<xmp> <body> </xmp>

Friday, January 31, 2003
[3:51 PM]

There has been a whole big police situation not very far from my house for the past 4 hours.
While i was on the bus coming from school today, at around 11:45am or so, the whole thing passed by us. That was during the "slow-speed pursuit." haha. There must have been at least 15 police cars.
FOUR HOURS later, there are now i think over 100(???) police cars sitting at the intersection of nw 183rd ST and 27th AVE.
Apparently, the hostage-taker guy thing hijacked this woman's Postal Truck (the fuh?! who steals a POSTAL TRUCK?!) and kept her hostage and made her drive. That went on for about an hour and a half. Then the police finally got them cornered and had the postal truck sitting at that BUSY intersection for like 2 hours. They just within the past 20 minutes or so were able to have the hostage released and shes ok. So yeah.
As far as i know, the hostage-taker is still in there, buried in POSTAL BOXES. SKJDFGDS this guy is just weird.
Anyway, they think he might be the same guy who earlier this morning in Ft. Myers shot his wife in the head at some Hess Gas Station. Hmph. This is just too weird.
Anyway.. yeah. Thats been the Exciting Miami Afternoon! woo... and hoo? yeah.

In other news, i was so bored at school today, that i decided that i'd bring my camera on monday and take pictures of the bay. Because my school is right on the Bay and its really really pretty and thats about the only thing i like about my school. So look forward to that, darlings. :D :D :D

In other other news, i decided to trash my lovely Red Sarah Brightman layout and ive begun another which is coming out very nicely. So expect that too. WHEE! haha
Can you tell i'm a little hyper today? yes well its a big improvement from yesterday, which i spent most of moping around all depressed. feh.

Anyway, thats all for now. heeeeee!

Thursday, January 30, 2003
[1:24 PM]

..you have to be the cutest grave digger i've ever seen.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003
[11:34 PM]

I really need to get on the ball with the new layout. I just cant think of a nice way to set it up. grrr.
Rosey and I found someone on Palace who knew XENO! hahahahaha
we were like spazzing out. How funny. we're such lamers.
Has anyone been watching American Idol? Haha its such a fun show. I didnt really get into it last season but i'm gonna try to watch this season. I was so laughing when Stefan or whatever didnt make it to the next round. He shouldnt have been partying the whole night before. I'm glad Frenchie and the rocker guy whose name i forgot made it to the finals. That girl can SING!
There was a job fair at school today hosted by the Hospitality Department. I went for like 2 minutes because i had to turn in an assignment to my teacher. I should have looked around more but i was really really tired. I did manage to pick up a cruise guide for Carnival's 2002-2004 season. WOO! I love cruises. ive been on 6 but i want to go on so many more. There was one itinerary in particular that i like. The southern caribbean? Yeah it departed from San Juan and went all through the southern caribbean for 7 days. Oh i wanna try that one out.

Rosey is such a HO! she keeps talking to me in french.
Hi, i am CELISSE. And i cant even speak a word of spanish, let alone FRENCH! grrrrr.

Question of the Day
What is the best feeling in the world?

(stolen from dex :D :D )
The best feeling in the world is sitting on the beach late at night watching the ocean waves roll in. I have such an obsession with the ocean. Its so beautiful. Anyway, for me, thats the best feeling in the world. Its so peaceful to just sit there and watch everything. And all you can hear are the waves? Gah. Now i wanna sit on the beach. Erk i cant wait to go again. :D

[1:36 PM]

taken from amorosa. such a nice site. :D :D

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm standpoint>. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislikes being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

<333 May Babies :D

Tuesday, January 28, 2003
[10:04 PM]


Name: Xeno <333
Stats: Hot Guy Obsession Number 5
Missing Since: Some time in like.. August 2002? Yeah i think so.

props to Rosey for the idea for this. :D :D <333

Monday, January 27, 2003
[8:26 PM]

