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Victory Eternal
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Welcome to Victory Eternal

    The victory I speak of is the victory found in Christ Jesus. This site is a site of victory. It captures my life, aspirations, desires, and passions in a brief snapshot that is meant to show the reader both the inner-workings of my life and the blessings God has bestowed upon me.

   I say that my life is a story of victory solely because Jesus has saved me from a life of bondage to sin. The victory against sin, therefore, is God's. But the victory is also my own. I was victorious on the day I chose to dedicate my life to following God's plan for me. Because of my choice I have received eternal redemption from my sins, and am still receiving the blessings of God's glory and His love for me.

   I am not saying that I longer sin. I am still imperfect, and  as long as I live I will always be imperfect. But I now have the option to walk away from a life of sinning, "dying to my old self," and beginning a new, better life which God has planned for me.

   May the words here find you well, and may you witness the true goodness of the God who created us and loves us all with an endless burning passion.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

                    Philippians 4:13