Hero Complex

Mac Thompson

Barry Thompson

Gavin Nelson

Emad Zia

What's Going On..

Alot of things have been going on in the past few months. We have been working really hard to get our shit straight and working on alot new material. As you know we have a new line up and many new songs. A show has been set in concrete on May 28th at Across the Street Bar in Dallas. It will be our first show with our new line up and new songs. Show starts at 6:30 so be there. We will be playing with Near Miss and Whilelm Scream.

Here are 2 Rap songs that feature Barry, Mac, and Emad from NC-17. Check them out, just right click and go to "Save As." Broadband users just click it. These songs are just for fun, not serious...

1. Skruck Down

2. Baltimore Jarvis

Hey guys, the band has been making good progress lately, with getting in alot of practices and adjusting with the newness. Theres somewhat of a change in the sound, but thats all part of the additions to the band. Also, I have fixed Gavin and Emads pictures, so you can actually see them, credit of the pictures goes to Emad. I'm going to add a few "raps" tomorrow that BJ, Mac, Emad, and a few of their other friends made for fun. Hopefully Gavin will be able to get in on the next rap. Well, thats all for now, more later.

NC-17 has picked up a second guitarist. Emad Zia in the HOUSE!!! More news on that soon. Things are looking up again as NC will, in the next month or so, be back to playing shows as a complete band again...A new site layout that will look way better than this shitty site will be up in the next few months. Thats all the news for the now.

We have good news...Gavin Nelson is our new drummer (thank you though to everyone who tried out). His info will be posted soon. Also some quick clips of our new songs will be poster within the next few days so check back. Thats all for now, Later

Hey, its been a while since anything has really gone on with NC-17. They have tried out some new drummers and will soon be back to playing shows again. They already have new material done, some recorded. More news to come...

We have tried our first new drummer out last week and things went pretty good. He already knew some of our songs. Still though if you or anybody you know is interested just let us know and you'll get a shot. B.j and Mac have written some new material that I know you guys will like. It might be a while before they get out playing some new shows but if you are a true fan you will stick with them. Thats all for now. Check back soon.......

We are currently going through some member changes and writing some new material and keeping most of the old stuff. We'll get back to you guys when things are finalized and back to playing some shows. LATER.......

Click Here to order tickets to see NC-17 and Waiting on Yesterday at Deep Ellum Live....

Hey, its Alit again. Seems NC*17 has a show at Deep Ellum Live on October 18, $12 a ticket, if you want to buy one then ask mac, bj, javier, or me. Pretty soon you'll be able to order tickets off the internet, we'll post the website later. hope to see you guys there.

Hey guys, its alit. so this saturday nc17 will be playing at JT's in hidden cove park. show starts at 5:30, hope to see most of you there. They will be performing 2 new songs, and 12 years wasted [friends of nc17, live in plano] will be playing as well. im really looking forward to them. Waiting on yesterday as well. so, if you need any information or something, hit up macs email, or at school. see you guys later//saturday
The dates on our shows have been confirmed. Including a show at Deep Ellum Live. Click the SHOWS BUTTON for more info. Later...

Well, NC-17 has got a few shows, and we hope to see you guys there. we'll update later letting you know time/dates. thanks. ---alit

NC-17 has been working out some slight problems within the band, but everything is going good now. Some new shows around the colony will be added soon so check back. Also the site is still currently being worked on so for now it just looks like shit.....sorry. Thats all the news for now check back soon. Later...

hey guys, its Alit, im working on a new layout for the site since Mac hasnt had alot of free time lately, freshen things up a little. its not currently done, so things may seem a bit scary, sorry. Also, this saturday at the door is the show, I'LL SEE YOU THERE!! :) xxxalit

Javier's bio has been updated and a show at The Door has also been added for August 9th with Nelo....

We are currently working on some new material and are planning to record a full length cd in the next month or so. The cd will include about 14 tracks. More info on that will be available soon.

NC-17 is hitting the road this summer to Mexico. They will be playing in Monteray, Mexico. Also dont miss the show at Hurricane Harbor tommorow.

The show at The Curtain Club last wednesday went pretty good, the band Everydays Monday took first place and well deserved it too, so check out there website. We are still waiting on the discount fliers for Hurricane Harbor, they will really effect the price of admission for you so be there, no excuses.

