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Things Shiny or Useful Archives

New Markets Update December 2019: Wanted: F/F High Adventure ... And Other Aswiebe's Market List Updates
The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 1/15/2020.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Thoughts in Passing
If you are wondering why a) the November newsletter is 3 weeks late, or b) the December newsletter is 1 week early, or c) both, the answer is simple: NaNoWriMo. This year, I did NaNoWriMo for the first time, since I thought I would theoretically have the time to finish it this year. And I did!

...Sort of. I got my 50,000-word hot mess written, and I learned a lot from the experience, but I let a whole lot of other things slide. That included getting the writing markets newsletter out on schedule.

Since we're already in December, and December is also a busy month, this will count as the November/December newsletter. The next Aswiebe's Market Newsletter will appear in January. So this newsletter has a double dose of shiny links and updated market listings.

This is also your annual reminder that many publications close to submissions at the end of December, so if you have something you want to submit, get it in now!

(Do you have a writing question? Send it to me, either by replying to this email or by using the comment form on my website, and it may get answered in the next newsletter.)

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
Recovering from the brain-burn of doing NaNoWriMo. I was seriously burnt out by the end. Now I have a story I want to submit before the end of the month to a themed anthology. But it is buried in the pages of two different notebooks that I had to hunt and hunt to find. Let that be a lesson to you ... if you write a story longhand, type it up once you're done or risk losing it forever! Or at least risk spending a whole lot of time trying to track it down in the future.

Things Shiny or Useful
Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

Getting to the Heart of SFF’s Most-Tear Inducing Moments: The ‘Riders of Rohan’ Phenomenon:

How to Deal With Self-Promotion and Award Season:

10 Tips on Writing Victorian Garb from Gail Carriger:

"Why Me?" Asked the Protagonist:

Everything You Need to Know About Fighting in a Ballgown:

A Crash Course in Horror Sub-Genres:

As You Know Bob:

A Tube Map of SF&F Genres:

Hiatus: NaNoWriMo 1:

Writers, Stop Doing This:

Writer's Block and Why You Shouldn't:

How Do You Explain the Magic of the World?

Pep Talk From Anne Lamott:

Do NaNoWriMo Differently This Year:

Featured Market

Silk & Steel: An Adventure Anthology of Queer Ladies wants romantic high adventure in all genres with two queer female protagonists.

Princess and swordswoman. Scholar and mecha pilot. Warrior women… and the courtly ladies who love them.

We’re looking for stories of high adventure that feature one weapon-wielding woman and one woman whose strengths lie in softer skills, but who is just as powerful in her own right. You’re free to choose any setting – from historical to modern to wildly futuristic.

Editor’s Note: I’m looking for all speculative genres except straight-up erotica or hard-core horror. ...Yes! I would love to see trans women, bi, pan, and ace characters.

Basics: all genres (except erotica and hard-core horror), query first for over 10,000 words, pays $.08/word, no reprints, due 2/22/2020.


Market List Updates

To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
Unfit Magazine SF $0.120
2020 Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast Fiction Series ONE-TIME SUBMISSION PERIOD - DUE 1/1/2020 - 1/31/2020 Lesbian historic fiction with optional fantasy elements 0.08
Community of Magic Pens ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/15/2019 - 1/15/2020 All genres except horror and erotica, themed to magic writing tools $0.080
Cossmass Infinities SF and fantasy $0.080
Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast Fiction Series - DUE 1/1 - 1/31 Historically accurate fiction with lesbian characters and optional historically consistent fantastic elements $0.080
Silk and Steel ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL 2/22/2020 All genres, except erotica and hard-core horror, featuring warrior women and high femme women. $0.080
Midnight in the Pentagram ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2020 Horror themed to the occult $0.060
Murder Park After Dark Dark SF, dark fantasy, and horror $0.020
tdotSpec Magazine Speculative fiction $0.011
87 Bedford All genres, especially spec-fic $0.010
After Dinner Conversation Discussion-provoking stories, all genres $0.010
Fresh.Ink Magazine All genres except erotica, reprints only $0.010
Psychological Horror ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/15/2020 Psychological horror $0.010
Year's Best Hardcore Horror ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31 Horror, annual reprint, published in the same year $0.010
Imagine Little Tokyo ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 1/31 Themed to Little Tokyo past present or future
Roswell Award for Short Fiction, The (Sci-Fest LA) ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 1/23 SF
Flash Fiction Online All genres, including SF/F/H
34 Orchard Dark, unsettling fiction, all genres
Nobilis Erotica PODCAST Speculative fiction erotica
Air: Sylphs, Spirits, and Swan Maidens (Tyche Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 Fantasy themed to mythical air creatures
Ultrablack: The Beasts ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2020 Speculative fiction themed to original creatures
Utopia Science Fiction Optimistic SF
Alien Dimensions Spec-fic with aliens, esp. hard SF
Gemini Magazine All genres
Vestal Review Flash fiction - no hard SF
Aurelio Leo Speculative fiction, especially graphic novels
Blank Fiction Review - DEAD MARKET All genres, themed issues
Fiction Terrifica - DEAD MARKET Horror $0.010

EGM Shorts (Evil Girlfriend Media) - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic
Middle Planet - DEAD MARKET All genres, especially SF/F
Unbuild Walls - DEAD MARKET Literary spec-fic
Serial Flashers - DEAD MARKET All genres, esp. SF/F/H with humor, serialized at flash lengths.
Cutting Block Books' Single Slices (Farolight Publishing) - DEAD MARKET Supernatural horror $0.030

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination - DEAD MARKET SF/F $0.150

Silver Screen Imprint - DEAD MARKET Themed to B-Movies
Sehnsucht Project, The - DEAD MARKET F/SF $0.010

