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Jeff WRMS Styles Lindsay rustedname MrINMENSO WonderWoman Brad Josh ontheroad moose47 Nimrod lace midnightjunkie
Gab TehStar Goemon Weezki Islandinthedreams Blossom2002

Real Name: Jeff Gleason
Nick Names: female friends call me Jeffy. No other nicknames.

20/Male/Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

BN - wJeEeFzFeYr
ICQ# - 92541805
AIM - JeffyWeezer

Birthday:  July 15th, 1983
Hair: Light/Dark Brown (depends on season)
Eyes: Hazel (ie. Green or Brown depending on mood)

"Hi! I'm Jeff! I like to play around on my computer, but that's mostly because my friends are all away at school so I don't have anything else to do. I used to go to university but I left because I hated it, but I will be going back somewhere else in September to University of Western Ontario for History/Philosophy and then to Teacher's College to be a Teacher! I love to play sports, I play Hockey once a week, and in the summer I play in a Baseball league, and a two pitch league. I love music of all kinds and am rarely ever not listening to music. I like pretty much everything unless it's Rap, Country, The Tragically Hip, Barenaked Ladies or Billy Corgan. I am going back to work at McDonalds for a while until I get a real full time job."

"I love the chatroom because I'm always so bored late at night and it gives me something fun to do and to talk to fun and interesting people. I haven't had the best last few months and the chatroom has given me something to do when I've been upset or depressed. I go to the chat regularly because I'm hooked, it's like a drug, I tried to stay away because I was on it so much, but I just couldn't! And now I'm there every night again!"

"Why do I love Weezer? How could anyone NOT love Weezer? It's just great stuff. I've loved Weezer since I first heard Buddy Holly and Say it Ain't So back in 1994. Ever since I heard those songs I was in love. My favourite Weezer songs are Across the Sea, Susanne, Devotion, My Name is Jonas, In the Garage, etc. etc. etc. etc. I like the Island in the Sun second video with the animals, it's a cool well done video, and the video for the good life is good too, and you gotta love the Keep Fishin' video, cuz you gotta love the muppets. My favourite Weezer moments are when I saw them Feb. 14th 2002 with my now ex girlfriend when they played Only In Dreams I held her in my amrs and sang in her ear, and when I saw them again July 14th 2002. Also a favourite moment is when I had a party at my house and there was about 25 of us there and I put on Weezer and everyone was in a big circle belting out Weezer lyrics in one big awesome Weezer Sing-a-Long."


Real Name: Amanda H.
Nick Names: wrms, Mandy, Mandazzz


BN - Weezerrawksmysawks
AIM - TruthIsAnOffence

Birthday:  July 11th, 1988

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'9"

"There's not much to say about me. I'm just a normal chick from a small town on Cape Cod. At the moment, I'm a freshman in highschool and I CANNOT wait to graduate. Natalie [Stargazer] and I are planning on attending the same college [Boston University is the original plan]. Um, my favorite band is Metallica and I like music, concerts, clothes, boys, and everyone in the chat. :]"

" I LOVE the chatroom! Wilson is a genius. I continue to frequent the chat because I just love the people in there. It's a place where we can chat about things we have in common, which is really good when you don't have many friends *cough* "
" Weezer is one of the first *good* bands I really got into, though they're not my favorite. I'm hoping to attend a concert of theirs, but if not, I'm fine with just listening to the CD's. My favorite songs are: El Scorcho, Across the Sea, Only In Dreams, and The World Has Turned and Left Me Here. "


Wilson is cool
Too cool for school
He makes me laugh
like I'm on crack
He gives me chills like a spider
He gives me thrills like apple cider *wink*
He makes me glad
Just like glad trash bags
Because he is the chat dad
yo yo

Thanks Wilson *heart*



Real Name: Adam Campbell
Nick Name: Styles

23/Male/Ontario, Canada

BN - Styles
ICQ# - 150704230
AIM - Styles132435

Birthday:  May 1st, 1980

"ScottBaio is my idol and I always hope to catch him [in the chatroom] so he can shower me with coolness and signatures. The other people are very cool too."

"They [Weezer] are classic to me. Remind me of rockin' as a teenager, and my first inspiration to write music. Favorite tunes: No One Else and Why Bother."



