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Programs used to download and share media

To use mIRC you have to connect to an IRC Network. The IRC networks consist of groups of servers in close contact with eachother. Hundreds of such worldwide networks exist. The servers in a network maintain the contact between you and all other users. If you want to enjoy your IRC sessions it is important to find servers that work (fast) for you (ie. that are nearby to you) on networks with the athmosphere you like. mIRC comes with a rather complete list of servers but you can always download an updated version of the servers.ini file. Simply save the servers.ini file to the mIRC directory on your harddisk (c:\program files\mirc\ or similar) and enjoy this refresh!! The new IRC networks and servers will immediately be available to you from within mIRC.
Download mIRC
mIRC Servers Text File
mIRC Commands Text File
mIRC Links Text File

Newsgroups are electronic discussion forums for users to meet and exchange ideas, media, software and other binary. The newsgroups are a good source of answers and information for 'how to' questions, installation problems, and programming issues for alot of products programs, games software music and movies, including ones that are no longer supported. To access newsgroups, you need a news reader program and servers to add. Similar to irc but more structured, you can download free newsreaders and ones that cost money. a good free newsreader is News Rover. After installing your news reader you will have to add newsgroup servers to access the channles you wish to download from. To get newsgroup servers you hve to pay a subscription, but there are a few FREE servers out there that will allow you to connect to many binry groups to downloa dmovies, music, games and such. Most ISP's come with a list of servers you can add, try looking it up on yoru ISP's homepage. If yoru isp Does not have free servers then you will have to pay or locate some free servers yourself. Sence we are so nice and know how hard it is to find free servers we will give you two.
At the bottem there is a text file containg links for all post including newsgroups. We suggest you check the links for more comprehensive FAQ's and tutorials on USENET and newsrover.

p2p (KaZaa) p2p stands for person to person file sharing. Peer 2 Peer is the most popular file sharing method as it is eassiest to use and understand. Similiar to newsgroups but alot more basic in features and content. Peer2Peer is usually the last place to see movie files and most p2p servers are the same, and most programs have the same content, such as, kaza, imesh, e-donkey winMX.. ect ect.. Some say this ones better an dthat oines better but they all function basicly the same, we use Kaza mostly, with the extra plug in for super nodes we think it functions teh best and usually see's movies first. A growing trend is starting were alot of high quality movies are comming stright from newsgroups into Kaza, we have also helped this growing trend by downloading movies from newsgroups they day of there release and bringing them to kaza. The most common files on kaza are mIRC files. typicly movies are released on newsgroups, then clans, or groups holding their own irc channells download these movies, compress them to lesson size, usually from mpeg to avgi, then tag them with there own tags, such as #TMD-Movies, then these movies make it to kaza, poor quality and sound. Usually when u see an SVCD mpg, or a DVDRIP, XviD or DivX file, its stright from newsgroups or as we do, released striaght to Kazaa. The best version of Kazaa is Kazaa Gold, but it cost a small one time fee for download. You can obtain Kazaa lite for free @ an dthen use it to download Kazaa Gold. Or as most people just use Kazaa lite. Plugins can also be found on the kazaa lite website. All of our tags can be found on kazaa, please visit the verified files section for the tags. The TMD tags are not our own and are of lesser quallity.

Links Text file Has links for everything listed above to help give more information on downloading movies.Please use this text file to learn more about file sharing.
LInks Text File

The forum is open to any questions these sections do not cover.