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Welcome to my Web site!

Hey there folks!!!  Welcome to my web site...wait a minute the title already said that....(hahah yeah laugh it up....freaks.......can't get a joke when you see one huh?)  Anyways, look around hopefully you'll like some of the things I have up on my website.  O, and don't forget to sign my guestbook, I want to know what you think about this site also.

News and Updates:

6/16/03 8:18 P.M.: Oh my god!!!  I'm back from doing busy work for school.  mRO will soon be back on, and my cousins really need to learn how to have some fun at Disneyland.

5/22/03: 5:22 P.M.: With finals nearing and mRO still down....i'm completely bored and can anyone tell me the difference between New England and Manhattan clam chowders?  New journal entry up....

5/30/03 8:45 P.M.: With mRO down and the weekend coming up I finally put up a new journal entry....there should be a few changes to the website also, I'll keep you guys posted.

5/24/03 10:45 P.M.:  Again sorry folks Ragnarok Online has been takin my finals are nearing, so i'll probably won't talk in my journal entries for awhile.  Anyways I've posted up some new Rangarok pics...if most of them look the same, it because I took pictures of a wedding event in the game, it was pretty cool.  Take a look for yourself!!! Anyways lates...

5/19/03 7:29 P.M.: A new gallery is up....Raganrok Online!!!! YAY!!!! Plus a new journal entry. the last few weeks of school and apple pie....yummy!!!!

5/19/03 10:37 P.M.:  I'm alive!!! Sorry i haven't updated my site in a long time, but its all because of Ragnarok Online. I'll work on putting Ragnarok pics later today....

5/14/03 7:09 P.M.:  Math teachers always seem to be right...and R.I.P. AC2 (for now...).  Another journal entry in the books....

5/13/03 10:41 A.M.: A quick entry school...blah.

5/12/03 5:49 P.M.:  Wow, like I said MMORPGs can take away a lot of your time....I've got a long journal entry that you might want to read...

5/10/03 7:47 P.M.:  I know I've been gone for a few days, but that's how MMORPGs take your time away from things you have to do.  I know, I know, I still have to do the F1 pictures, but since i'm busy playin Ragnarok and AC2, I just don't have time.....

5/8/03 9:46 P.M.:  Another night of AC2, and well.....I'm just damn happy right now!!!!!!  I just completed a quest which is recommended for a person to be in a group, but since my friends are playin other MMORPGs, I soloed it with out any help.....more in the journal entry.

5/7/03 5:30 P.M.:  Ahh a half day of school....kinda odd to have it on the middle of the week, but hey my school district is really odd...anyways, another journal entry down and ready for your eyes to read.

5/6/03 5:20 P.M.: Another day, another journal entry....i still need to work on the F1 pics, i'll add more ASAP...

5/5/03 4:10 P.M.:  Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!!! Hopefully everyone is well...drunk by now....anyways another journal entry done today.  Yoda vs. Q the ultimate Star Wars vs Star Trek match up, who will win it?!?!??!  Find out in my latest journal entry.

5/4/03 9:09 P.M.:  Finished with the English project and I still have the munchies for pork rinds....probably gonna add some new F1 pics later tomorrow.

5/4/03 4:44 P.M.:  I was just busy playin some AC2 that I forgot to update my site, that's what happens when you play MMORPG' new journal entry for more!!!

5/2/03 6:58 P.M.:  Fish problem solved!!! Check out the latest journal entry....

5/2/03 4:01 P.M.:  Just got back from i'm in the mood for some fish!!!

5/2/03 10:57 A.M.:  Again another journal sucks...yeah...more ideas I got, might work on them during the weekend while i'll also work on my group's English project...

5/1/03 7:36 PM: Added new journal entry....from now on i'll post the times on the news and updates section.

5/1/03:  New feature: My Journal.  Take a look at my life the way I see it!!!!  Added some content on my about me page. (I also changed it to "My Bio" page instead of "About Me" page..."About Me" just sounds stupid).  Also put some legal stuff on some of the pages, so I don't get in trouble for copyright stuff.

5/1/03:  I'm at school, I need to be working on an English project right now, maybe later today i'll add a journal entry page....heh, you guys are gonna read about my everyday life....bahahaha. I also added some links.  Anyways lates...

4/30/03:  Well this is it, I've finally opened up this thing.  Some sections i'm still working on, but I couldn't wait to open it, so you'll see some addition to my site later on. Anyways make sure you look around and sign my guestbook!



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This site was last updated 06/16/03