Real Name: Lindsay
Nick Name: Lindsay


BN - Chassy_the_Sassy
AIM - Chassy_the_Sassy

Birthday:  November 25th, 1986
Hair: Blonde-ish/Red-ish
Eyes: Blue-ish
I look like Tina Fey lolarz

"Well...let's see. I like music, Weezer, of course, my lovely friends, beating people at Halo, Moulin Rouge, cows, butterflies, German, The Strokes, Mulan (especially Mushu), going to Disney and harassing the tourists, guys with seksi hair, Aida, RENT, musical theater in general, yeah, Puccini. I don't like Creed *shudder*, stupid people, and chemistry."

"omGz because all of my larvers are in there! *heart* It's a cool place to meet people who like Weezer and being crazy without being stupid. For the most part ;)"

"Because Rivers is a hawty. Just kidding *cough* Actually, I think the music and the lyrics are really good, and it's just...I don't know. It's just cool. My favorite Weezer song is probably..."Across the Sea"; So brilliant. Video...hmm, I don't know, probably Say it Ain't So, or El Scorcho. Sadly, I don't have any concert moments. *tear* Hopefully this year, yes?"

"Hmm...Anti-Cherry Alliance for LIFE! Oh yeah, and Wheez Her rocks hardcore."


Jeff WRMS Styles Lindsay rustedname MrINMENSO WonderWoman Brad Josh ontheroad moose47 Nimrod lace midnightjunkie
Gab TehStar Goemon Weezki Islandinthedreams Blossom2002

You Have All Turned To Stone!!

Real Name: Rocky Morda
Nick Name: Wilson, and names to make fun of my real one

23/Male/Thorold, Ontario, Canada

BN - rocky_wilson_69
ICQ - 1894323
AIM - Wilson7777
yahoo! - rocky_wilson_69
e-mail -

Birthday:  September 25th, 1980

"Well, the details of my life are quite......inconsequential..........except for.....
Hi, my name is Jonas, what's yours? I am 23 years old and I enjoy playing guitar and doing things on and with my computer(s). I love music, it is one of my main obsessions. I also like to watch Wrestling. I graduated in May of 2002 from Computer Engineering Technician at Niagara College, but am still looking for a decent job. I have never had a girlfriend before....I'm not sure if that is relevant, but I guess it helps to define me as a person because I am so very very shy."

"I created this chatroom (#weezer) for a simple purpose. That purpose was to talk about my favourite band (and yours), Weezer. It has since become a community of people that I love very much. I go there to keep an eye on things, bring in the trivia bot, and talk to the beautiful people all the time, perhaps too much."

"Weezer fan since 1994, and I love them with all my heart and soul. They are my favourite band, and yes, I am obsessed with them. I love all 4 of their albums, and all of their material that has been released to date. They rock my socks....they mean so much to me, and seeing them live just crushes me like nothing else I have EVER experienced before!"


Jeff WRMS Styles Lindsay rustedname MrINMENSO WonderWoman Brad Josh ontheroad moose47 Nimrod lace midnightjunkie
Gab TehStar Goemon Weezki Islandinthedreams Blossom2002


Real Name: Kara
Nick Names: rusty, rusted

22/Female/Boston, MA.

BN - rustedname
AIM - rustedname

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown/Hazel (changes)

Birthday:  Febuary 6th, 1982

"Let's see. Let's see. Helloh my name is Kara and I'm a student at Massachusetts College of Art. I sweat music, I sweat art, and finally, I sweat ski racing."

"I love this chat room because you guys are a whole bunch of swell cats. I look forward to seeing you all (nearly) every night. You're witty, charming, glamorous, and most certainly fabulous. I like to know that I can always talk to you guys about junk, and I hope you know that you can always talk to guyssss *heart*"

"I have so much love for Weezer. They have been my favorite band for a very long time, and the fact that they're still around makes it all the better. My favorite song is: In The Garage."



Real Name: Russ
Nick Names: Russell the Love Muscle, David Durst, Showstoppa

24/Male/Charlotte, NC


Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Blue/Green

He's the one getting busted =P

Birthday:  September 19th, 1979

"I just graduated from UNC Charlotte this past December with a BSBA in Marketing."

"I've been into weezer since the good ol' Buddy Holly days. Rivers' style of music is one that connects on so many levels, which is why the weez are my fav band of all time. My favorite weezer tune would have to be December, with Only in Dreams and Across the Sea getting honorable mentions."

"This chat has my vote simply because it's the first "real" weezer chat I've seen since the band's inception. Keep up the good work, Wilson. Rock on!"



