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New Markets Update December 2018: Five Minutes in a Hotel

Market List Logo

The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 1/15/2019.
Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

Thoughts in Passing
Happy Holidays! I hope you are having a joyful Christmas Eve, if you celebrate it. Me, I like Iceland's idea of  Jólabókaflóð, the Yule Book Flood. In addition to our usual Christmas Eve festivities, I absolutely plan on settling in with some chocolate and a book this evening after the children are asleep.

If you are reading this after the holidays, perhaps because you've chosen to unplug for a while, go you! I hope you feel relaxed and refreshed.

And don't forget that ebooks are a great way to spend the last few dollars of that gift card you got, and novellas are particularly affordable. Here are the Nebula award nominees for novella this year and here's my small yet epic fantasy.

What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

I am embracing the idea of a writing session being a success even if you only write 3 sentences. It's removed a lot of the pressure, and so I feel less of an urge to procrastinate and end up writing more. Usually for me, it isn't the writing that's a problem, it's the starting to write. This helps, and I'm happy with how it's encouraging me to keep my mind in my project and to write every day. Because after all, I can do those ten urgent other things after I've written my 3 sentences, and if I feel like writing more once I get started (I usually do), then those ten other urgent things can wait a little longer.

Things Shiny or Useful
Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

Basic client negotiation strategies:

Ultimate list of the best book review blogs:

Featured Market

New pro themed anthology! Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove wants all genres, pays $.06/wd.

  • Stories must meet two basic criteria. First, they must take place over the span of five minutes. Second, they must take place at a specific era, location, and time of day within the rooms or grounds of the Hotel Stormcove.
  • In order to maximize ease of writing across genres, we are not adhering to a strict Earth location and timeline. Contemporary writers will find the current hotel equipped with modern amenities. Historical fiction writers would be best writing generic stories in an era, but not based on specific local events. Fantasy writers may find low or urban fantasy easier with this theme, but I don’t doubt your ability to work in high fantasy elements and hope you will enjoy the challenge. And steampunk writers, well you can stage a whole mechanical speakeasy in the cocktail lounge. Mystery has the gift of finding a dead body in the hotel room, but you know, have fun with it. And so on.

  • Basics: all genres--themed, under 4,000 words, no reprints, pays $.06/wd, due 1/31/2019. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Terraform (Motherboard) SF $0.200
    Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/31/2018 All genres, themed to the hotel $0.060
    Flame Tree Newsletter Flash Fiction Horror and sci-fi, themed $0.060
    Apotheosis 2 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Themed to human survival after the return of the Elder Gods $0.030
    Monsters Out of the Closet PODCAST Horror by LGBTQ+ creators $0.020
    Crimson Streets Pulp, but not straight SF $0.010
    StoryHack Action and adventure in any genre $0.010
    Wyrm's Gauntlet RECURRING CONTESTS Written to prompt,multiple rounds
    Future Visions Anthology Series SF
    Asteroids ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/1/2019 SF, themed to asteroids
    Family ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/1/2019 Fantasy, themed to family
    Bloodbond (Alban Lake) Themed: vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters
    Disturbed Digest (Alban Lake) Horror and dark fantasy
    Outposts of Beyond (Alban Lake) SF/F
    FrostFire Worlds (Alban Lake) SF/F for readers of all ages
    Chrome Baby Literary/dark SF
    Penny Fiction (From the Depths Literary Magazine) Micro-fiction
    Orthogonal SF - DEAD MARKET Spec-fic, especially indefinable and experimental
    Electric Athenaeum - DEAD MARKET Science fiction, fantasy, and horror, themed issues
    4 Star Stories - DEAD MARKET SF/F
    WiFiles - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic
    Something Wicked ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DEAD MARKET Science fiction and horror $0.010
    Worlds Without Master - DEAD MARKET Sword & sorcery and sword & planet
    Unsettling Wonder - DEAD MARKET Themed: folklore and fairytale $0.010
    Stoneslide Corrective, The - DEAD MARKET (no longer accepts unsolicited subs) All genres
    Leading Edge - DEAD MARKET??? (website suspended 11/24/2018) F/SF $0.010
    Black Denim Lit - DEAD MARKET Literary, all genres except erotica and horror $0.010

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update November 2018: Fun Space Opera Wanted!

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 12/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    As we approach the holidays, the publishing industry slooooooooowwwws way down. Many magazines close for the month of December. Very few new magazines choose to start up during this time (January is a different story). So if you have something you want to send out on submission, get it out now, before Thanksgiving happens in the United States. Skip sending out submissions in December, as many publications will be on hiatus anyway. Take a break, write new things, and spend time with family and friends!