Whee. Today was pretty uneventful. How exciting! :o/

I'm still at the same crossroads about my major. I just dont know what to do! Kim helped me to find all these cool internships at Warner Bros. and all these other things in the entertainment/film industry. Theyre really really looking appealing to me. But i just dont feel like i'm at the right school to pursue a career like that. I'd definitely need to transfer to FSU or at the very least, UCF. Either way, i need to get out of Miami. There is just nothing here for me.
I feel so strangled here. Honestly. I dont want to get any older here because i'm afraid i'll grow up to be a TOWNIE. Can you believe it? I cant be a TOWNIE, i'd kill myself. ugh.
Anyway, on the school front, this kid, Sebastien, told me that my Intro. to Microcomputers teacher, Prof. Akache is really a jerk and that he fails everyone. But Caroline told me that he's really a nice guy and his class is easy. I believe her more than Sebastien though, since that kid is.. kinda weird. Hah. He thinks he's God's gift to Humanity. Seriously. He spent 10 minutes talking to my friend and i today about making fun of this girl who likes him. bah.
We had another guest speaker today in Hospitality. He was fun. He spoke to us about Leadership and the nine axiums to be a successful Leader. It was a good lecture, but as usual, i felt stifled and worried about my own future. As interesting as i find my hospitality class, i cant help but think that its the wrong field for me. I just cant see myself serving and catering to other people. Its not that i'm a snob or something, i just know that if some jerk with a stick up his ass came up to me being all loud and horrible, i'd give him what-for. And then i'd get my butt fired. Which is... not good at all? Yes. *sigh*
Cant i just win the lottery and never have to worry about making a living again?
I could TOTALLY live on 78 million dollars.
Hell, i could totally live on 1 million dollars.
Hell, 100 dollars is looking good to me right now. :D

On a good note, the book i requested from south campus, Titus Groan, arrived today at north campus! YAY. I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow. Ive been waiting for this book forever. I'll probably get it before my first class in the morning so i can start reading it before class starts instead of STUDYING. Because we all know i'm SO studious, right? [/sarcasm]

[edit] this is PATHETIC


EEK i almost just lost this whole entry! That would have made me cry big wimpy tears. haha


[12:02 AM]

I dont watch football really but.. uh..

yay bucs!


that is pretty embarrassing, i guess. *shrug* hah. go florida. whee.

Saturday, January 25, 2003
[3:09 AM]

My dog is snoring SO loudly right now. For such a little dog, he sure makes a lot of noise. sheesh.
Today was pretty damn boring. And bloody pointless to boot. I ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY slept through my alarm clock. It was SUPPOSED to ring at 7am, and i ended up sleeping until 8:30am. At which point i freak out because my class started at 9:30 and it takes an hour to get to school on the bus and the next but wasnt coming until 8:50. Luckily, my mom took the day off today and drove me.
By the time i got there, it was 9:15 and i had to run over to one of the labs to pass my homework from my floppy disk to one of my zip disks. After that i ran to class and managed to get there just as Professor Akache was beginning.
He was saying something about how he had these iguanas that lived in his back yard and they died of hypothermia in the cold last night. Sad sad :( He should have brought them inside though. It was FREEZING last night and the wind was horrible.
Anyway, so we had this long-ass lecture about how to use Internet Explorer 6. *snore*... literally. I typed up something for my hospitality class and then just went to sleep as he explained everything. Finally he was finished and gave us time to do our work.
However, there was like.. NO WORK TO BE DONE. At least last session, we had to save stuff and make folders and all that crap that i already know how to do. You know, there was something there to show for our work. But this session was just like how to use the Favorites list and Search engines and crap. There was nothing to be shown for our work. So it was basically a waste.
So yeah, after i'm done LEARNING HOW TO BOOKMARK A SITE, i went to give my zipdisk with last weeks work on it to the professor. But.. yeah. He said he wasnt collecting it until NEXT WEEK.
So i basically wasted 3 hours of my time and made a huge mission of coming to class today for nothing. Ugh.
Anyway, after that i had to turn in something to my Hospitality Professor in the HM building.
There are about 5739432 enterances and doors and things and they all lead to NOWHERE. I needed to go up to the third floor, but i couldnt find an elevator anywhere and the stairs didnt lead anywhere. I walked around for fricken 45 MINUTES before i went to the right place. People kept looking at me like the poor lost little girl i was. BUT NO ONE HELPED ME SO WHATEVER.
Anyway, after i finally got up to her office, she was NOT THERE and i had no one to leave my homework with. So now i have a big fat 0 on that assignment. kdjkdgsd
Then i came home and slept for like 84539 years. Or 3 hours. whatever. Then i had some sessy voice chats with Rosey and Dexicle.
Talking to Dex helped me come to a realization:
Miami guys all sound like wimpy bitches. This is true. haha.
Dex sounds all manly and i dont know one guy here who actually has a manly voice. I noticed that a while ago but he helped to prove my point even further. haha.
My host, Nat, put up a new layout. Its pretty and PINK so hit her up hardcore and let her know how much it rocks. :D
I need to really finish the new layout i started the other day, but nothing i've done seems to look quite right. :o/
Ooh i almost forgot to mention that something weird happened to my laptop speakers and now they dont play any sounds! :( I have no idea how to fix this problem. I can hear everything just fine with headphones but the actual laptop speakers arent working at all. If anyone knows anything about how to fix this problem leave a comment please! its driving me crazyyyyy!

