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Adult Whispers
About Us

Theres an old saying, If you wanna know, ASK!...
But if u really dont wanna know.. DONT ASK!
I dunno if that applys here but i really like saying it! hehehe

#!Adult_Whispers has been around a little over three years now.
The room was originally formed when MSN closed down our registered room #Adult_Comedy.
Many of the original members are still with us.

However like life nothing stays the same, and some have moved on to other pastures i suppose.
You will find we are a friendly family fun room with little tolerance for offensive behavior.
Our members range from teens to seniors and everyone is welcome!
If your a first time visitor or long time regular, you'll find friendship, help,
support, and sometimes just someone to argue with in our room!

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the Room.
If we dont know the answer we'll make one up! hahaha


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