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    This month, I performed at a couple of big reading events. It went well! One was for a new release that I have a couple of stories in, The Subverted Fairy Project, a collaboration between artists and writers. If you enjoy twisted fairy tales, art, or flash fiction, I recommend it!

    Subverted Fairy Project - cover.jpg also posted a wonderful and completely unexpected review of The Unkindness of Ravens, my epic fantasy novella. Squee!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Featured Market

    Space Opera Libretti wants fun, light space opera.

    We've decided there's enough grim and dark in the real world without creating more of it as entertainment. And looking out on the publishing landscape we see a distinct shortage of anthologies of light, happy, FUN SF/F. In fact, we can count the number of such anthologies without resorting to two digits in binary. That's right, there's just ONE. It's a very good anthology, but it's carrying a heavy load.

    To summarize, we need a more inclusive space opera. Fewer Nazis. No Cthulhu. Better representation for women, especially women of color. Better representation for the whole QUILTBAG-P+/-, Disabled persons. #ownvoices. Sure, we like stories with white guys who fight off evil... In space. Hey, who doesn't like space? You're living in it, you know. But there are other stories. We'd like to read them. We'd like to PUBLISH them for others to read.

    Basics: SF space opera, 2,500 - 7,000 words, reprints accepted, pay depends on Kickstarter (goal $.06/wd), due 12/31/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Future Science Fiction Digest SF $0.100
    Space Opera Libretti ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Space opera $0.060
    Shock Totem Dark fantasy and horror $0.050
    Tales from the Lake Vol 6 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2019 Dark fiction, non-themed $0.030
    Unfit Magazine SF and fantasy, incl. steampunk and cyberpunk $0.030
    Steam and Lace ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2019 Steampunk $0.010
    Would But Time Await ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/15/2019 Folk horror themed to New England
    Bloody Valentine ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 2/1/2019 Dark, eerie fiction themed to relationships gone wrong
    Inklings Fantasy Anthology - ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Fantasy
    Unnamed Inklings Fantasy Anthology - ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Fantasy
    Strange Constellations Spec-fic
    Dream Realms of Cthulhu ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/30/2019 Lovecraftian horror
    Animal Horror Anthology (Nightmare Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2018 Animal-themed horror
    Takwin Islamicate (Islam-friendly) SF
    Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts Oh My! ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/15/2018 Themed: supernatural beings
    Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts, oh my! (Smoking Pen Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/15/2018 Themed to title
    Sub-saharan Magazine African (esp. Nigerian) fantasy
    Liquid Imagination Spec-fic and literary. Also has a special flash fiction section.
    Paper Butterfly Flash fiction
    Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/15 Fantasy, SF, and horror
    Havok (Splickety Publishing) - DEAD MARKET Themed speculative flash fiction $0.020
    SQ Mag - DEAD MARKET SF/F/H $0.010

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update October 2018: super-pro anthology, Rosalind's Siblings, due in 5 days

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 11/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    This past week the kids had off from school, so our family headed to a cabin in the wilds of Wisconsin. No internet, no cellphone signal ... perfect. I didn't even burden myself with, "I should be writing a lot." It was the perfect way to get out of my own head and unwind. I enjoyed the autumn splendor, went for long walks in the woods, and read two books. Now I'm back and feeling less stressed and more connected, in a good way!

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    I have a short story in the next issue of F&SF, available at fine bookstores on November 1st. My inner 13-year-old is SO happy right now!

    [Contributor's copies]

    And I've been preparing for readings at a couple of big events coming up.

    Next Sunday I'll be performing at WordBrew, an annual showcase for Minnesotan F/SF writers. It's always a great time. Check it out if you're in town!

    November 17th will be the grand book release party and fairy-themed extravaganza for The Subverted Fairy Project, an art and writing collaboration that I am part of. It's going to be amazing. Mark your calendar now!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    I haven't been reading many articles this month. However, I've been listening to the Writing Excuses podcast a lot. This season they're doing an excellent "What writers get wrong" series (about professions, conditions, hobbies, and all the multifaceted parts of a person's identity).

    Featured Market

    Rosalind's Siblings wants themed speculative fiction, pays super-pro rate.

    Rosalind’s Siblings is an anthology of speculative stories about people of marginalized genders/sexes who are scientists: scientists doing good, changing the world, or just getting on with their work of expanding human knowledge in a speculative context, presented in a positive light.

    ... We are happy to read works from any speculative subgenre: science fiction, fantasy, horror, alternate history, magical realism, fabulism, mythic work, Weird fiction and so on.