ok that was enough boredom and typing for one night. :D

Thursday, January 23, 2003
[10:30 PM]

You guys? I'm really really cold.
People in Miami dont have heaters. :(

That is all.

[11:51 AM]

*** please excuse the stupidity of the following post. i'm in a bad and stupid mood. :D ***

Hi! I'm Celisse!
and i'm at SCHOOL!


Yeah anyway. My class ended about 45 minutes ago. And i was so excited since i only had one class today and that means that i'd get to go home and sleep for the rest of the afternoon. Because i'm still sick and really tired and SLEEPY AND TIRED AND SICK! DSKFJGSD
but nope. I'm sitting at school.
Why are you sitting at school, oh great Celisse?
So now. I have. To sit. Here. Until. My mom. Gets home. So i. Can get. Inside my HOUSE!

can you tell i'm slightly annoyed?
you can?

yay now she can entertain me. *sigh*

[12:22 AM]

oh my gosh this girl summed up EVERYTHING i was going to say earlier today. haha. those crazy meteorologists.

ugh my tummy hurts right now. i'm still sick as whoa. i did manage to go to class today, but i was miserable the whole time. bah.

Chip Cassidy came and spoke to my Hospitality Class today. It was cool. He recruited people for the South Beach Food and Wine Festival. So i'll be helping out there on March 1st. Yup. He was telling us about how he came into the wine-selling business and how he got Southern Wine to invest in a beautiful Hospitality Management Building for FIU. It was cool. He did run a little long though which meant that i had to take the later bus and walk home. :o/

I'm so worried about my future right now. Honestly. I am inwardly freaking out. I dont know what to do. I've been talking to my friend Kim about it and i'm just so confused.
Ive known for the past like... 8 years that i want to go into Hospitality Management and be a General Manager of a five star hotel in some big city like London or Paris or something. But ive begun to seriously doubt myself. I mean, i'm already taking my Intro To Hospitality class, and i like it. The industry seems like a lot of fun and its an excellent industry, but... i dont know. I just dont think i'll be happy there. I'm just not good at catering and pampering people and thats basically what Hotel Managers do. Maybe theres another area of the industry i can get into but Management is really where ive been heading.
But the real problem is that my heart really isnt in it. My heart is in show business. it ALWAYS has been. Ive always been fascinated by the music industry. The film industry. I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to be famous and see my name in lights. BUT i KNOW that i cant take that. I am not a person who belongs in the spotlight. but i KNOW i am a person who belongs behind the scenes. and i LOVE it. I love EVERYTHING about the film industry and thats what i want to do. But i'm so afraid that i'll do it and never make it big. I'm so afraid of failure.
So now i'm at a crossroads. And i have absolutely no idea what to do. *sigh* cant i just be fifteen years old again? Life was so easy at fifteen.

On a lighter note, i found the Gormenghast books at the FIU library.
Well i didnt. The one i want is at University Park. But i'm gonna submit an interlibrary book form thingie to have it sent to BBC. yaaaaaaaay! :D

ugh i'm so tired and annoyed and confused right now. I slept for like 4 hours when i got home. And i'm STILL sleepy. This cold has me insane. eesh.
In the mean time, hit up Mia because shes been having a terrible week. :(
and visit Sarah because her site is so cute :D

Tuesday, January 21, 2003
[2:13 PM]

Ok. If a woman already has a husband and one child, and is complaining about money problems and having to work two jobs and never having time for herself and blahblahblah, why in all hell would she be trying to get pregnant again?
Thats really poor judgement, in my opinion.
If you're having trouble handling ONE child, how would you manage with TWO running around?

People really worry me.

