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Short Stories by Glen Mason ( An eclectic collection)

A Collection of My Writing


The Novel in Progress (it takes a sec to load, but worth the reading)Updated 6-07-01
Slowly Losing My Mind. Short, meaningless, reading
A Story of Horror and Violence
A Twisted Story with Religious Assault
A Funny Fairy-Tale
Humorous Story of Two Fags
Why Vote? It doesn't count anymore
Some Psycho-babble
The Haunted House
Petty Pedantics
The Interview
Muttered Musings
The Ride (What? Something New?)
CAPPSII Sucks - Imprisoned on Hawaii

Some works were produced when I lived in Amsterdam, others from Grass Valley, Ca, and the rest from here in Hawaii. I'm sure you'll find something you like. My e-mail address is Don't forget to sign my guest book! I thrive on the feedback. Hate it? Love it? You're not going to hurt my feelings.

A link to my fiance's site - and a look at the corrupt Hawaii Family Court

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