Tokyo Yakuza - DEAD MARKET Science fiction themed to shared world $0.060

Another Dimension (FKA Wily Writers Audible Fiction) - DEAD MARKET Classic horror and dark fantasy $0.030

Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
Aswiebe's Market List
Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

Aswiebe's Market List Details
* Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
* If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
* To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
* If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
* To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
* To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
*Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
* If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


New Markets Update October 2019: Wanted: Post-post-apocalyptic Fiction ... And Other Aswiebe's Market List Updates
The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 11/15/2019.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Thoughts in Passing
I recently listened to the Odyssey Workshop podcast in which Elizabeth Hand discussed the idea of secret knowledge, and it makes a lot of sense to me in the context of my current short story work-in-progress. The idea is that each of us has "secret" knowledge, knowledge about the peculiarities and small details of a job, a hobby, or an experience. We may think this information is boring, but it is fascinating to a reader unfamiliar with it. This relates to the standard writing advice of making things more specific--instead of "shoe," say "blue sneaker" or "stiletto heel."

We all have secret knowledge. But we can also discover it through research. Including those everyday, how-things-work details adds realism and gives the reader the feeling of being in on a secret known only to a few. tl;dr I've spent quite a bit of time researching drag queen makeup and pest control techniques this week! Hopefully it will have the desired effect.

(Do you have a writing question? Send it to me, either by replying to this email or by using the comment form on my website, and it may get answered in the next newsletter.)

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
Writing short stories, collecting critiques on the rough draft of my novel-in-progress, and generally trying to straighten out the backlog of writing-related things. Oh! And an illustrated charity anthology of odd sayings and microfiction that I have a piece in, Beer-Battered Shrimp for Cognitive Ruminations, is running a Kickstarter.

Reminder! Today and next Friday, if you're in the Twin Cities you can see me perform at Cole Sarar's Scifi Reading Hour at Bryant-Lake Bowl. Facebook event link:

Things Shiny or Useful
Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

I listen to a lot of writing podcasts. I generally don't share them here because if you want to listen to writing podcasts, you probably already are! But these are the ones about secret knowledge that I mentioned above:

I'm on Track to Write 200,000+ Words This Year. Here's How I Keep Productive:

Featured Market

Rebuilding Tomorrow wants post-apocalyptic reconstruction stories with disabled protagonists.
  • (One of) the protagonist(s) must be a character with a disability or physical impairment, chronic illness, mental illness or neurodiversity etc. We will consider stories with characters experiencing all kinds of disability and illness and hope that submitting authors will be creative with the possibilities.
  • We feel strongly that disability or chronic illness (etc) should have a frequent (if not daily) impact on the character’s life. For example, a character with a deadly peanut allergy in a world where peanuts have been wiped out by a plague isn’t going to quite cut it. However, we are not looking for issue stories or stories where disability is the sole focus of the narrative.
  • Some sort of cataclysmic event must have occurred well before the start of the story. We are open to a variety of past events, including apocalypses, alien invasions, devastating war, natural disasters etc. Be creative! The important thing is that these events should be in the past, although characters may still be dealing with some longterm consequences.
  • We are not interested in fantasy (that means no magic).
  • Basics: SF, 2,000 - 6,000 words, pays $.08/word, no reprints, due 1/31/2020 (Australian Standard Time).


    Market List Updates

    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Strange Horizons F/SF/Spec-fic $.10
    Factor Four Magazine SF, fantasy, superhero, and supernatural $0.100
    Adventures in Space (Flame Tree Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/7/2019 - 10/20/2019 SF, themed $0.080
    After Sundown (Flame Tree Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/21/2019 - 11/3/2019 Horror themed to the night $0.080
    Bodies in the Library (Flame Tree Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/11/2019 - 12/01/2019 Themed to crime and mystery in stately abodes $0.080
    Footsteps in the Dark (Flame Tree Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/11/2019 - 12/01/2019 Horror, themed to predators in empty spaces $0.080
    Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF) F & SF $0.080
    Rebuilding Tomorrow ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/31/2020 Post-post-apocalyptic fiction with disabled protagonists $0.080
    Twisted Love (Bronzeville) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/26/2019 Crime, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and YA themed to dark, twisted relationships $0.050
    Fiends in the Furrows II, The: More Tales of Folk Horror (Nosetouch Press) Folk horror from around the world $0.040
    Triangulation ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/1-2/29 All spec-fic, themed. ONE-TIME 2019 THEME: extinction. $0.040
    Coppice and Brake (Crone Girls Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY DUE 1/6/2020 Dark fantasy and horror $0.020
    Stories We Tell After Midnight Vol 2 (Crone Girls Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2020 Horror $0.020
    Twenty Thousand Leagues Remembered ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2020 - 4/30/2020 Wonder and adventure tales inspired by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea $0.020
    Cirsova Science fiction and fantasy, esp. pulp, sword & planet and heroic fantasy $0.013
    Aggregate All genres, esp SF/H $0.010
    Arsenika All spec-fic
    Rufo's Dog Classic pulp SF, fantasy, and horror
    Broadswords and Blasters Pulp fiction
    WolfWinter (Deadman's Tome) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/15/2019 Flash and short stories themed to werewolves
    Paper Butterfly Flash fiction
    Fucked Up Stories to Read in the Daytime Vol. 2 (Filthy Loot) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Bizarro fiction
    Other Stories, The (Podcast) Horror
    Teenage Gorefest (Filthy Loot) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Classic gorefest horror
    Acidic Fiction - DEAD MAREKT Contemporary spec-fic
    Monster Hunter, various (Emby Press) ANTHOLOGY SERIES - DEAD MARKET Themed monster hunter anthologies
    Blaster Books Webzine - DEAD MARKET SF, esp. military and space opera $0.002

    Flapperhouse - DEAD MARKET Surreal, shadowy, sensual or surreal $0.010
    Halloween Forevermore - DEAD MARKET Horror, especially Halloween-themed $0.050

    Eyedolon (Broken Eye Books) - DEAD MARKET Weird fiction - science fiction and fantasy, themed $0.080
    Compelling Science Fiction - DEAD MARKET Hard SF $0.060
    Legendary Tales - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic $0.020
    ONE-TIME temporary guidelines:

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update September 2019: Constellary Tales, a New Pro SFF Magazine and Podcast ... And Other Aswiebe's Market List Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 10/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Question: I have a lot of ideas. When this happens to you, how do you choose what to write first?