    Basics: SF, fantasy, and horror, 500 - 7,500 words, no reprints, $.105/word (£0.08/word), due 11/01/2018 - 12/01/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Future of Death, The (Gizmodo) ONE-TIME THEME - DUE 10/25/2018 SF themed to the future of death $0.500
    Rosalind's Siblings ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/01/2018 - 12/01/2018 SF themed to positively represented scientists with marginalized gender identities $0.105
    Alternate Peace (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Alternate history $0.060
    Dark Magazine, The Horror and dark fantasy, including outside regular categories $0.060
    DreamForge Magazine Positive SFF $0.060
    DreamForge Magazine ONE-TIME THEME - Future Best - DUE 10/31/2018 Flash SF themed to optimistic futures $0.060
    Horror/Humor Anthology (Bad Dream Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Humorous horror $0.060
    Portals (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Portal-themed SFF $0.060
    Temporally Deactivated (Zombies Need Brains LLC) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Themed to title $0.060
    Moonlight: A Queer Werewolf Anthology ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Themed: queer werewolves $0.054
    Helios Quarterly All spec-fic, themed $0.030
    Write Ahead / The Future Looms Cyberpunk $0.030
    Vex Me No More ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Horror themed to witches $0.020
    Cirsova Science fiction and fantasy, esp. pulp, sword & planet and heroic fantasy $0.013
    Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Winter (World Weaver Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1/2019 - 3/1/2019 Eco-conscious SF set in the winter $0.010
    Not All Monsters ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/1/2018 UNTIL FULL Monster-themed horror by women writers $0.010
    Overcast Podcast, The All spec-fic $0.010
    Seasoned Meat (Splatter Club) ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31 Horror written by previously published authors $0.010
    Black Labyrinth (Dark Regions Press) ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 1/31/2019 Horror themed to possession
    Curse the Darkness (Unlit Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 Horror/dark fiction themed to darkness
    Mechanical Miscreants ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Horror themed to the mechanical or electronic
    Triskaidekaphilia Four: Haunted ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Themed: female ghosts and (non-ghost) romance
    Neon Druid: An Anthology of Urban Celtic Fantasy ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/10/2018 Urban Celtic Fantasy
    Nanoism Twitfic - up to 140 characters, all genres
    Liminal Stories - DEAD MARKET Strange, unsettling, weird $0.060
    Deciduous Tales - DEAD MARKET Horror and dark fiction with literary merit $0.030

    Iridium (Fiction) - DEAD MARKET QUILTBAG/GLBTQ+ genre fiction incl. SF/F etc. $0.030
    See the Elephant - DEAD MARKET Fantastic fiction $0.060
    Lorelei Signal, The - DEAD MARKET Fantasy with complex characters
    Aliterate - DEAD MARKET Literary genre fiction. $0.060
    Phantom Drift - DEAD MARKET (now charges sub fees) New weird, slipstream, fabulism $0.020

    Storyteller - DEAD MARKET All genres

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update September 2018: new pro SFF market, Constellary

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 10/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Summer is a hectic, not-so-productive time for me. Happy Autumn, everyone! And a blessed Autumn Equinox to those who celebrate it.

    My autumn goals are always threefold: ease back into being more productive now that I have school mornings to myself; de-stress myself; and frantically try to catch up with everything that I fell behind on during the summer. This includes cleaning and meal-planning and paperwork, as well as my Very Long Indeed list of writing-related to-dos. That's not actual writing, mind you, just the many obligations and projects and bookkeeping related to being a writer!

    Then my oldest got sick with pneumonia. He's doing a lot better now, thank goodness, but all my fine plans (and alone time!) went by the wayside for the last week and a half. Time to take a deep breath and remind myself that fifteen minutes at a time still makes a difference. It's time to focus on writing.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    I had a great reading at The Wolf House (my pictures of this weird, wonderful, bizarre space are here and here) as part of the Subverted Fairy Project. It was recorded, so you should be able to listen to that soon. And there will be more news about this project as the launch date gets closer. If you're local to the Twin Cities, mark November 17th on your calendar for an awesome launch party!

    To get back into the swing of writing more, I've found Cold Turkey Writer incredibly useful. It takes over your whole computer and doesn't let you do anything else until you've written the amount of words or for the amount of minutes that you specify. Great for avoiding distractions!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Writing and Researching Steampunk & Victorian History:

    Cold Turkey Writer, the Ultimate Distraction-Free Text Editor:

    Featured Market

    Welcome to Constellary Tales, a new pro-paying SF/Fantasy magazine and podcast!

    (Prose can by stylish, but it doesn’t have to be. Characters can be complex, except when a story demands them to be painted with a coarse brush. But a driving narrative is a sine qua non.)