Real Name: Emily
Nick Names: WonderWoman

16/Female/Sacramento, CA

BN - wonderwoman25
AIM - weezerbabe25

Hair: Blondish/Brownish
Eyes: Brownish

Birthday:  May 8th, 1987

"I like music a lot. I play the bass, drums and piano. I listen to a lot of different music. The Patriot is my favourite movie. I like pie and ice cream, and don't like meat. I also love the flavour cherry."

"I love the chatroom because you kids are great. Ah, I love you all ever so much. And, it's super neat because we're all Weezer fans so we all have some things in common."

"I love Weezer because they're super awesome. They've made four really great albums and a whole bunch of B-sides and demos and all that. I remember the first time I heard The World has Turned and Left me Here. It's one of my very favourites."


Real Name: Bradley (I go by Brad)
Nick Names: Brad


BN - weezerlistener
AIM - bradtheaimtalker
e-mail -

"[I like] Math and Alternative Music"

"I chat in #weezer because I like to read what other people have to type in #weezer. There are a number of people who chat in #weezer who have non-boring personalities."

"I like Weezer because their first two albums rock. "My Name Is Jonas" and "Tired of Sex" are two of my favorite Weezer songs."



Real Name: Joshua
Nick Names: Josh

19/Male/San Francisco, CA

BN - guitaroutlaw
ICQ - 177219127
AIM - ninjanitecrawler
e-mail -

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown

Birthday:  October 1st, 1984

"I love art and music (Weezer, duh). My other hobbies/interests include movies, sports (go A's!), videogames, The Simpsons, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show, Third Watch, and SNL."

My page of art, including =w= fan art.

"The chatroom is awesome because it feels like a small circle of friends. Everyone knows your name and they make you feel welcome, no matter who you are. That said, they don't take crap either and the chat remains so cool because people looking to only cause chaos or get people angry for a laugh are banned. Bottom line is that everyone at the chat is very cool to talk with."

"I love Weezer because the music touches my soul. Their music has been there in good times and bad, and it gives my a way to manifest my deepest feelings and dreams. Listening to Weezer is both a joyous and cathartic experience."

Favorite Weezer Songs:

1. Only In Dreams
2. You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
3. Blastoff!
4. El Scorcho
5. Longtime Sunshine
6. Tired of Sex
7. The Good Life
8. Say It Ain't So
9. Buddy Holly
10. Across The Sea
11. I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
12. Thief, You've Taken All That Was Me
13. Surf Wax America
14. Paperface
15. Waiting On You
16. Wanda

Favorite Album:  Blue
Favorite Video:  The Good Life


Real Name: jason
Nick Names: ontheroad, creamy_ants

18/Male/Lenexa, KS

BN - ontheroadwithkerouac
AIM - turkeypunishment

Birthay: November 12th, 1985

"helloa. my name's jason...but i don't like my name so you can call me whatever you like. there really isn't much to tell about myself. i enjoy weezer, rent--the musical, german techno, and classical music. i've played the cello for almost 9 years now. i like it . i like a lot of things. and i don't like a lot of things. for example, animal products--milk and red meat...oh yeah, and soda. i'm not a big fan of those things. as far as people are concerned...i can't stand arrogant people. they suck. the top of my head, two things i absolutely *love* are my orange backpack and david letterman. hah. are my socks warm? yes. do i like nachos? yes!"

"the chat is mucho cool...even though i am in french. actually, i don't go to the chat all that often anymore because i'm afraid i'll get addicted to it. if that makes any sense. but yeah, a lot of cool people there. yep."

"weezer is the only normal kind of music that i like...other than techno. don't really know why. i first liked them because their songs seemed catchy...and original and honest."




Real Name: Heather
Nick Name: Heath (not like the candy bar, like Heather without the "er") by my best friends and family, Bloss

19/Female/Akron, OH

BN - Blossom2002
AIM - awwness - say hi anytime!

Birthday: April 22nd, 1984 (I was born on Easter and my 4-22 is also Earth Day. Exciting, huh?)

Hair: Blondish in the summer, Brownish in the winter
Eyes: Blue

"Lets see. I'm currently going to the University of Akron for Nursing, I want to go into pediatrics. But after the past few weeks of enema lessons I'm thinking that maybe I should transfer to Ohio State for pharmacology...I'll keep you updated. When I graduate I plan on going into the Peace Corps, but we'll see. I love to read everything and anything. News articles, pamphlets, product labels, books - anything. And learning, I love to learn new things and my favorite people are the ones who can teach me stuff."

