Thursday, February 28, 2002
hello all so sleepy....i just wan to sleep all day long..the weather is cloudy and sleepy with few showers
i cant stop thinking about uni next week i wish i can just do whatever i want all my life.
well today i checked my email and my isp gave 110 emails that were from a month ago. i has to go through all of them and reply to those that needs replying. so sorry if it was too late.
i also for some reason decided to fill up TELSTRA (major telecommunications company) for a graduate employment. i had no idea what to write or even make it look impressive. anyways my cousin gave me the link so i just went for it (he works there).
my friends vanessa, i just wanna say is so cool....she donates blood and sometimes white cells i think....every second monday...she is so cool....i wish i can do that.
my other friend paulo is having seconds thoughts about him going to uni part time and working full time... i said just give it a few weeks before you pay ur fees and then decide....i wish he comes so i could see him at least once a week or so.
kieran ....the party animal just sent me an email....hey keiran!!! cant wait ti'll ur b-day bash !!!
hey just wanna thank everyone who sent me a birthday card/gift....just got them...i had no idea...ti'll you guys.... to go and see whats there to eat so hungry

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:34 PM -

Wednesday, February 27, 2002
ive been looking around......i know i just started this blog......well some people i click to just ended theirs....
i feel awkward.....people say it's a new thing....a trend ...some people say its just not happening anymore...
im not gonna be like that.....i hope.......people say that you have to blog because u want to and that u dont expect for fame or number of hits....
so im gonna do this for me i can learn to design...and write.......and other cool stuff.......have content is another thing for people to keep coming back ...
this will keep me sane and creative.....
later....more blogs to come....promise.....
ps. dont mean to depress you its suppose to be a realisation and an lets do this..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 10:42 PM -

hello... sign my new guestbook !!!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 1:38 PM - now.......i have to wait and see if i get see if i can get hosted......any takers?
i think i have to improve my layout and design.....i mean this is my first attempt of coding with design ever....
p.s. i need to get listed and hosted....any takers?...or u can just link me....and i'll do the same for you !!!
later....i have to eat and clean much fun.....
decided to make my pic smaller....good idea? or back to the bigger version?
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 1:12 PM -

i cant believe this is happening...i just joined a few listings and i have to put their links up before they come and see it and blogger isnt working....hope they dont look now .....hurry up.....
oh....i did my tutorial selection and its far i have mondays and fridays off...buti still need to add 2 more took ages for them to load....maybe a lot of people are on least mine is in order so worried about the other one or two subjects...what if they clash...who cares ...wait on monday to fix the rest....its still loading.....
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:49 PM -

this is the third time im logging sometime.....blogger resetted 3 time.......arghhh !!!!!!!!!

here is the jest..........
university start next week.....more work...not happy.......but change is good
last year of uni.....actually last year but i failed a few subjects....its good we have hecs...we pay for it after we finish college
using public car still
online tutorial is what i'll do this morning.....happyy its online.....b4 it was only at campus in a long queue
im doing 3 subjects so far...wanna do 5 ........
happy still at uni...last summer i worked full is good.....bu free time was non-existent......big difference from college life....
im gonna try and get listed or hosted or something....wish me luck....

ok....this is the third time i wrote these.....oh well......i think thats all i wrote

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 9:54 AM -

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 9:47 AM -

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
credits include.......
and also my computer and isp
thanks !!!

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:18 PM -

i think i know what it is....its that annoying add yahoo has for its free websites....i mean its alright coz im getting this for free.....but well.....i think its creating the errors in my page.....ok ..oh well......i'll talk about something better later.....maybe ....i dont know.....its up to you but what's better actually?
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:53 AM -

ok...what is wrong with it.....the error is gone.......yepeee!!!!!!....but if i press refresh....its it......its just comes and go.....but if anyone want, check my source coded and why its doing this on and off let me know...thanks in advance....ok....lets go.....
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:49 AM -

what is that error thing....ummm....grrrr.......i hate when things like this insatiable....i think thats the right spelling.....meaning....can never be satisfied....i think its a song now by darren hayes of savage garden.....ummmm......grrrr...still....ok lets see....
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:41 AM -

hey!!!!!.....its working !!!!!! ok...i should get over it...but its finally finish!!!!! first coded website is finish.....please check it out and tell me what u think....i think it is so awesome...finally layout and design and graphics won't change for a while unless i decided to change it again....but i will try and stop myself...coz i need a its been fun doing it !!!!!! a great time......learning, designing and at least i had something worthwhile to do during my break...thanks to my friends mariebel, viv, jos, bec and terry, u can see them at FRIENDS link.....they were the ones i was speaking to about the creation of this website and also those people online like kaci and josh and heaps of other people you'll see at my link above at MORE COOL BLOGS, thanks heaps....i feel like the oscars or grammy......or titanic leo saying im the king of the world !!!!!! that im an expert in this thing i dont mind helping others too........ok.....can you tell im excited about this? i should reward myself and eat something yummy.....later !!!!
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:31 AM -

i am so website is fixed and is underway for it's run...this is like version 2 part3 or many changes but im so happy how it turned out, now this few days i will test run and see how its going and stuff....lets check...later 5
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 11:10 AM -