    We love SF stories that carry characters from their beginning to their end. That take the reader along on the journey of discovery (or loss, or redemption, or whatever). And of course, they have to be speculative. The name “Constellary” betrays our love for science fiction, but we’re fans of fantasy too.

    Basics: SF and fantasy, 1,000-3,500 words, no reprints, $.06/word. (Opens for new subs October 1st.) Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet
    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Constellary Tales SF/F $0.060
    John Silence ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/30/2018 Themed: shared world, psychic people of color saving the earth from invisible monsters $0.060
    Bubble Off-Plumb ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/30/2018 Themed: things slightly off $0.030
    Tales From the Canyons of the Damned Dark SF, Horror, Slipstream $0.030
    Machinations and Mesmerism ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/24/2018 Themed: strange, gothic, and fantastic fiction in the style of E.T.A. Hoffmann $0.020
    Nexxis Fantasy Biannual Anthology - BIANNUAL ANTHOLOGY DUE 7/1 & 1/1 SF, themed $0.010
    Steam and Lace ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/01/2018 Steampunk $0.010
    Magical Mail Writing Contest ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 12/15/2018 Fantasy letters themed to mythological characters
    Icarus ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 10/31/2018 Themed: Icarus
    No Sleep Podcast, The Horror
    Recommended Reading Commuter, The (Electric Lit) Poetry, flash fiction < 1,500 words, graphics, and experimental narratives
    Zooscape Furry fiction
    Arcanist, The SF/F/Horror flash fiction
    Furious Gazelle's Halloween Writing Contest, The ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 10/01 Themed: Halloween
    Lustcraftian Horror ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/21/2018 Erotica inspired by Lovecraft
    On Patrol (Otter Libris) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/15/2018 SF/F/H themed to eternal soldiers
    Forgotten Sidekicks (Grimbold Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Themed to forgotten sidekicks
    Lost Gods (Grimbold Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Themed to ancient, forgotten, lost gods
    Unexpected Heroines (Grimbold Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/30/2018 Themed to unexpected heroines
    Retro Future - DEAD MARKET Progressive, optimistic SF $0.060
    Grievous Angel (Urban Fantasist) - DEAD MARKET Spec-fic flash fiction and poetry, especially weird tales, urban myths, folk tales $0.060
    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update August 2018: The End of Our World

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 9/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    Oops! I've had so much on my plate lately that I completely blanked on the last Aswiebe's Market List update, so this is a double shot.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    My little epic fantasy novella is out in the world! The Unkindness of Ravens is an epic fantasy story about trickster gods and favors owed. Initial reviews on Goodreads are very positive. Yay! Go read the long excerpt on my website.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Plot Structure: How to Shape an Intriguing Plot:

    25 Ways to Plot, Plan, and Prep Your Story:

    Featured Market

    The End of Our World anthology is seeking thoughtful SF themed to climate catastrophe and end of the world. Due 8/31/2018!

    Contemporary warnings of impending doom, the rapidly approaching end of our overdeveloped and unsustainable world, are based on reality and science, on cold, hard facts, matters of projection rather than prediction. And we are already seeing the end beginning. The signs are everywhere: environmentally and socially (check our fact sheet for details). We are going down, and most of us know, perhaps not consciously, not clearly spelled out, but we know, deep inside, that we are going down, in spite of all the comforting lies told by those who are profiting from our downfall and want us to go meekly.

    This contest is meant to raise people's awareness of what is happening to our (natural) world right now and what this may mean for the near future. We are looking for short stories dealing with the many existential issues facing us. No nonsense, no wild, impossible fantasies but strong, intelligent stories, based on facts, cautionary tales, speculative, plausible and thought-provoking.

    Basics: themed science fiction, 1,500-3,000 words, reprints okay, $1,000 prize. Due 8/31/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Cockroach Conservatory, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/15/2018 SF/weird, themed $0.060
    Crossed Genres SFF $0.060
    Futures (Radix Media) ONE-TIME SERIES - DUE 9/1/2018 Literary SF $0.060
    Hard Universe SF $0.060
    Release the Virgins ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/1/2018 All genres, must contain the phrase, "Release the Virgins!" $0.050
    Concrete Dreams (Prospective Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/01/2018 Urban fantasy with magic and gears feel $0.040
    Tales From the Old Black Ambulance (Prospective Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/1/2018 Horror and weird themed to the dead. $0.040
    Crash Code (Blood Bound Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2018 Cyberpunk $0.030
    Havok (Splickety Publishing) Themed speculative flash fiction $0.020
    End of Our World, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/31/2018 Thoughtful SF themed to climate catastrophe and end of the world.
    Worlds Without Master Sword & sorcery and sword & planet
    Shoreline of Infinity ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 9/30/2018 SF themed to "Moon"
    Midnight Breakfast All genres, especially literary or spec-fic. ONE-TIME August 2018 theme: America and Other Nightmares
    Spectacle All spec-fic, esp. relevant with good visuals
    Gathering Storm Spec-fic, themed, plus odd tidbits
    Three Crows Magazine SFF, especially Slavic
    Wicked Words Quarterly SF/F/H with a twist
    13 Postcards From Hell ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2018 Fantasy/horror, themed
    Kill Switch ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2018 Horror themed to technology
    Trickster's Treats #3 (Things In The Well) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/31/2018 Horror, themed
    Shimmer Magazine - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic, mostly contemporary fantasy (no historical/high fantasy) $0.050
    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.