Thank you to all the fans who came to the show wendsday and sunday. They went pretty well thanks to all you. Now dont forget to come this friday May 16th at J4J. $3 admission and show starts at 8 p.m.

Don't miss the FREE, thats right, FREE show May 7th with Waiting on Yesterday (formerly known as Tail*Gate) at The Holy Cross Church. It's located on North Colony by The Colony Pool. It's the big white church if you go past the pool. Plus tickets are still being sold for NC-17 and 19 other bands on May 11th. That's 20 bands for $10, SHISTA! So buy your ticket now by going to the SHOWS part of the site. Thats all the news for now, thanks and *SUPPORT*

Check out the POLLS section of the site and vote for your favorite bands.

The show last night at J4J was canceled at the last minute due to some technical problems. Thanks and sorry for all who showed up to see us.

Another show has been added to the shows portion of the website. It will be at Hurricane Harbor this summer. The date is not confirmed yet though. More info on that show will be posted shortly. Dont forget to go to the show this friday April 18th at Jammin For Jessus (J4J). Buy your ticket to the show at the Galaxy Club now! Go the the SHOWS part of the website and buy! 10$ for 10 bands and the show will be held on May 11th. Thats all the news for now. Thanks and support!

Dont go to the show tonight, it has been moved to the 18th of April. Also another show has been added at the Galaxy Club (in Deep Ellum) on May 11th. You can buy tickets by going to the SHOWS part of the site. Tickets are $10 for 10 bands. Thats all the news for now, thanks.

The show at J4J on April 4th has been moved to April 18th. Also more shows will be posted soon at The Galaxy Club and Six Flags as we get more info on the gigs. Thats all for now.

Hey NC-17 fans, thanks again for coming out last night and a big thanks to Tail*Gate for showing up and supporting us. The show last night went pretty well for the band and you fans helped make it even better. After the show the employees of Domino's in The Colony tried to start a fight with the band, NC-17 fans, and Tail*Gate. So I would just like to say Domino's sucks. In other News NC-17 will be back playing at J4J on April 4th. Please go and support. Thank you for you time.

Hey guys, first off we wanna say thanks to everyone who came out to the show last night. Thanks for the support. We will be playing at Jammin for Jesus again this thursday March 2oth. Please come and check out the show. Thats all the news for now. Later

Hey NC-17 fans, DONT miss the show tomorrow, Monday March 17th, at Jammin for Jesus located next to The Colony Resale and in the Rainbow Foods shopping center. 4$ admission at the door. Also another show on April 4th at J4J (same place) has been added to the bands list of shows coming up. So be there and help support. Thanks

We just put up a new web design and then some. I hope you guys enjoy the new stuff. Give me some feedback on what you think about it and what we can improve about it. Dont forget you have our show marked on your calendar, March 17. It's going to badass. Jammin for Jesus @ rainbow foods shopping center next door to The Colony Resale. Thats all for now cuties. Check back later for more info.

The show today at The Galaxy Club went really well, we performed with 12 Years Wasted who put on a really bad ass show. Thank you to all of you who came and supported us. The next show will be at Jammin for Jesus in the Rainbow Foods parking. Its rite next to the old Bells and The Colony Resale. Thats all the news for now.

We got some more shows up finally. 2 shows at the Galaxy Club w/ good friends 12 years Wasted and also a show at Jammin for Jesus and at Yuppiefest. Thats all the news for now so be sure to go and support. Thanks

A Message Board has been added to the site so you can make conversations or whatever you want. Also vote on the polls. Shows are still unconfirmed right now. Thats all for now. Later

Our next and upcoming shows are at The Church in the Rainbow Foods Shopping Center and also at Trees in Deep Ellum. The dates are no confirmed yet but it is confirmed that we will be playing. So please come and help support. Join the mailing list and take the NC-17 Poll under NC-17 STUFF too. Thats all the news for now and more to come so keep checking back!!! Thanks

- - ->UPCOMiNG SHOWS<- - -

May 28th, a show with Near Miss, Whilelm Scream and more TBA at Across the Street Bar in Dallas. Directions Soon!

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Email: nc-17@hotmail.com