Monday, February 25, 2002

i know its late.....yeppe!!! is my new coded page.....its ok....its great actually since its my first attempt of coding... most of my weekend was doing this...well not really but all the time i get... i wanted to try and finish it for monday - right now and i did... actually it looked better when i was offline... coz there wasnt any of the annoying add that yahoo has...the frames is getting on my nerves that an add always appears there...everywhere actually......grrr....thats cool though...i like it...ok....what do u think? email me...later people !!! i need sleep u tomorrow... uni starts a week from now....again....mmm...oh well..later all u people!!! like my site....??? ........way awesome..i know......!!!!!

hey, guess what.....last thurday..yesterday......i learned HTML and it wasnt that hard....i mean i think im gonna be coding this website for now cant beleive it...i learned it here and i'm basically speeding along.....i mean i dont think my first page will be the best.....but i will try and ...i'll be hopefully putting it up on monday....wish me luck...... i actually have so much time since i didnt get a job and everything.....and viv was making her s/d site and mariebel was always updating it and i decided i should work on mine and then looked around for some format and and ideas...and so im getting really obsessed about something to do anyways....... cant wait to see viv's site coz shes gonna put it up soon, her personal and also the s/d site and, mariebel i also cant wait to see yours, since you are going to renew thanks so much about your compliment least i know im doing something right....thanks heaps.... what happened jos...u were the first one to have a site....coded and everything...still havent changed it for a long pressure.......just wondering ......ok....gonna be busy...hope i pull it off.......later.....lets do this !!! arvin

its 12:20am so i have to post for technically today, but for tomorrow coz i have'nt been to bed...mmm still having second thoughts about this page set up...for some reason i canr stop changing it.....oh tomorrow, im told thayt i have to clean up the vegie garden...whoppe so much least its not raining anymore....sunshine is predicted tomorrow...ok...betta catch some z's coz last night i was up ti'll 3 am fxing this up.....hope its an improvement.....changeg my picture as well.....dont i reckon its ok.....u think i smile too much...maybe coz everytime someone points camera we have to smile or something.....ok got to go.nighty night or good morrow....u choose.....

.ello wassup !!!......yesterday :..actually the little storm that i was saying last sat....its was a big storm and it was bad in some part.....its ok here but others were like really bad power lines and trees where knocked down and yesterday we found out that the hall for the wedding banquet has no electricity. actually the whole suburb was out of power and there was rain predection.... and also our car that was broken needs to be fixed and my dad started fixing it before the wedding and i had to help him...thank god it was fixed on time, if not we would have drove there with a damaged car.....we arrived at the church and as ussual everyone was late and i meet my bridesmaid/partner...she was pretty cute... everyone looked great it was kinda semi formal ...but its cool.....the wedding was hilarious when they were saying their wedding started to rain when we left the church and when we arrived at the reception there were no lights.....luckily they bought candles and added more decorations and for a while everyone was depressed, wet, really hot and just pissed and when LIGHT came on......air condition came and music came. and so the eating and chillin and performances came everyone was so became a pretty good wedding....really fun.....thank god...congrats uncle and auntie !!! today parents stayed home coz of no power at their work the machines and computers arent workin...and bro nad sis have no today..still this is a long blog........sorry for the spelling and ps: kinda changed the layout again..... ater, arvin

it is so hot today.....and a nice little storm this it is ...the new grapics and layout !!!! what u think...message me.....yeah bad new too.....our car was a litle believe how much i like this new page....btw the dinner and maybe clubbing with friends was cancelled.......of well....

trying to make a new layout for the new graphis i made...cant wait to upload it !!! oh....i have to clean the house....oh well...i'll try and put the new layout and graphics tomorrow....getting really obssesed about this kinda page...

have a valentine? no care? no thats cool...have a great valenines day anyway!!!

hey people...this is my first blog so i really have no idea what to say or whatever.. i just turned 21 this monday which was awesome, not a big party, just family, not really in a party mood jos called and uni group is apparantly going to the city on sat night for some partying and a dinner so i'll go to that one....cant wait..... and my aunt and uncles 25th wedding anniversary is on sunday so cant wait for that many things.....
::::: Arvin was distracted @ 6:33 PM -

::::: Arvin was distracted @ 12:50 PM -

comments by: YACCS
powered by: BLOGGER
hosted by: ANGELFIRE
since feb.2002 - enjoy!

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