Monday, January 20, 2003
[10:08 PM]

Oh i am in a sad, sad state.
My cold hasnt gotten any better. In fact, its gotten A LOT worse. *sob*
I so do not want to go to class tomorrow.
I have Bio Lecture (1hr 15minutes) and Bio Lab (3 HOURS) tomorrow.
kill. me. now.

On the plus side, its still cold, but not as cold as its been this weekend. Hopefully it'll be warmer tomorrow. This cold weather is killing me.

I'm gonna start applying for scholarships and to colleges upstate again. I really really really want to go to FSU in Tallahassee or UCF in Orlando. Hopefully i'll be able to get in as a transfer student. They rejected me as a freshman since we all know how stupid and lame i was in high school and screwed over my GPA. Gar. I'm still kicking myself in the head for that much. Bah, at least i got into a University. Granted, not my first OR second choice, but a university none the less.
A note to any high school freshmen:
i am proof of a student who didnt listen. kthnx.

I miss the debate club. *sob*

Hi. Someone buy me a floppy disk drive for my IBM Thinkpad R-30 PLEASE?
Because i am absolutely unhappy using my desktop for my Microcomputers homework.

Question of the Day

Where is your favorite place in the world to go on vacation?

I've been on six cruises to the western Caribbean. I love those cruises. Out of all the islands i've visited, my absolute favorite is St. Thomas of the US Virgin Islands. That island is so frucking beautiful. Plus you can get designer stuff there for moderately cheap, depending on where you look. *wink* :D
Can't beat the beaches, either. I've not even seen photos of beaches that gorgeous. *sigh* i want to go back now. :D :D :D

Sunday, January 19, 2003
[12:59 AM]

Erk. I have Layout Block. haha.
I found the perfect picture for the new layout, but i just cant think of a creative way to set it all up.
At one point i had it all ready to go, but i trashed it. It ended up looking too similar to this layout.
Its a lovely red though. I've not done something so bright as red so thats fun. haha.

Good God this was a boring post.

Question of the Day

(this may open a can of worms but whatever)
What are your thoughts on the immenent war happenings concerning the US and Iraq?

Personally, i think President Bush is sticking his ass where it doesnt belong. and considering i am a republican, thats big of me to admit. haha. But in all seriousness, i feel that its a stupid idea to be going to war.
All thats gonna come from this is a lot of blood and a new generation of hippies. Oh yes, thats what we all need. *eye roll*

Friday, January 17, 2003
[7:35 PM]

Ugh i feel so terrible right now.
My mother successfully managed to pass onto me whatever has been ailing her for the past week. Ive had a horrible sore throat all day and now my nose is running (like a tap! haha).
I'm such a child. I get so stupid when i'm sick. even if its a common cold or something. I just lay in bed like a log and only get up to take meds. Luckily we've got a long weekend so hopefully i'll be well by tuesday and won't have to miss any classes.

I'm aching so badly to go to the beach. But its waaaaaaay too cold for that. They said on the news its going down to 32 degrees tonight! It hasnt been that cold in miami... ever! Sheez. And its so hard to get dressed in this weather considering i was born and raised here and havent got a stitch of warm clothing. I only have like 2 sweaters and a denim jacket. And thats it. grah. We cant even turn the heat on in this house. Last time i tried, THE THING STARTED TO SMOKE. Uh, ive never used a heater before, but i dont think theyre supposed to smoke. :o/ haha :D
Either way, i still want to go to the beach. Even if it means freezing my ass off. haha. I love the ocean. <333 :D :D :D

Next week someone is coming to my hospitality class to recruit volunteers for the South Beach Wine and Food Festival. I'm not feeling as badly about it as i was. Its better than sitting at home as usual. haha. I really need a job or something to keep me occupied.

I'm gonna start making a new layout soon. I've grown bored with miss portman looking so serious. I need some color :D :D
I'm thinking Sarah Brightman for the new one. I havent decided just yet. 72972871913 ideas running through my head as always. haha.

I'm gonna take some medicine and zonk out for a bit. *sigh*

Thursday, January 16, 2003
[8:40 PM]

Yesterday, i was not a happy camper. In fact, i was the antithesis of a happy camper. Thats right, folks. I WAS AN ANGRY CAMPER. GAH.

