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| Every Sunday Night |

Drama practice in the Impact Room at 4:30pm

Prayer at 5:30pm in the Youth Room

| Every Wednesday Night |

GEM has an evening High School Bible study. It starts at 7pm. Come check it out!

| Every Thursday Night |

Band Practice in the Youth Room at 7:00pm |

| 08 | 03 | 03 |

there is going to be a swimming party
at Vicky Capehart's house.
the time is going to be around 6pm
and it isn't going to cost anything.
bring a friend.. it will be fun!

| 08 | 14-17 | 03 |

Summer Camp is finally here guys!
it isn't going to be a grubby Sieera Christian Camp this year.
it is going to be over at the coast and should be really fun
we wil be staying one night at on the beach at Pismo
and the rest of the weekend at Forest Home Christian Camp.
it will be around $90 bucks this year
which is better than the normal $125.
contact us for more info.

| ** | ** | ** |

more events will be up soon...

take me home