    Answer: I look at current anthology listings and see if any of my story ideas can be tweaked to fit. This way, I get an external deadline to have a submission-ready draft. Depending on how specific the anthology call is, this might add another element to my story idea that makes it even better than my original idea. Also see the shiny links below for an article about coming up with ideas for anthology calls.

    (Do you have a writing question? Send it to me, either by replying to this email or by using the comment form on my website, and it may get answered in this newsletter.)

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    I finished writing my current novel! Woo-hoo! After celebrating (by buying myself steak, brussels sprouts, and flowers), I moved on to writing short stories while I let it rest for a bit before revising. I have a short story backlog in my brain because I've been focusing on Finishing. The. Novel. My current work-in-progress is a horror short story that I plan on submitting to an upcoming monsters-and-movies-themed anthology.

    Coming soon! If you're in the Twin Cities, you can see me perform at Cole Sarar's Scifi Reading Hour at Bryant-Lake Bowl on October 18th and 25th. Facebook event link:

    Cole Sarar's Scifi Reading Hour spacescape image

    13 Insanely Clickable Email Subject Line Examples:

    (...and then go read all Twitter backlash against this article...)

    Constellary Tales is a new, pro-paying magazine and podcast that wants SF/F.

    Named in homage to the master work of Geoffrey Chaucer, Constellary Tales casts the centuries-old tradition of storytelling across time and space. Our editorial mission is to find and share great speculative fiction stories that are, above all, simply great stories. (Prose can be stylish, but it doesn’t have to be. Characters can be complex, except when a story demands them to be painted with a coarse brush. But a driving narrative is a sine qua non.)

    We love SF stories that carry characters from their beginning to their end. That take the reader along on the journey of discovery (or loss, or redemption, or whatever). And of course, they have to be speculative. The name “Constellary” betrays our love for science fiction, but we’re fans of fantasy too.

     Basics: SF/F, 1,000 - 3,500 words, pays $.08/word, no reprints. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Apocalyptic (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic $0.08
    Constellary Tales SF/F $0.080
    Galactic Stew (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 Spec-fic themed to food $0.08
    My Battery Is Low and It Is Getting Dark (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 SF themed to obsolete technology $0.08
    Monsters, Movies, & Mayhem (WordFire Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2019 Themed to monsters in the movie world $0.060
    Way of the Laser, The (Vernacular Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2020 Future crime stories $0.05
    Pulp Horror Phobias Vol 2 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2019 Pulp/noir themed to phobias $0.040
    Glitter + Ashes (Neon Hemlock) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2019 Post-apocalyptic with surviving queer characters $0.02
    Lackington's Speculative Prose Speculative fiction, themed $0.010
    We Will Remember Freedom All genres, themed to anti-authoritarianism $0.010
    One Story All genres, literary
    Kid's Ark, The Kid's stories - Christian-friendly contemporary, historical, adventure, or SF. THEMED issues.
    Zooscape Furry fiction
    Citadel Magazine Literary fantasy and SF
    Mostly Dead! (Rogue Blades Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Fantastic romance adventure in the spirit of The Princess Bride
    Anotherealm SF, fantasy, and horror
    Timeless Tales Magazine Fairy tale retellings, themed issues
    Filthy Loot Transgressive, odd, bizarro stories, horror, themed
    Halloween Horror (DBND Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/3/2019 All genres, themed to Halloween
    Hidden Clearing Books, Postcard, Shorties, and Chappies - DEAD MARKET Literary and/or SF/F
    Pulpcore - DEAD MARKET Mystery, crime, SF, and weird
    Hidden Clearing Books (incl. Sharp Road) - DEAD MARKET Literary and/or spec-fic
    Saturday Night Reader - DEAD MARKET All genres, esp. thriller, suspense, adventure
    Sharp Road (Hidden Clearing Books) - DEAD MARKET Literary and/or SF/F, themed to identity
    Bête Noir - DEAD MARKET Dark
    Remain Magazine - DEAD MARKET Dystopian, apocalyptic, and survival fiction

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update August 2019: The Data Plague: Which Side Are You On? ... And Other Aswiebe's Market List Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 9/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    ***If you ACCIDENTALLY SUBSCRIBED to this markets newsletter at CoreCon, simply reply with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Easy-peasy. You will still be subscribed to my other newsletters if you signed up for them--keep an eye on your inbox for updates.***

    Thoughts in Passing
    This punctual update is brought to you by the free time I had during my children's swim lessons! I feel like I might be overestimating how productive I'll be once they're both in school (for the first time!), but daydreaming about it is fun. Ah, free time ...

    New things!!!
    You'll notice a couple of changes in the market list. First, there's a new sheet in the spreadsheet for podcasts. One of the questions I often get is how to sell reprints. Sending it to a podcast is one of the best ways, plus you get to hear a narrator's interpretation of your words. That's why I've created this separate list. Note that all these podcasts are still listed in the main sheet. And I've checked and updated all their listings recently, as you'll see in the updates for this month.