Yesterday afternoon was just... not fun? Nope. not fun at all. haha.
My hospitality class ran a little long because we had this guest speaker who didnt stop talking. So due to that fact, i ended up missing the bus that leaves my school at 12:10. So i decided to buy my books for my computer class and then i caught the 12:40 bus. fine. happy happy joy joy. I got off at 67th avenue (an hour bus ride from my school) and decided to have lunch since the bus i was on was slow and i missed the bus that takes me home. I had lunch. lalala. then i had to cross the street to get to the other bus stop. so i'm standing there, waiting for traffic to clear, and then.. this school bus comes by.
what the hell?
and then people wonder why i hate children.
so i decided to screw the whole thing and just walk home. fah. then when i was on the last leg of my walk, THE BUS THAT TAKES ME HOME JUST PASSED ME. PASSED ME RIGHT BEFORE I GOT HOME. IT GOT TO MY HOUSE BEFORE I DID. GARRRRRR.

Anyway, today was better haha. I did walk home again though. I didnt feel like waiting for the bus. It was cool out anyway. :D
..I need to learn to drive. hee! haha.

[EDIT] hahaha thank you to Jessa for her comment which made me laugh hysterically at my own patheticness (?? haha) for getting beaten by a grade-schooler. hahaha :D uh.. i dont know if thats a good thing or not but whatever, it made me feel better about the day's events. hahaha [/EDIT]

ok. time for the:

Question of the Day!

you all better answer this time. :D

What popular band/musician out right now can you just NOT STAND EVER AT ALL?

Right now, i absolutely hate Good Charlotte. They are EVERYWHERE and in my opinion, theyre not even worthy of all the attention theyre getting. bah. This girl i know is OBSESSED with them. its sad. *sigh*

Tuesday, January 14, 2003
[10:19 PM]

Oh my gosh it is like 8 degrees outside.
Well actually its only 59 degrees but its practically the same thing!
Either way i'm frozen stiff.

Ok, so i was 20 minutes late to my Human Bio class today. Horrible. It was that stupid bus, i tell you. It comes when it feels like it. My professor is pretty cool though. She comes up with funny little things to help us remember information.

Ok, to all those who are not in college yet:
I have successfully managed to spend over 400 dollars on books alone.
Book Prices:
Hospitality Management - $80
Human Biology (used) - $75
Intro to Microcomputers - $107
Literary Analysis - Three Books totaling to $70
Human Bio Lab Manual - $57
Human Bio Lab Coat - $20
Human Bio Lab Goggles - TBA
Grrrrrrrand Total (so far) - priceless. KIDDING! $409 dollars.
I may or may not buy the stupid lab coat. Just not worth it. I also have to buy a bunch of stuff for my Microcomputers class. erk.
Honestly. I better be making major money in the future for what i'm paying for this education. And then my Lab Instructor is pretty much useless. We're her first class and she knows about as much as we do. And we're not even science majors!
Oh well.

I've decided to start asking a Question of the Day so that i may get to know the people who visit my site a little better. :D :D :D

Question of the Day

What is the worst money you've ever spent? oooor Have you ever bought anything that seemed like a really good deal at first but then turned out to be completely useless?

Just recently i bought Heathers at Target for $10.99. I was so excited because i love that movie and i rarely get to see it. When i brought it home, it would not play in my DVD Player OR my computer.
Its now come to slight use as a lovely coaster! wheeee!
..so i guess its not COMPLETELY useless. but close enough.

Monday, January 13, 2003
[8:21 PM]

I'm required to volunteer at the
South Beach Wine and Food Festival for my hospitality class.

For extra credit in my Human Bio Class, i've got to get an HIV test. WHEE. *cough*
i also have to read three huge chapters by tomorrow.

does anyone wanna trade places with me for like a week?

[1:52 AM]

Check me out.
2 WHOLE DAYS after moving and unveiling version six, i got hosted by the great Nat of
Urban-Cookie.Net :D :D :D
so here i am. hahaha <333

other than that, this day was a huge bore. I got home last night around 1:30 or something and i didnt go to sleep. I had to clean the house and usually it only takes me like 2 hours, max. But i was feeling really really badly so it took a whole lot longer. I ended up not going to sleep at all and once i was done (at around 11am haha) i went to sleep and no one woke me up until 6pm. wonderful. an ENTIRE day wasted. And i didnt get to go to the J2K shooting. *sob*
hopefully they'll have another casting call.