"Hmm, I've had a gym craze the past few months so my life has been filled with many many hours of pilates, kickboxing, and spinning. Its so much fun! I love to do anything outside (as long as it doesn't involve being freezing) fishing, camping, hiking, you know what outside means. I'm not a big fan of playing sports because most people want to follow the rules and thats just not fun."

"What do I hate? Staying up all night writing papers, shaking peoples' hands, mirrors, being in water and not being able to see my feet, stairs without backs, sauerkraut...I just realized I wrote so much more than anyone else so I'll stop now. PS I also like to talk a lot."

"I love the weezer chatroom because it always makes me feel so good to go there. I've been a little busy lately and neglecting it, but I was there when it first appeared and knew from the start it was going to be an amazing place for weezer fans. Remember hanging out there Christmas Eve waiting for Santa? And waiting for the supposed wonderful exclusive release from the weezerboard powers that be? Its just so full of great people and ideas and fun, how could anyone NOT love it?"

"Why do I love Weezer? Well, its one of the first bands I remember listening to when I made my transition from "the dark side." Its just fun music and really stands out, for me at least. And I think I'd have to say El Scorcho is my favorite song, with Across the Sea and Only In Dreams not far behind, oh ya and Longtime Sunshine. I guess I love everything thats not on TGA. My favorite concert was the one last summer. I paid $200 to sit in the second row and it blew me away. It was definitely one of the best concerts I've ever been too - so much Pinkerton! I love you Weezer" *kiss*


Real Name: Keith
Nick Name: Moose

21/Male/Orlando, FL

BN - moose47
AIM - moose474747

Birthday: March 29th, 1982

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green/Brown

"My name is Keith and I'm currently in my third year at the University of Central Florida. I'm a former Computer Science/Math/Statistics/Political Science major and now I am back to Computer Science. So following that pattern, look for me to go back to math anytime soon. So, uh yeah, I like sports such as football, hockey, rhythmic gymnastics, underwater basket weaving, and of course sychronized bass fishing. Ok maybe not all of those, I guess I'm a compulsive liar. I've played alto sax in marching and jazz band for many years now. Oh, and I hate computers. Which I guess makes me a fan of irony since thats my major."

"I love the chatroom because of the non-annoying people that visit. It's a place to go where I can carry on mature adult conversations about cherries and sex offending {inside joke}."

"I like Weezer because all of my other friends hate them so I do it just to spite them. Well not really, but that is how it started. Favorite songs..Undone, Across the Sea, and The Good Life at the moment."



Real Name: Nick
Nick Name: Nimrod


BN - weerez8627
AIM - Nimrod8627

Birthday:  January 29th, 1988

Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
"I'm asian, that explains it"

"Most of my time other then on my comp(uter) i record my awful weezer covers, play guitar. Nothing much to do here in minnesota, really lame."

"I like this chat cause its not filled with hypocrits who all they do is rip on the people for no reason, we actually have intellectual conversations here."

"Why I love the weez... well they make awesome rock music, simple as that, other bands i like... Green Day, Foo Fighters, other Alternative rock stuff and some punk."


Real Name: lacey
Nick Name: lace, alec eifell


BN - lace

"i am 5'8 blonde hair, blue eyes...i sing in the car.....allllways"

"i am in love with the pixies and modest well as the weeze...i am a painter and a photographer...thats about it. i am a very passonate person. that is all. Viva frank black"

"my favorite pixies..i mean weezer songs are...jamie, tired of sex, december, take controll, and BUTTERFLY. and i like mykel and carli."

"in september of 2001 i got to meet the boys after a show at the united center... it was very very brief and rivers didnt' really talk...just stood there. that was dissapointing, but pat was very talkitive, we talked about the special goodness for a bit. that was all really. i hate when stupid boardies say that rivers is 'mean' and 'impersonal'. he is just in his own world, living it up "i think one of the biggest missconceptions about me is that i'm sad...i am living the life." rivers in a rolling stone interview."

"take it easy"



Real Name: Shandra
Nick Name: "i dont really have any i dont think"

16/F/Kansas, MI

AIM - midnightjunkie13 (not on much)
MSN - (usually online)

Birthday: June 13th, 1987

Hair Color: darkish blond
Eye Color: grey/blue/green with a little strip of brown on top they change colors...

