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Rayna the (Lordling) Murrey Dragonian
Level: 15 Exp: 217499 Money: 1151.00 Bank: 345.00 PE: 0
Guilds (15): (15) fallen

Str: 90 Con: 75 Siz: 67
Agi: 59 Dex: 18 Per: 18
Int: 6 Wis: 62 Cha: 6

Points: Hit [690/690] Spell [274/274] Endurance [199/199]
You are having a really bad day.
You have explored 48% of the Universe.
You have 0 RP points.
Drathor is the leader of the dragonian race.
You are single.
You weigh 71 kilograms. You are ageless and eternal.
You feel diabolical, full, and fearless.
You were last killed by Mage.
Best Party Kill: Warlock : 4623 exp, in a party of 3.