    My other addition to the market list is a column for "award-winning." This is specifically for publications that have published award-nominated short stories in the last few years. Right now, that's true for the Hugo, the Nebula, and some of the Parsec awards. I plan to add a couple of others.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    One of my tiniest stories is now out in Changelings & Fairy Rings: An Anthology of Nature Spirits & Elemental Creatures, a collection of 40 tiny stories and poems. This is only available to purchase through

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Using Character to Generate Stories:

    "Goodness. I saw this and realized that 5 years ago..." (thread about the creative life):

    Featured Market

    Dream Forge is now open for submissions and they have a special data overload-themed contest! Due 9/30/2019. Prizes: 1st - $200, 2nd - $50 Amazon gift card.

    DreamForge and the Dark Lord are having a dispute. It’s up to you to prove which side is right, Hopepunk or Grimdark, Utopia or Dystopia, Good or Evil.

    Is there too much data in the world, too many voices online, too many points of view splitting us all into a million hateful tribes? Or is overwhelming content simply a treasure we have yet to control, like early humans burning down a few forests on their way to mastering fire?

    • Pick a Side & Write a Short Story.
    • Best Story Wins for its Side (Utopian vs. Dystopian).
    • Runner Up Story from the Opposing View Becomes the Rebuttal.

     Basics: themed SF, 3,300 words max, prizes $200 - $50, no entry fee, due 9/30/2019. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website Recently Award-Nominated (Hugo, Nebula, Parsec)
    Fireside Fiction (short stories) All genres, explicitly including spec-fic $0.125 Award-nominated
    Cast of Wonders Podcast Clean SF/F/H $0.060 Award-nominated
    Escape Pod (Podcast) SF $0.060
    Podcastle (Podcast) Fantasy fiction $0.060 Award-nominated
    Pseudopod (Podcast) Horror and dark fantasy $0.060
    Glittership Podcast All spec-fic, queer protagonist, prefers reprints $0.030
    Monsters Out of the Closet PODCAST Horror by LGBTQ+ creators $0.020
    Seasons of Rot ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY SERIES - DUE 12/31/2019 All spec-fic, themed to one of the four seasons $0.020
    Gallery of Curiosities Podcast All spec fic, especially weird fiction, steampunk, horror, retro-futurism, pre-1950s vibe $0.010 Award-nominated
    Overcast Podcast, The All spec-fic $0.010
    Typewriter Emergencies Furry fiction $0.010
    Centropic Oracle, The (PODCAST) SF and Fantasy $0.008
    Sensory Perceptions ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FULL Spec-fic erotica $0.005
    Whigmaleeries & Wives Tales ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FULL All spec-fic, themed to old wives tales and folklore origins $0.005
    Harbinger Press Flash Fiction Open Call ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 11/01/2019 All spec-fic
    Data Plague Story Contest (DreamForge) ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 9/30/2019 SF themed to positives/negatives of overwhelming data availability
    San Cicaro ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/11/2019 Urban fantasy set in shared world
    No Sleep Podcast, The Horror
    Inklings Pirates ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/18/2019 All genres, pirate-themed
    StarShipSofa PODCAST SF
    Tales to Terrify PODCAST Horror and dark fantasy
    Pseudopod Flash Fiction ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 8/10 - 8/31 Horror flash fiction
    Horror for the Throne: One-Sitting Reads ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/15/2019 Horror, reprints only, NOT bathroom-themed

    Toasted Cake (Podcast) - ONE-TIME HIATUS until August 2020 All genres, flash fiction
    Far Fetched Fables (PODCAST) - DEAD MARKET Fantasy
    Bizarro Sideshow Podcast, The - DEAD MARKET Entertaining and weird, all genres $0.010

    Dead Oaks - DEAD MARKET Horror themed to a town where evil things happen

    Glimmer Train - DEAD MARKET All genres, including spec-fic – literary
    Tin House - DEAD MARKET Literary fiction, SFF-friendly $0.060

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update July 2019: Win $3,000 For a Prompt-Based Short Story, and Other Publishing Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 8/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    ***If you ACCIDENTALLY SUBSCRIBED to this markets newsletter at CoreCon, simply reply with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Easy-peasy. You will still be subscribed to my other newsletters if you signed up for them--keep an eye on your inbox for updates.***

    Thoughts in Passing
    Summer is a busy time for me both personally and professionally, with both kids home from school, assorted SF&F conventions, and family gatherings. Once again, I vastly overestimated my ability to get writing done in the midst of all this. For some reason, I always imagine family vacations as a writing retreat where I'll have a chance to get more done, when in fact I end up spending almost all my time riding herd on the children and participating in planned activities.

    (Yes, I got to practice archery at the family gathering this year!)

    I've been squeezing writing in where I can by saying that I'll write three sentences and then I can take care of whatever other urgent thing I have to do. But I've also started attending group BICFOKing sessions (Butt In Chair, Fingers On Keyboard--and yes, the acronym makes me laugh) where no distractions are allowed and you are just writing for an hour and a half straight, followed by a half-hour or so of socializing. There's a lot of value in using multiple approaches for getting words out. And I know that in September, how I manage my time will change again. I'm looking forward to it.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    Just ambling along, as and when I can. Oh, and I did the narration for M. Darusha Wehm's "A Most Elegant Solution," which you can read or listen to here at Escape Pod. It's a short, sweet, SF thought experiment about nanobots and colonization and adaptation. Recommended.

    Featured Market

    Owl Canyon Hackathon's themed annual contest is now open! Due 9/30/2019. No entry fee, and winner takes $3,000.

    What kind of stories are you looking for?

    Pretty much any kind, literary, sci fi, fantasy, dystopian, romance, whatever, but take a look at the Hackathon 1st and 20th paragraphs on the Submittable site since they may not work for all genres.

    What are the first and 20th paragraphs of the current challenge?

    The 1st and 20th paragraphs are found on the Owl Canyon Press Submittable site.  Just copy and paste the opening paragraph and paragraph #20 from the entry form into your favorite text editor, write the other 48 paragraphs, and then upload your complete 50-paragraph short story to enter the contest.