    New Markets Update June 2018: Sins and Other Worlds

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 7/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    I am deep in the pre-production for my epic fantasy novella, The Unkindness of Ravens. During my final grammar-and-typos copyedit, my proudest moment was spotting the extra space hiding at the beginning of a paragraph. 😆 Want to know what gave me the most trouble? Figuring out the grammatically correct use of articles with a term I made up myself (turns out it's complicated).

    Ah, writers. We do it to ourselves.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    See above. I have a novella coming out soon! July 17th! Soon, The Unkindness of Ravens will be available in print for pre-order. The ebook is already available for pre-order on non-Amazon sites, with a special low pre-order price (Kindle coming soon).

    I'm also going to two local writing conventions in the next month. I'm at 4th Street Fantasy, June 22 - June 24th (I'm there now!). And I'm at CONvergence July 5 - July 8. I'll be doing a reading (with donuts if they're allowed in the room) first thing in the morning on Friday! That same day I'll be on these panels: Kids Ask a Writer, Keeping Creatively Energized, and Next Big Monster. On Saturday, I'm part of the group book signing (look for my origami tree) and the Writing Violence in Violent Times panel.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    A Mid-Year Prep Talk to Rejuvenate Your Writing Resolutions:

    Featured Market

    Sins and Other Worlds is a reprint dark SF anthology by Shacklebound Books.

    All submissions must be science fiction in nature. Any sub-genre is acceptable, but the stories must have have a science fiction element and must be dark in tone or atmosphere.

    Basics: dark science fiction, reprints ONLY, 1,500 words or fewer, pays at least $.01/word (maybe more depending on Kickstarter). Due until filled. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    School Magazine, The Children's fiction, mainstream or fantasy, themed $0.060
    Burnt Fur ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/1/2018 Furry horror $0.030
    Corpus Press Horror Anthology ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/15/2018 Horror $0.030
    Augur Literary SF/F $0.015
    Blood Bath Literary Zine Horror, themed issues $0.013
    Children of Ashton Clark Smith, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/31/2019 Fantasy in the style of Clark Ashton Smith $0.010
    Cirsova Sword & planet and heroic fantasy $0.010
    Prequel Short Stories for Beastly Comic - ONE-TIME DUE DATE 8/1/2018 Shared world cryptozoology capture stories $0.010
    Sins and Other Worlds ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Dark SF, reprints only $0.010
    Unlocking the Magic ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/1/2018 Fantasy with self-care and realistic mental illness depictions
    Life After All (Less Than Three Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 9/30/2018 Romantic post-apocalyptic LGBTQIA+ fiction
    American Psychos (Red Room Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/01/2018 Horror themed to non-supernatural serial killers
    Spooky Samhain Stories 2018 Contest (Oklahoma Pagan Quarterly) ONE-TIME CONTEST - DUE 8/31/2018 Scary stories that are supernatural experiences, tall tales, or entirely fictional
    James Gunn's Ad Astra Science fiction
    Old Sins ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/1/2018 Themed to debunked conspiracy theories
    Swords and Sorcery High fantasy and historical fantasy
    Toasted Cake (Podcast) All genres, flash fiction
    Influence of the Moon ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31/2018 All genres (no erotica), themed to the moon.
    Sanitarium Magazine Horror
    Milkfist - DEAD MARKET All genres, weird and radical
    Cucurbical (Paper Golem Press) ANTHOLOGY SERIES - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic, themed $0.010
    Mythic Delirium - DEAD MARKET Poetry and speculative fiction $0.020

    Red Room Magazine - DEAD MARKET Extreme horror and dark crime $0.030
    Uninvited, The - DEAD MARKET Horror and weird fiction $0.010

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.

    New Markets Update May 2018: Punk Rock Future

    Market List Logo

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 6/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    I've been feeling stressed and miserable. Today I realized that a lot of the reason why is that ... I haven't been writing.

