to partake in this most disgusting of my fetishes. Mind you, there are other things in human waste that might not be best to ingest in large quantities, but perhaps one should restrict one's consumption anyway simply for the sake of propriety.

Partaking in piss is something I have the pleasure of once every week or so, and have had for several years. I leave my wife a bottle on weekend mornings, and sometimes she fills it for me. Other than the production of some foul-smelling intestinal gas later the same day, I haven't noticed any unpleasant side-effects - just a wonderful feeling of humiliation both during and for some time after the event. The taste is something I've come to appreciate. It no longer difficult to swallow, and my grimaces are saved for the days it is really strong.

In terms of solid human waste, I've tasted and swallowed it more than once, and lived to tell the tale. Sadly, I've had to make do with my lover being an unwitting party to this activity. Perhaps some day I'll have the chance to partake directly from the source. Oh; a word to the wise: don't ever reheat frozen poop in the microwave. It takes a very long time to get rid of the smell - out of the house, and out of the microwave!

So, what else can I share with you? Well, here is some amateur psychoanalysis about why I like to partake of poop. And here are some interesting human toilet designs. Finally, some stories, for those who just can't get enough.

Unfinished stories:

Spank me, please - if you'd like to go home.