    But here they are so you can get a sneak peek at them…

    Paragraph #1

    Beyond the cracked sidewalk, and the telephone pole with layers of flyers in a rainbow of colors, and the patch of dry brown grass there stood a ten-foot high concrete block wall, caked with dozens of coats of paint. There was a small shrine at the foot of it, with burnt out candles and dead flowers and a few soggy teddy bears. One word of graffiti filled the wall, red letters on a gold background: Rejoice!

     Basics: all genres, 50 paragraphs long, prizes $3,000 - $1,000, no entry fee, due 9/30/2019. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    subTerrain Themed issues - ONE-TIME THEME: dystopias, due 9/6/2019 $.075
    Diabolical Plots Science fiction, fantasy, and horror $0.100
    Sub-Q Interactive fiction $0.090
    Flame Tree Press Frequent themed anthologies $0.080
    Frozen Wavelets Speculative slash fiction and poetry $0.080
    Mysterion SF, fantasy, and horror with Christian themes $0.080
    Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/31/2019 Horror, themed to monsters we make ourselves $0.050
    Sci Phi SF esp. hard SF and classic-style SF $0.034
    Signal Horizon Horror and dark SF $0.030
    Legendary Tales All spec-fic $0.020
    ONE-TIME temporary guidelines:
    NewMyths Fantasy and science fiction $0.015
    Clockwork, Curses, and Coal ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 2/1/2020 - 3/31/2020 Steampunk and gaslamp fairy tales $0.010
    Dark Moon Digest (Perpetual Motion Machine) Horror – dark, scary, or funny $0.010
    House of Zolo's Journal of Speculative Literature, The Spec-fic $0.010
    Tell-Tale Press SF, fantasy, horror, and mystery/crime $0.005
    Weirdbook Magazine Weird fiction, themed $0.005
    Owl Canyon Hackathon ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 9/30 All genres, 50 paragraphs with provided first and last
    On the Premises RECURRING CONTEST Themed contests.
    Excalibur 2020 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 Speculative fiction themed to the 2020 Olympics or Japan
    Once Upon a Hallowed Eve ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2010 Romantic ghost stories
    Dark Frontier, The (Wild West Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2019 Grim post-apocalyptic western horror/sf/fantasy
    Fireweed: Stories From the Revolution (Lonely Cryptid) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/15/2019 All genres, especially SF/F, themed to current politics
    Macabre Museum, The Dark fiction, horror, and weird, as well as poetry
    Violent Vixens ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/1/2020 - 8/1/2020 Grindhouse horror with a strong female lead
    Darkness Wired ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/1/2019 Themed to old gods and monsters and new technology
    Ghastly Gastronomy Recipe-themed horror
    Guide to Useless Sidekicks, A ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2019 Themed to superpowers
    Mortal Realm ANTHOLOGY SERIES Themed: new worlds, adventure, and death

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update June 2019: Monsters In SPAAAAAAAACE!!! ... and Other Publishing Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 7/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Thoughts in Passing
    First, you--yes, YOU!--are invited to my reading tomorrow (Wednesday) at DreamHaven Books in Minneapolis, MN.
    Reading with soda and cookies reception THIS WEDNESDAY!
    Wednesday, 6/12/2019, 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
    DreamHaven Books, 2301 E. 38th St, Minneapolis, MN

    I'll be reading from several different pieces, INCLUDING the novel I'm about to finish drafting. Get an exclusive sneak peek! Hear it here first! The reading includes a free soda and cookies reception, and you're welcome to join our excursion to Parkway Pizza for chatting, pizza, and beers afterward.


    The Speculations Readings Series continues monthly, mostly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. at DREAMHAVEN BOOKS, 2301 38th St E, Minneapolis. Each reading includes a reception with free soda pop and cookies, and a post-reception expedition to a local bistro.

    Event link:

    Facebook event link:

    Second, all the hustle and bustle in my schedule lately has reminded me of the value of boredom. It isn't coincidence that so many great ideas occur in the shower or while hand-washing dishes, situations where other distractions are minimal. If you are in search of story ideas or solutions to your plot problems, make room for boredom. Your brain is fantastic when it is given space to work. Try no music, no podcasts, no TV, just something you're doing to keep your body occupied (laundry, knitting, exercising at the gym, walking the dog) that leaves your mind free to wander ... and see what happens.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    I was a Special Guest at Fargo CoreCon, which was a wonderful experience. I have a reading coming up (see above), and then I'm attending two local conventions at which I am blessedly free of responsibilities. I'll be at 4th Street Fantasy and CONvergence. Say hi if you see me.

    Oh! And somewhere in there I set up a Patreon.

    It isn't anything fancy, but if you want to show your support or hear about my writing-in-progress, that's where to do it!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    What craft hill are you willing to die on? (Twitter thread):

    Lovecraft & Howard - Pulp! Weird Tales - Extra Sci Fi (video):

    Why We Didn't Buy Your Story:

    5 Data-Backed Tips to Be Successful on Patreon in Your First Month:

    Eight Tips for Parenting the Geek Within:

    Hey Writers! Get Academic Research for Free -- Without Breaking the Law:

    Featured Market

    Monsters in Space anthology (Dragon's Roost Press) wants themed monsters-in-space stories, due 7/31/2019 or when filled .

    Finely crafted works of Dark Speculative fiction which feature one (or more) classic monsters. Vampires, mummies, creatures built from dead body parts, lycanthropes, mad scientists, and zombies -- yes, even zombies -- but we want to see them in space.

    We want to see these creatures floating around in zero g, attacking astronauts and colonists, and generally menacing those brave enough to go beyond the confines of our pale blue dot.

    Each story must take place somewhere other than the Earth. It can happen on a spaceship, on a colony, on a new terraformed planet. There should be humans involved, but they do not have to be the protagonists.

