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Welcome to My Only Promise offical web-page. My name is John Larson and this is my solo project My Only Promise. The propose of this project is for me to express myself in a way musicaly like i have never been able to do before. I ask that you look at the contents of this site with an open heart and an open mind as it is my life that you will be diving in to. Thank you and i'll see you on the flip side.
If you know anyone that would enjoy this site there is a special email thing in the guest book link you can go to to tell them about this page.

  • News - Well i have now moved to the nice beaches of summer sunny california. I traded in Sacramento for a surf board and some waves. Ill be making an update soon.

    NEW! Spoken Word Jan 29th
    My Bio
    Guest Book and E-Mail
    Songs and Poems
    Old Spoken Word

    Last updated September 5th 2003
    Updated- Everything Coming Soon- Poems, Songs and, Mp3's.
    This many hits sense May 11th 2001