    I've been doing a lot of writing-related stuff, don't get me wrong! I've been prepping my novella for independent release, updating things to reflect recent short story sales (I am *so* excited to tell you about one of these once it's out!), updating market lists, recording podcast interviews, doing audio narration, working on the final read-aloud copyedit of the novella, and a millionty other things. But simply sitting down and *writing*, for a large chunk of time, producing brand-new words, not so much. I don't know why it always takes me so long to realize that I SHOULD BE WRITING. I've been writing for years, in large part because when I wasn't writing, I wasn't okay. And yet, I keep forgetting!

    This is a problem. I have a *lot* of writing-related things to do in the next few months. I need to teach a class on writing contemporary/urban fantasy (at least I'll get to write in class!), getting my novella properly birthed, and prepping for convention panels. (Yes, I prepare compulsively for panels. I am aware that some people don't.) Summer vacation is coming up, which means my non-napping 4-year-old is going to be home with me all day.

    Insanity meter: yellow.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    Stuff! Free stuff for you!

    My Goodreads giveaway is live. Lots of people have already signed up to win a copy. I am so pleased (and relieved) to see that readers are interested in my little high fantasy novella!

    Goodreads Book Giveaway

    The Unkindness of Ravens by Abra Staffin-Wiebe

    The Unkindness of Ravens

    by Abra Staffin-Wiebe

    Giveaway ends June 15, 2018.

    See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

    Enter Giveaway

    I recently did the narration for "We Are Sirens" by L.S. Johnson, published by PodCastle. I loved this story and how the Americana and fantasy elements blended together. Reminded me of some of Seanan McGuire's short stories. Highly recommended. Let me read you the story here:

    And the first issue of Iridium Magazine is live! Iridium is a new magazine publishing science fiction and fantasy stories featuring QUILTBAG+ characters. You can read some of the stories for free here, including one of my favorite short stories so far this year, "Upon Your Marriage to a Redcap," by Tori Curtis. You can buy the entire issue here (including my reprinted fantasy story, "Ekaterina and the Firebird").

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    How to Make a Good Author Website:

    Sometimes Writer's Block is Really Depression:

    Twitter thread on three-dimensional characters:

    Featured Market

    A Punk Rock Future anthology wants punk speculative fiction, pays $.06/wd.

    We’d like to see dystopias, utopias, or something in-between; anything with a punk rock sensibility/ethos; alternative history; the promise of punk; the failure of punk; music-inspired stories; science fiction; fantasy; or horror. No matter the genre label, stories must have a speculative element. This isn’t an anthology of steampunk, solarpunk, silkpunk, ecopunk (those are all fine genres), or whatever punk. We won’t rule out stories that touch on those niches but be warned: Stories should be the real deal, punk punk.

    Surprise and amaze us. A punk strain runs through SFFH so we know that great stories are out there. Want a recent fantastic example? The Big So-So by Erica Satifka. Unfortunately, you can’t get Satifka’s short story online but you might pick up this issue of Interzone to see what we like. Or read Sarah Pinsker’s 2015 Nebula Award winner Our Lady of the Open Road, published in Asimov’s. It, too, has the vibe we want.

    Basics: themed science fiction, fantasy, or horror, 350 - 6,000 words, query for reprints, pays $.06/word. Due 8/15/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Kferrin Fantasy flash fiction and short stories $0.100
    Martian Magazine SF drabbles $0.100
    Eyedolon (Broken Eye Books) Weird fiction - science fiction and fantasy, themed $0.080
    Punk Rock Future, A ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 8/15/2018 Punk rock SF/F/H $0.060
    Sword & Sorceress ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 04/23 - 05/13 PG-13 sword & sorcery with strong female protagonist, contemporary okay $0.060
    Shimmer Magazine All spec-fic, mostly contemporary fantasy (no historical/high fantasy) $0.050
    Glittership Podcast All spec-fic, queer protagonist, prefers reprints $0.030
    Lamplight Dark literary, horror, dark spec-fic, and noir $0.030
    Stupefying Stories All genres $0.015
    Realm of British Folklore, The (Spectre Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/31/2018 Fantasy or horror themed to British folklore $0.013
    Not One of Us About outsiders, misfits, all genres $0.003
    Earth Day Short-Fiction Contest (Sapiens Plurum & Future of Life Institute) ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 4/22 - 6/1 SF, themed. ONE-TIME 2018 theme: history and future technology
    Glimmer Train All genres, including spec-fic – literary
    Worlds of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror Vol IV (Altair Australia Pty Ltd) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 10/15/2018 Science fiction, fantasy, and horror
    Mirror Dance Fantasy
    Spirit's Tincture - DEAD MARKET Fantasy $0.060! - DEAD MARKET (now non-paying?) F/H/SF and mystery $0.000
    Man's Story 2 - DEAD MARKET Pulp-style adventure stories
    Bosley Gravel's Cavalcade of Terror - DEAD MARKET Horror flash fiction
    WiFiles, The - DEAD MARKET All spec-fic
    Vitality - DEAD MARKET All genres, queer protagonist. $0.050

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.

