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Heart. Soul. Attitude. M.U. Band

Welcome to the Web Site of The Marquette University Bands

Students Hear ye.  Hear ye.  The M.U. Band web site is now in session.  All those having business with this web site step forward and you shall be heard.  

   Who Are We?
     Insane college students with musical instruments!  But wait, Marquette doesn't have a music major!  What are you doing in a university band if that university doesn't have a music major?  Isn't that insane?  Yeeeees... It is! 

Click here to learn more about the Marquette Band

   Upcoming Events
Who: What: When: Where:
Symphonic Band Fall Concert TBA Varsity Theatre
Pep Band That Freshman Thing TBA Valley Fields
Jazz Band Some Concert TBA TBA

For the complete M.U. Band Calendar, Click Here 

   What's New?

the plan        
*events *calendar
*students *officers
*big buddy
*bulletin board?
*biweekly bando, past winners
*symphonic band *officers
*concerts future and past
*pep *cd
*midnight madness?
*jazz concerts
*alumni *alum game
*alum newsletter
*alum assoc.
*memories *pics
360 deg shot
*history band history
palmer pic


pages to do:
CD's, officers, big/little buddy, geisheker award recipients, ringout sound clip (maybe page in history), alumni game page, alumni newsletter page, alumni assoc., pictures, sounds, 3d quicktime, calendar, announcements/archive, biweekly bando, concerts, jazz concerts, 

Symphonic Band
Pep Band
Jazz Band
Click here to view the William J. Geisheker Memorial

[Home - Upcoming Events - Students - Symphonic Band - Pep Band - Jazz Band - Alumni - Memories - History]

Link to Marquette University Home Page
Marquette Band
Holthusen Hall, P.O. Box 1881, 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-1881
(414) 288-7125
Fax: (414) 288-3111

Marquette Band logo designed by Thomas Plant
Copyright 1998-2001 - Marquette University -- All rights reserved.
Questions?  Comments?  E-mail the Webmasters
Last Update: June 8, 2001