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Description of Knowledge Quest:

I focused on SnagIt 7 for my Knowledge Quest and I was lucky enough in the fact I have SnagIt sitting on my computer but haven't used it too much. The reason I chose SnagIt is because for the online class I am creating I am going to have PDF documents for the students to download for different lessons. I am also toying with the idea of having these documents downloadable in a Word doc for those who don't have Acrobat Reader on their computer. I will create the documents in Word with screen shots captured in SnagIt and then save in a PDF format.

The downloadable documents will have instructions and screen captures to assist them through various lessons; I would like to also include video as well. I feel SnagIt produces clear screen captures and the program gave me various tools to use to edit the images. When editing the images, I found SnagIt to have similiar tools to other programs such as Corel, Illustrator and PhotoShop. Of course, SnagIt is not as advance as these other programs.

SnagIt also allows you to save the images in different formats: jpg, tif, eps and much more.

Is this a tool or technique you think you will use in your OTL practice?

Yes, I will use this tool in my OTL practice. I enjoyed having the opportunity to learn more about a program I have and the freedom to learn about other programs as well. I would also like to write a book to go along with my online class, and since I have been able to explore with SnagIt and go through some of the tutorials, I was able to produce a chapter with screen captures from SnagIt.

Does this self directed method of instruction work for you?

I enjoyed the freedom and the time given to learn something new and to explore other programs as well; however, I did miss the daily discussions. This self directed method does work for me but I had to make sure I used my time wisely. At first, I started exploring RoboDemo and Viewlet and it wasn't until Wednesday that I decided to focus on SnagIt.

What did you find most: Challenging / Interesting / Frustrating about this experience?

The biggest challenge I faced was deciding what to focus on. Once I found my focus then the research began. I don't have a manual or user guide to SnagIt so I used Teoma to find tutorials on SnagIt. The tutorials were just okay and I found this to be frustrating, but what was most interesting to me was when I allowed myself to just play around in SnagIt I came across and learned a lot of really neat editing techniques I can use with the images. I fell more comforable with this program, but I will probably purchase a book so I can learn more.



Video Tutorials

Download SnagIt


Knowledge Quest Result:

Click here to see final KQ in Adobe Reader


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