"Hey! i'm shandra...midnightjunkie. Ummm i live in a little hickish city in oregon which i really dislike. Most of the people here are pretty...dislikable but my friends are pretty awesome. I like lots of music and the outdoors, hiking, dreams, thinking, looking at the stars. I love music! :-) i dislike cherries ;-), people that have opinions only because its cool and dont have support to back them up, carharts, and i can't think of anything else at the moment. I dont have too many hobbies but i collect shopping bags, pez dispencers, movies tickets, tickets in general, and other random things... Why i love the chat- though i havnt been comming in there too regularly anymore :'( i love the chatroom, it is a great community for people with at least one common interest...its a fun place where you can just mess around or have good discussions with people or anything inbetween and all the people are really great! why i love weezer- I love weezer...well when i first heard them i didnt like them too much, i thought they were too slow...but now they are definately one of my favorite bands...i think blue is my favorite album with pinkerton second only because there are a few songs on pink i dont care for much while on blue i love them all...some of my favorite songs are...falling for you, only in dreams, el scorcho, longtime sunshine, burndt jamb, suzanne, why bother, good life,...many more. I think thats pretty much it haha i am not that interesting of a person perhaps ill update this more at some point though!!"
"you can also add that i think i'm dyslexic, not a big fan of meat, and wish i was instrumently talented...."



Real Name: Gabrielle
Nick Name: Gab

15/F/Arcadia, CA (July: Lexington Park, MD)

BN - Gab
AIM - emogab123
e-mail -
Xanga: =W= Website

Birthday: September 14th, 1988

Hair Color: blond hair,5'3", muscley legs
Eye Color: blue eyes

"I like to argue about random stuff like why not wearing pants is way better than pooping. but pooping is way better than shaving your legs. I also like music. I'm into old school and emo-core and SKA and punk. But punk kids beat me up cause im ska. My favorite bands are Weezer and...i have a long list. I dance (Ballet) and i go to school. I'm in track. i love meeting new people just because it's fun to talk to someone with a different point of view in life. I also love people with a random personality. Sort of like me. A lot of people say I'm the easiest to approach when trying to make friends.

"I love this place [the chatroom] because of the people. They're really great to talk to when theres no one on AIM. Plus i love weezer and none of my other friends appreciate weezer like i do."

"Weezer manages to have good music, be sexy sass masters, and be smart at the same time. Not many bands like that out there in the world."



Real Name: Natalie
Nick Name: Star


BN - IWantSugarInMyTea88
AIM - Stargazer1610 (amongst 20 others....ask WonderWoman for the rest, she has them all)

Birthday: February 23rd, 1988

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

"Um... ok, where to begin? Alright, well 9 months before Feb. 23 1988, my parents decided to have a child, and well, after some wham bam thank you mam 9 months later I popped into this world. During these past 15 years I have come to have hobbies, likes, dislikes etc. One of my major hobbies is listening to music. Some of my favorite bands and musicians are Weezer, Elliott Smith, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, Plain White T’s, Piebald, The Misfits, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Flogging Molly, and there's a whole shat load of others, but I shall stop here for now. Another one of my hobbies is tennis. I try to play tennis as often as I can in order to stay in shape, and to be prepared for the upcoming tennis season next year. Likes: food, books, internet/computer, some people, occasionally school, my "Library Lover" - laugh and I will e-kill you!!!!! Rock stars - Mikey Welsh, Travis Shettel, and Elliott Smith [a boardie ::cough:: Rufus ::cough:: ] [they are my biggest crushes] /me blushes furiously now. Dislikes: bad food, occasionally school, not having money, getting bad grades, a certain freshman English teacher at JHHS, Scott Stapp, Avril Laveigne, and sex offenders ;) [inside joke]"

"First off, I can never fully describe how much I love the chat. I have been able to make some great =w= friends that are from many places. I chose to come to the chat regularly because of all the great people who frequent it as much as I. You kids are just teh bees knees!"

"Weezer, one of the first bands I was ever introduced to, is a band I still love with an overwhelming devotion. [Thanks to grammar queen wonder woman for help with that now full sentence] I remember when I was 6 and first saw the Buddy Holly video... ::remembers::... They are able to bring the rock and they bring it superfluously."
"Weezer is kinda like my security blanket if i am ever sad or worried or any crappy feeling i have, i just put weezer on and it comforts meh"

"Yo quiero taco bell.............."
"Crab at teh bootay, tain’t gonna do no good :P"



Real Name: Brian.
Nick Names: Goemon, Teh Secks.