    New Markets Update April 2018: The Working Zealot's Guide to Gaining Capital in Pre-Apocalyptic America

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 5/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing

    Task management! I'm working on all the pre-release bits for my upcoming novella, The Unkindness of Ravens. I have a paper to-do list. I have a writing to-dos spreadsheet. I'm trying (and liking) Trello, an online visual to-do board that lets you pin things to different lists. I have a longform document for my publishing timeline. And of course, I have all kinds of reminders in my regular Google calendar.

    If I ever figure out The One System To Rule Them All, I'll let you know!

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    Working on getting everything lined up. I'll have a couple of things to announce in May!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    My Self-Publishing Timeline:

    Publishing: Everything the Indie Author Needs to Know about ISBNs for Self-published Books:

    Writing Tips: Using a Comic Relief Character for More Than Comedy:

    Featured Market

    Cockroach Conservatory Vol. 1: The Working Zealot's Guide to Gaining Capital in Pre-Apocalyptic America pays $.06/wd for ...

    Weird stories about cults, capitalism, working stiffs, and weirdos. We like bizarro. We like horror. We like our sci-fi and fantasy on the weirder side. We like humor. Think Joe R. Lansdale. Think Victor Pelevin. Think Brian Keene. Think Jessica McHugh. Really. This is a loosey-goosey guideline. The title obfuscates as much as it reveals. We know. It was done on purpose. Cults! Murder! Capitalism! Take it and run.

    Basics: weird, up to 3,000 words, no reprints, pays $.06/word. Issue 1 due:6/5/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Galaxy's Edge SF and fantasy $0.070
    Working Zealot's Guide to Gaining Capital in Pre-Apocalyptic America, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/5/2018 All genres, esp. SF/F/H, themed to capitalism, weird, bizarro, and cults $0.060
    Vastarien Horror and dark surrealism $0.050
    Dread: A Furry Horror Magazine ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2018 Flash fiction horror with anthropomorphic main characters $0.020
    Bizarro Sideshow Podcast, The Entertaining and weird, all genres $0.010
    Nexxis Fantasy Biannual Anthology - BIANNUAL ANTHOLOGY DUE 3/1 - 7/1 & ?? SF $0.010
    Year's Best Hardcore Horror ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 12/31 Horror, annual reprint, published in the same year $0.010
    Beyond the Infinite (Things in the Well Series) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/31/2018 SF and dark SF
    Crossbones & Crosses (Rogue Blades Entertainment) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE FALL 2018 Swashbuckling stories themed to pirates and/or crusaders
    Wizards in Space All genres of writing
    Changelings & Fairy Rings ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2018 Fairy-themed
    Luna Station Quarterly Fantasy, science fiction, creepy horror by women writers only
    Schrodinger's Mouse - DEAD MARKET Hard SF or SF themed to ethics $0.020

    Sockdolager, The - DEAD MARKET Adventure fiction in all genres $0.020

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.

    New Markets Update Mar 2018: Unidentified Funny Objects

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 4/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing

    We live in the Age of Distractions! How do we still manage to focus and write?

    For me, it comes down to a few principles.

    1. Avoid temptation instead of resisting temptation.
    Turn off push notifications on your phone applications. On your writing device, consider installing a browser extension like Leechblock that stops you from

    2. Create focused time.
    Try something like the Pomodoro Method or The Most Dangerous Writing App, or go to a different location that is where you only write. Schedule writing-only time.

    3. Figure out what you need to do in focused time, and what you can do even when you're distracted.
    Writing might be something you have to do in solid chunks of time. Maybe you can do market research or editing or read writing newsletters during time when you are more distracted, whether the distraction is being around other people or your kids or simply during a time of day when you have trouble concentrating.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    Deadlines, deadlines, all the deadlines! I'm giving a talk to some college students on Monday, I've promised feedback to a couple of writer friends, I did taxes, I'm getting this newsletter out, I am doing some narration work, and I'm writing three short stories for a collaborative fairy project. There are other things on my list, too. Did I say list? I mean spreadsheet.  :)

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    This thread on scene craft:

    This Twitter thread on tricks for writing the middles of stories:

    7 Ways Authors Can Sell More at Conventions and Live Events:

    How I Got Published (12 Tips from a Bestselling Author):

    Featured Market
    Unidentified Funny Objects 7 anthology wants humorous SF/F, offers $.10/word.