    Each story must also feature (at least) one classic monster. We are looking for new takes on the old classics. Feel free to explore, but they should still be recognizable to the average reader.

    Basics: SF/H, up to 6,000 words, pays $.03/word, reprints okay, due 7/31/2019 or when filled. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Uncanny SF/F $0.080
    DreamForge Magazine Positive SFF $0.060
    Grantville Gazette alternate history in the Grantville cannon $0.060
    Pseudopod (Podcast) Horror $0.060
    Universe Annex F/SF $0.060
    Bronzeville Bee Crime, SF, fantasy, horror, and YA $0.050
    Grifty Shades of Fey ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/15/2019 PG-13 dark fairy tales $0.050
    Monsters in Spaaaace! (Dragon's Roost Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/31/2019 Dark speculative fiction themed to classic monsters in space $0.030
    Eighteen (Underland Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/1/2019 Dark, themed to the great river at night $0.010
    NonBinary Review All genres, themed $0.010
    El Chapo Review All genres, including SF/F/H
    Spooky Samhain Stories ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 7/31/2019 Scary and spooky stories, including campfire stories or totally fictional pieces
    Electric Athenaeum All spec-fic
    Dream of Shadows Horror and dark fantasy
    Sirius Science Fiction SF
    The Nightside Codex (Silent Motorist Media) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/1/2019 Horror themed to books
    Allegory SF/F/H - some general quirky
    When the Sirens Have Faded ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/13/2019 Themed: survivors
    All Worlds Wayfarer All speculative fiction
    Enchanted Conversation Fairy tale retellings, themed
    Syntax and Salt Literary speculative fiction
    Despumation - DEAD MARKET All genres, heavy metal-inspired
    Dragon's Haul - DEAD MARKET Fantasy
    Necronomicum - DEAD MARKET Weird, transgressive erotica
    Year's Best Weird Fiction ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DEAD MARKET Previously published (that year) weird fiction $0.010
    T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update April 2019: The James White Contest for Amateur Writers ... and Other Publishing Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 5/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing

    I can announce it now! I will be a Special Guest at CoreCon in Fargo, ND, May 23rd - 26th. The theme is cyberpunk. I'm very excited about it, I've got some excellent panels planned, and if I suddenly start talking about cyberpunk a lot, that is why! I hope to see some of you there.

    Register at Fargo CoreCon.

    I have a thing coming up locally, too, that may be of interest to Minneapolis folks.

    On April 27th, I'll be at Books and Beer: Cider Edition, a pop-up bookstore taking place at Number 12 Cider in Minneapolis. Come say hi, have a cider, find a new favorite book!

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    Still working on finishing my contemporary fantasy thriller-in-progress. Still so close! I am taking a leetle bit of time for a couple of smaller, quicker projects, which makes me feel less trapped-in-quicksand (while also slowing down my rate of escaping the quicksand). I wrote a quick flash piece for a contest, a very short piece that needs to be a little bit longer to properly breathe. So that's one for my to-edit stack down the road, but in the meantime, I wrote it and it is in the contest and I do think it is quite good. And later today I'm going to a draw-in at an art gallery for an art-and-writing collaboration project. I don't actually draw, but I have hopes that I have a crafting approach that might produce something that at least looks interesting.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Featured Market

    The James White award is open for science fiction submissions from non-professional writers, due 6/29/2019.

    This aim of the competition is to highlight new writers. It is open to writers of any age and nationality, but it is not open to professional authors.
    For the purposes of this competition a “professional author” is defined as a writer with three short story sales to a professional level market or one professionally published novel. We encourage authors who are unsure about their status to contact the competition before submitting a story.  

    Basics: SF, 2,000 - 6,000 words, pays £200, no reprints, due 6/29/2019. Contest rules:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Fireside Fiction (short stories) All genres, explicitly including spec-fic $0.125
    Dark Moments Dark stories $0.040
    DreamForge Magazine Positive SFF $0.040
    Chew on This! (Bloodbound Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/30/2019 Food-themed horror $0.030
    Unfit Magazine SF $0.030
    Unreal Magazine Fantasy $0.030
    Legendary Tales Science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal, and supernatural $0.020
    Not Far From Roswell (Pole to Pole Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/30/2019 OR UNTIL FILLED Dark SF and dark humorous SF, themed to aliens $0.020
    Truancy Folktales, fairytale-inspired, and mythic fiction $0.020
    Aurealis Science fiction, fantasy, and horror $0.014
    Fireside Fiction (novellas and novels) All genres, explicitly including spec-fic $0.000
    James White Award, The ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE June 28 SF - by non-SFWA-eligible authors only
    Across the Universe ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/14/2019 All spec-fic genres, themed to alternative Beatles
    Tiny Nightmares ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/1/2019 Horror flash fiction
    Once Upon an Enchanted Forest (Once Upon Anthologies) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/15/2019 Romantic witchcraft themed fantasy
    A Flash on the Horizon (Signal Horizon) MONTHLY CONTEST Horror, SF, and weird fiction, themed
    Rock and a Hard Place Magazine All genres, themed to the bottom of society
    Planet Scumm SF and weird fiction
    Accursed (Jolly Horror Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/30/2019 OR UNTIL FILLED Horror and comedy-horror themed to a cursed object
    Daikaiju Zine All spec-fic
    Re-Haunt (Pole to Pole Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/30/2019 OR UNTIL FILLED Dark reprints, themed to hauntings
    Beer-Battered Shrimp for the (TBD) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/31/2019 Silly, weird, and hopeful flash fiction, all genres
    Delinquent Spice (FKA Demeter's Spicebox) - DEAD MARKET Fairytales, themed

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update March 2019: Women Writing Weird Fiction and Cosmic Horror Wanted ... and Other Publishing Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 4/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Sad news from Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show: they are permanently closing. They've been one of the anchor pro-paying magazines for a long time, and it's sad to see them go.