ugh i do NOT want to go to class tomorrow. I have to get a refund on some of my books because when i bought my CGS2060 books, i accidentally didnt notice that i picked up a package for CGS2100, whose books look very much like the ones i needed. So now i have the wrong books and have to exchange them. :o/ FUNFUNFUN. *snore*

May has such a cute Pochacco layout. :D Cherie's site is one of the most beautiful ive ever seen. *tear* :D haha

Sunday, January 12, 2003
[1:50 AM]

i went to see About Schmidt with Karla and her sister. Uh... i think Jack Nicolson is satan.. i always have... so.. i didnt really like it much?
it was long.
and boring.
and lacked a plot.
the funniest part of the whole excruciating experience was when these asshole kids that were making a bunch of noise were walking down the steps and one of them FELL FLAT ON HIS FACE. haha everyone started cracking up. lamers.
we went to TCBY after that. i didnt have anything. because i really dislike TCBY. it was fun though. Karla and i were talking about stuff from high school, like in miss cerra's class last year when we would make faces at eachother and everyone thought we were insane.
i also remembered when we did Data Match in 10th and 11th grade. And alex was on my list. haha. Alex, who is now karla's boyfriend, was on MY list. AND HE KNEW. AND DIDNT EVEN TELL ME.
i then remembered with vivid satisfaction when i tied him up with a long string of rubberbands and let everyone snap them on him. haha. that geek.
i still say he's a woman.

karla also told me that the police found the ass that killed Lissandra's mom. they said he found a door open and came in to rob them and he woke her up and strangled her to keep her from screaming.
i know it wont bring her back, but at least they have that bit of closure now. :o/

i'm tired and have 3920213382 chores to do. i'm off.

Saturday, January 11, 2003
[2:29 AM]

check me out, i FINALLY finished Version Six.
Leave a comment and make me a happy happy camper! :D :D :D

I got this from Caroline's site.
MyMajors.com. You go there and answer a bunch of questions and it tells you what major you should enter into when you go to college.
my six possibilities were:

1. Music
2. Music Education
3. Political Science
4. History
5. Journalism
6. Speech Communication

haha. it didnt say a damn word about my current major, Hospitality Management. That worries me a bit but i guess everything will fall into place sooner or later. I never even considered majoring in music. I did take a lot of music classes during middle and high school though, and i really did enjoy them, so you never know. haha.

Friday, January 10, 2003
[6:46 PM]

This Site is Amazing. :D

haha her site is gorgeous and shes a debate girl (like me! <333 ) so go visit her now. haha

i promise.
work, celisse, work.
i'm such a geek.

[12:49 PM]

the friday five

1. Where are you right now?

I'm sitting on the couch in the family room with my laptop.

2. What time is it?

3. What are you wearing?
I'm wearing my faded jeans with the "genie bottle" thingie on the side of the legs, and my blue "i will not talk in class" [with the nots crossed out] tee shirt. I was also wearing my red cable knit sweater for most of the day. haha and i'm wearing my worn out comfy vans and white socks. :D

4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them.
No one is home yet but woofie is asleep next to the couch and arnie and lulu are asleep nearby. and Baby is outside barking at something.
and uh.. woofie is big and brown and black and white and hairy and i luff him muchly. he's HUGE though. and arnie is a mean little full bred cockerspaniel. and lulu is a cute little mutt. And baby is.. big and... evil. haha <333

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
I never really have plans for the weekend. they always just come up as people call me. but no one ever calls me so i'll probably end up just staying home and working on school stuff. haha :D

Thursday, January 09, 2003
[4:53 PM]

I'm so confused. The more and more i think about it, the more i want to change my major to Journalism. But i'm so scared that i'll change it and then hate it since even though i'm a good writer, and i like writing, i hate having to write on deadlines and things. I dont know what to do. :(

Wednesday, January 08, 2003
[11:28 PM]

ok. just letting the like.. 2 people that come here know. haha :D
i have a lot of it done. i was thinking of putting up a cam but decided against it since i've never been into the whole cam scene for myself. haha
freh. i need to finish this punkass site.