17/M/Southern California.

BN - GavinRossdale
AIM - Recite
e-mail -

"There is not much to say about myself. Personally, I think I am a horrible person. I have been described by a certain unamed person(*heart*) as: cool, nice, sweet, awesome, and hawt. We report, you decide. I like watching FOX News. In fact I love watching the news. It is my favorite past time. I dislike television though. I like to read news too. In the form of newspapers. I also read the news online. I dont know what to write. I hate talking about myself. I have one brother and one sister. I am a middle child, and it sucks. I also have a dad and a mom, a step-dad, and a two step-sisters, and one step-brother. I am also addicted to Bad Religion. They are my favorite band, even though I have only heard two CDs(All Ages, and Recipe for Hate). I am constantly listening to their music. I like to write. I also like to argue with people. When I am losing an arguement, I will not admit it. I am always right. I also own a copy of Dr. Dre: The Chronic 2001 on TAPE. That is ghetto. Enough babbling about myself."

"I love the Weezer chatroom. It keeps me entertained for hours, even when just me and X2 are present. X2 is a sexy beast, kind of quiet though, in my opinion. The people in this chat rock so hardcore. They are so key. I am a regular in the chat because the people are interesting and there is always something to talk about. If you have never been in the chat, you have not lived."

"I don't really have any Weezer moments to talk about. I enjoy their brand of non offensive pop rock. I haven't been to any concerts, but plan to go sometime in the future. Teh Weez Rocks On!!!!!"

"And that concludes my Biography. Wilson rocks hardcore!"



Real Name: Caitlin
Nick Names: Caitlin, but there's this one senile lady at work that calls me Kayla.

16/F/Delaware (more commonly known as Delawhere?)

BN - Weezki
AIM - Weezki
e-mail -

Birthday: November 8th, 1986

Height: Short. 5' 1 3/4'' (i earned every bit of that three quarters!!)

"Hi diddly ho there!! I'm Caitlin...yep. Isn't that juuust interesting. Wanna know something about me, eh? (not canadian, just a fan of the 'eh') I love to sing. Most of you probably know that, because I also like to record, and i make you all listen to my songs when ever i make some new ones. I love to act, I do my school musicals, as well as many outside of school. Apparently, i'm persnickety... I have no life, but i do have a job working at a drug store. WOOT WOOT Happy Harry's in the hizzouse! ...."

"I really like this chatroom. I like knowing the people. And it's always cool to feel important when you're greeted with a bizillion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s. I come in all of the time because I have no life and coming in here is fun."

"Weezer ROCKS!!! I love them. Their music... is so... wow. Can't explain. But you know what i mean, you listen to them too. Rivers, genius. The band, awesome. GREAT, AWESOME, RAD, FANTASTIC, AND BEAUTIMUS!!!"

"I do like other bands, I'm a real OKGO fan, and i also like the Vines, the white stripes, Michelle Branch and a few i'd rather not mention because i'll get picked on."

"Oh yeah, I play the guitar too. I love my guitars. I have one with me right now. It says hi."

"Rock on!"



Real Name: David Dupuis
Nicknames: Islandinthedreams


BN - Weezerdoop
AIM - Weezerdoop

Birthday: July 8th, 1984

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

"Hello, my name is David. I Love Music, or at least good music. People call me a hippie sometimes cause that's the life style i live, and that's the music i listen to also. Some bands that i like are Phish, Dave Matthews Band, Grateful Dead, Ben Harper, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 311, and of course Weezer. I play bass in a reggae band, we're called Cooldown, and no i don't smoke pot or drink liquor, Most people think i do just because i play in a reggae band. I am always happy and i kinda joke around wit h my friends sometimes. A Dean in my school came up to me and said i was the happiest person he has ever met. And people like being around me because i put them in a good mood. Well that's just about it for me. so.... yeah"

"The reason i like Weezer is because i relate to Rivers a lot... When i listen to Pinkerton i am listening to my life story. and that goes for almost every song that weezer has played. I even consider myself to be like Rivers sometimes also... The fact that i'm VERY shy and i mean VERY shy. That's basically it on why i like Weezer...oh yeah and the fact that they play freat music. that kinda has a factor in it."


Jeff WRMS Styles Lindsay rustedname MrINMENSO WonderWoman Brad Josh ontheroad moose47 Nimrod lace midnightjunkie
Gab TehStar Goemon Weezki Islandinthedreams Blossom2002

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