    On the other hand, big congratulations to Helios Quarterly and Selene Quarterly! Both publications recently raised their pay to pro rates. Many magazines start out saying that they hope to raise their pay rates eventually; few actually do it. The reverse is far more common. Note that Helios and Selene are only open for submissions one month of the year (June and May, respectively).

    There's a lot of churn in the short story publishing industry, especially in the token pay publications, but it's not something to be stressed about. You just have to roll with it. For every magazine closing, another steps up.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    I'm in the home stretch of the contemporary fantasy thriller that I've been working on for mumble-mumble-don't-ask-please. All the pieces are coming together, the writing is flowing easily because of all the momentum pushing it forward, and I'm really pleased with how it's turning out. Don't get too excited, though. Final stretch for me means another couple of months. I have hopes I'll finish it before the kids go on summer vacation, though. I must say that I do miss the faster feedback loop of short stories, though. The long slog of a novel is brutal when you don't know if anyone will ever read and love it. I'll probably write a whole batch of short stories once I finish this bigger project.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Featured Market

    Hinnom Magazine is having a special pro-paying issue of weird fiction and cosmic horror by women writers, due 4/15/2019.

    We mentioned a “retro” edition of Hinnom Magazine that will be akin to the old Weird Tales magazines of the 1930s. When deciding the direction we wanted to pursue for this project, we really wanted to make a statement with this publication. Considering the old Weird Tales magazines were predominantly male writers, we thought it would be fascinating to see an issue of Hinnom Magazine, designed like Weird Tales, but featuring only female authors. We have a feeling this publication is going to be something special, and we are beyond thrilled to read thrilling stories from female authors of Weird Fiction and Cosmic Horror. 

    Basics: weird fiction and horror, 1,000 - 6,000 words, pays $.06/wd, no reprints, due 4/15/2019. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Flame Tree Press Frequent themed anthologies $0.060
    Helios Quarterly All spec-fic $0.060
    Hinnom Magazine: Women Take Over Weird Tales ONE-TIME ISSUE - DUE 4/15/2019 Weird fiction and cosmic horror by female authors only $0.060
    Issues in Earth Science Middle grade or YA, themed to earth sciences $0.060
    Selene Quarterly Speculative romance, mystery, and alternate history $0.060
    Translunar Travelers Lounge Fun speculative fiction $0.030
    I Didn't Break the Lamp ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2019 Themed: imaginary acquaintances $0.020
    Kaleidotrope All genres, especially SF/F and the unconventional and weird. $0.010
    Trouble Among the Stars Speculative fiction esp. hard SF $0.007
    Crystal Lake Publishing (Occasional novella submission calls) ONE-TIME THEME DUE 4/15/19: horror and dark fantasy
    Future Visions Award, The (Altair Australia Pty Ltd) ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 11/15 All genres themed to challenging the future
    Thrilling Words Two linked speculative flash fiction pieces
    Al Blanchard Award ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 4/30 Mystery, thriller, or horror by New England author or set in New England
    Remastered Words ANNUAL CONTEST (Audio) Fantasy
    Queer Sci Fi's Flash Fiction Contest ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 4/10 Queer speculative flash fiction, themed
    Third Corona Book of Horror Stories, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/30/2019 Horror
    Necronomicon of Solar Pons, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/15/2019 Mystery-horror, themed
    SFFWorld ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2019 SF/F/H, themed. ONE-TIME 2019 THEME: Dying Earth
    TQR Total Quality Reading All genres
    First Line, The ONE-TIME CLOSURE - NO NEW SUBMISSIONS IN 2019 All genres, themed issues
    Suddenly, Cows! Tales of Experiments Gone Wrong (Alban Lake Publishing) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/31/2019 Silly SFF stories of experimentation gone wrong
    The Once and Future Moon ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/30/2019 Themed to Earth's moon
    Underbelly Extreme horror and weird
    Twilight Times F/SF/dark fantasy, literary, and cross-genre
    Spectacle - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic, esp. relevant with good visuals
    Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show - DEAD MARKET SF & F $0.060

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update February 2019: Ambiguous Horror Needed (Or Is It?) and Other Publication Updates

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 3/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoyed the holiday (and are currently enjoying the following "half-price chocolate" holiday), whether you celebrated with a significant other, family, friends, or some extra self-care

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    I'm focusing on consistency--writing every day. I find that when I tell myself I only need to write three sentences, but I need to write those first (before doing whatever else it is I want or need to do on the computer), it is much easier for me to get past that initial resistance-to-writing and I usually write more than three sentences. So yay! I found something that works for me! YMMV and of course what works often changes, but if you're having trouble getting started, it's worth a try.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    5 Places to Get Paid to Write About Writing:

    The Mysterious Discipline of Narratologists:

    Emergency Triage for Writers: Bring Out Your Dead:

    Featured Market
    Update: Unfortunately last month's featured market, Remain Magazine, has changed from a professional pay rate to a token rate. They have released all submissions (which is the right thing to do, and good on them) and are soliciting new submissions. Thanks to those of you who wrote in to let me know!

    The Nox Pareidolia anthology will be accepting weird fiction and ambiguous horror submissions, April 1st - 30th.

    The theme is heavily inspired by Robert Aickman's fiction. Initially, I envisioned a book of stories where it is ambiguous as to whether the nature of the horror/weird element is supernatural or not. But I've recently decided to make that a more openly interpreted theme of ambiguous horror/weird fiction. Whether it be ambiguously supernatural or whether what exactly has or is happening is ambiguous, or any creative idea playing off of ambiguity could be interesting to see explored. But the element that is ambiguous must be intrinsic to the story.