in other news:
Today was my first day of school. It was.. boring mostly.
Haha Ruthie and i spent half an hour with 3 other people in a class room that was not the place we were supposed to be.
i was like "uh.. guys. its almost 10 and no ones here. either shes not coming or we're in the wrong room" so yeah. we were half an hour late to our first class of the semester. doh. Good one, Celisse.
After that i went to buy my books. DUDE MY BOOKS WERE SO EXPENSIVE. SERIOUSLY.
i spent 247 dollars and i still need to buy books for one class that will total up to 100 dollars. so yeah. thats fifty dollars over my 300 dollar book advance :o/
after that crap, i went to my Intro To Hospitality Management class.
the teacher is ok i guess. she seems pretty lenient. I dont know if i'll like the class though. I'm wanting more and more to change my major to journalism. We'll see.
I was actually looking to see if any intro to journalism classes were open, but there was only one and it was closed. :( made me very sad. Oh well, i'll try during the summer perhaps.
TOMORROW: Human Biology and Lab. FUNFUNFUN (kill me now please!?)

Even more news:
and i HATE when people from up north are like "haha cold? i go out in shorts in that weather." well fuzz you, you snow bird. Ive never been up north so yes to me, 50 is fricken FREEZING. sue me.
haha sorry. :D


Tuesday, January 07, 2003
[11:40 PM]

My friend and i went to middle school with this girl, Lissandra.
Karla called me last night to ask me if i'd seen the news. I told her not really and i asked why. She told me that she was out visiting the family of her friend that died last month, and there were police cars and things all around the street. When she asked about them, her friend told her that someone had been murdered and he didnt know her name but it sounded like "Lisa" or "Lissette" or something.
So basically, karla thought that Lissandra had been murdered, since thats where she lives.
I watched the news and looked online but i didnt see anything. So i didnt really think much of it.
This morning, my mom called (and woke me up, btw. skdfgsdf) to tell me that she was speaking to the mother of this kid we also went to school with, and she said that Lissandra was ok, but her mother had been beaten to death yesterday morning.
Someone broke into their house and beat Lissandra's mom to death. (The news said she was strangled, but the news tends to get things wrong.)
The news says that it was a robbery that led to a murder, but nothing was taken from the house.

How terrible.

I think karlas gonna go to the funeral. But i didnt really talk to Lissandra much, and i never spoke to her mom so i dont think theres any reason for me to be there.
I hope she gets through this alright though. :o/

..sometimes i really hate this city.

Sunday, January 05, 2003
[9:37 PM]


If the site looks a little weird for the next couple of hours to couple of days, disregard the mess. I'm in the process of moving and putting up a new layout. ok thanks! :D


[4:37 PM]


i'm in the midst of moving all my files and things over to the new address, but i just found something that i really had to comment on. haha.
I'm going through all (er... most) of the cliques i'm joined up with so that i can let the cliquemasters know to update their links to my site. in the process, i came across the "I <3 My Cellphone" clique, which ive been a member of for quite a while. I went to look at the members list to make sure i was still listed, and lo and behold, i came across this message:

"Members list became too much work.. if you absolutely have something against us taking the member list down, let us know.."

what the hell? whats the point of joining a clique if the clique has no members list? whats the point of having a clique with no members list? totally lame dude. yeah anyway i thought this was amusingly stupid, so on that note, i'll continue moving files. :D

Thursday, January 02, 2003
[5:25 PM]

wheee i havent blogged in a few days.

First off:
Happy New Year

i'm not really into new years. it isnt of much importance to me but whatever. I usually hang out with my friend Karla but she went up to NC or something. Even if she'd stayed in town, i wouldnt have been able to go out anyway, since my mother made plans for me and i was stuck at some fancy restaurant with her friends who are all waaaaaay older than i am. There were no people in that place my own age. Oh well. The food was pretty good i guess. Mostly there was just a lot of it, and it was way expensive. I dont even know where we were. It was a long drive. I think we were in Ft. Lauderdale or something haha. We got all gussied up just to go to some lame restaurant with its own zipcode. blah. oh well.

Secondly, school countdown: 6 days.
I'm excited. i'm sick of sitting in this house with nothing to do. Besides, most of my classes this semester are REALLY REALLY easy. so thats great. I'm going tomorrow to buy my books. haha. Unfortunately, i'm not gonna buy another 200 bux worth of school supplies ( <333333 ) because most of my notebooks and things arent even half-filled so i may as well use them for this semester. theyre pretty anyway. :D

Thirdly, Much love to ROSEY who made me this haha. shes insane :D

And lastly, i am the most boring person in the world and i am gonna go hide under a rock now. KBYE!