    Basics: weird fiction and horror, no wordcount limits but shorter preferred, pays $.06/wd, due 4/1/2019 - 4/30/2019. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Unidentified Funny Objects ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1 - 4/30 (ONE-TIME CLOSURE IN 2019) Funny F/SF $0.100
    Nox Pareidolia (Nightscape Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1/2019 - 4/30/2019 Ambiguous horror / weird fiction $0.060
    Sorghum & Spear: The Way of Silk and Stone ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/15/2019 Shared-world fantasy with female protagonist $0.060
    Hatchet Job (Lethe Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/30/2019 Horror themed to axe murderers $0.040
    Blasphemous Rumours (Necro Publications) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/31/2019 Horror themed to religious blasphemy $0.030
    Selene Quarterly Romance, mystery, and alternate history and other speculative fiction subgenres $0.020
    Space and Time Magazine Science fiction, fantasy, and horror $0.010
    Albedo One Science fiction, fantasy, and horror, broadly defined $0.009
    Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Heroic fantasy, sword & sorcery
    Speculative City All genres, themed to cityscape and issue's theme
    Death's Sting (Rogue Blades Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/2/2019 Sword & sorcery themed to immortality
    Slaughter Is the Best Medicine (Rogue Blades Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/2/2019 Heroic fantasy, sword & sorcery, with humor
    From a Cat's View Vol II (Post to Print) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/15/21019 All genres, from a cat's point of view
    Reach for the Sky (Rogue Blades Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/2/2019 Cowboys and aliens
    Untitled Time Anthology (Transmundane Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/15/2019 All genres, weird, themed to time
    Remain Magazine Dystopian, apocalyptic, and survival fiction
    Corvid Queen Feminist fairy and folk tales.
    Perihelion SF - DEAD MARKET SF $0.010
    Gathering Storm - DEAD MARKET Spec-fic, themed, plus odd tidbits

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update January 2019: Dystopian, Apocalyptic, and Survival Fiction

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 2/15/2019.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    It's still only January, but so much has kicked into gear for this year already! Some I can announce, some I can't yet.

    Several people have subscribed recently, and it is the beginning of the year, so I thought I'd give you a refresher on where else you can find me. I have not one, not two, but three email newsletters!
    • Aswiebe's Market List - This one! A monthly update on new publications accepting science fiction, fantasy, and horror, along with a few of my favorite writing links.
    • My teaching newsletter - Get notifications when I'm teaching classes or running free workshops in the Twin Cities area.
    • Abra's Quarterly Compendium of Delight - A quarterly(ish) author newsletter with news of my publications, recommended free fiction, exclusives, and assorted other fun things. Subscribers also get quick updates when I have something new out.
    For a limited time only, you can subscribe to these other newsletters simply by replying to this email and changing the subject line of the email to "SUBSCRIBE [teaching or quarterly]." I'll be updating the subscribers manually, so don't worry too much about the precise format. Just make sure you're sending the email from the email address you want to be subscribed.

    Other places you can find me!

    My author website is at If you go there and click on "Stories," you will find links to read many of my published works. Some are free! I'm in the middle of building a new website that looks like it was made in the last decade, so pardon the plaster dust and redirects.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:
    I've been working on a grant application for an artist residency. As an SF writer, this is a tricky needle to thread, but it has jumpstarted the process of me creating an author website that looks like it was made in the past decade. Part of the application requires an online portfolio, so that is up and will exist for the next month or so. Three of my favorite stories are up there, free to read for a limited time, so go take a look!

    header semi-final.jpg

    (This webpage will probably redirect you--the domain is in the middle of being transferred. And pardon the plaster dust and thumping sounds as I renovate my website.)

    Road of Dreams - Transcendent150w.jpg
    My short story, "Road of Dreams," is now out in the Transcendent anthology, a large compilation of stories inspired by dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations. Don't read before bedtime. ;)

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Featured Market

    Remain Magazine is a new pro market for dystopian, apocalyptic, and survival fiction.

    Focused solely on survival situations; apocalyptic, dystopian or otherwise. Successfully surviving or not..

    Character driven stories with mostly plausible survival situations. The more believable the characters, the less plausible the situations need to be.

    Basics: dystopian, apocalyptic, and survival fiction, 1,000 - 3,000 words or longer if serialized, reprints okay, pays $.06/wd. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Remain Magazine Dystopian, apocalyptic, and survival fiction $0.060
    Letters From the Grave: A Collection of Epistolary Horror (Orbannin Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2019 Horror stories in letter form. $0.050
    Pedestal Magazine All genres, especially cross-genre $0.050
    Triangulation ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/1-2/28 All spec-fic, themed $0.040
    Apparition Speculative fiction, themed. Separate monthly flash fiction contest. $0.030
    Red Sun Magazine Science fiction, fantasy, horror, and speculative $0.030
    Alternative Apocalypses (B Cubed Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/15/2019 Themed to endings, beginnings, and change $0.020
    Tales From the Space Force (B Cubed Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/15/2019 Themed: space force, especially pulpy $0.020
    Mythic Magazine SF/F $0.010
    Unreal Magazine SF and contemporary/futuristic fantasy $0.010
    Medusa Contest, The (Mythic Beast Studios) ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 3/31/2019 Themed: Medusa myth retelling
    Dimension6 All spec-fic
    Earth: Giants, Golems, and Gargoyles (Rhonda Parrish) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 2/28/2019 Themed: mythological earthy creatures
    Swashbuckling Cats: Nine Lives on the Seven Seas (Rhonda Parrish) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2019 - 7/31/2019 Themed: cats at sea
    Creatures (Tell-Tale Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/4/2019 Themed: creatures, mythological and real
    Outlook Springs Fiction tinged with the strange
    Hear Me Roar (Rhonda Parrish) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/1/2019 Empowered women and dragons
    Story Seed Vault Science-based micro fiction
    Enchanted Conversation - DEAD MARKET (? website expired) Themed to classic fairy tales

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.