    We’re looking for speculative stories with a strong humor element. Think Resnick and Sheckley, Fredric Brown and Douglas Adams.  We welcome quality flash fiction and non-traditional narratives. Take chances, try something new, just make sure that your story is funny.

    Puns and stories that are little more than vehicles for delivering a punch line at the end aren’t likely to win us over.

    Basics: humorous SF/F, 500 - 5,000 words, no reprints, pays $.10/word. Due: 4/1/2018 - 4/30/2018. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Unidentified Funny Objects ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1 - 4/30 Funny F/SF $0.100
    Mysterion SF, fantasy, and horror with Christian themes $0.060
    Podcastle (Podcast) Fantasy fiction $0.060
    Visions SF and spec fic, themed $0.060
    Blood Bound Books Best of ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/31/2018 Horror $0.050
    SNAFU (Cohesion Press) ANTHOLOGY SERIES Military SF/horror, themed $0.031
    Innsmouthbreathers (Martian Migraine Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/31/2018 Humorous horror featuring rabid Lovecraft fans $0.023
    Monstrous Outlines (Martian Migraine Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/31/2018 Horror and weird fiction themed to camouflage $0.023
    Gehenna and Hinnom Weird fiction and cosmic horror, themed $0.020
    Haunted Are These Houses ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/28/2018 Gothic horror $0.010
    Unbound (Science Fiction and Fantasy Publications) Anthology Series Themed SF/F $0.010
    Twelfth Planet Novella Series ONE-TIME CALL - DUE 9/1/2018 - 11/30/2018 SF/F/H and crime
    Future Visions Anthology Series SF
    Scourge of the Seas of Time (and Space) (Queen of Swords Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/15/2018 All genres except erotica, pirate-themed
    Abyss & Apex SF/F, slipstream, no horror, especially flash fiction
    Blood in the Rain 4: Erotic Vampire Tales (Cwtch Press) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/30/2018 Vampire erotica with plot and some horror elements
    Queer Sci Fi Flash Contest ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 3/1 - 4/1 Queer spec-fic flash fiction
    Ye Olde Magick Shoppe (Oren Lit) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 6/1/2018 Fantasy themed to magic shops.
    Battery Pack III ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE UNTIL FILLED Micro-fiction
    Polluto - DEAD MARKET Dark counterculture, themed $0.063
    Persistent Visions - DEAD MARKET Edgy SF and fantasy $0.070
    Unshattering - DEAD MARKET Stories leading to a better future $0.100

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.

    New Markets Update Feb 2018: The Hamthology

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 3/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing
    For the last couple of weeks, I haven't been writing new fiction words. I took a break after finishing a major revision project. I did a fair amount of catch-up housecleaning (not that anyone who doesn't live with me would be able to tell there's an improvement!). I caught up on miscellaneous non-writing, writing-related things like submissions and website updates. I did some keyword and category updates for my post-apocalyptic steampunk alternate history book. I did narration for StarShipSofa, an SF podcast. You'll be able to hear that in a little bit! My children had a number of no-school days, including a rare-for-Minnesota snow day, and I really can't do any immersive writing or editing while they're home and awake.

    ...I got a little squirrelly.

    This happens when I don't write. My brain gets bored and goes looking for other things to be creative about. (This is not a good thing.)

    It has reminded me of the importance of doing little bits of freewriting every day. I didn't do that and I regret it. Between taxes and a major photography project coming up, I'm not going to have solid writing time for a while. Bah humbug.

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    I have a book giveaway over on Goodreads, because I wanted to take advantage before they changed their terms. This runs until March: I also put A Circus of Brass and Bone into Kindle Unlimited, so go forth and check it out!

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    Non-English Markets for Speculative Short Fiction (in English):

    This Twitter thread on worldbuilding:

    Featured Market
    The Hamthology is hungry for your ham sandwich-related stories, pays up to $10.

    We are interested in:

    • comedies, horrors, and horror/comedies featuring a ham sandwich
    • science fiction or fantasy stories featuring a ham sandwich
    • serious literary fiction (with ham sandwich)
    • explorations of the human experience through the prism of the ham sandwich
    • romantic and/or erotic ham sandwich fiction
    • creative fiction, possibly told in the form of advertisements or recipes for ham sandwiches
    • actual recipes for ham sandwiches
    • vegan screeds against the ham sandwich, or carnivore celebrations of the virtues of the ham sandwich or, generally, moral debates within the realm of ham sandwich
    • ham sandwich poems
    • ham sandwich personal essays
    • ham sandwich philosophical or academic essays (e.g. the ham sandwich theorem)

    Basics: all genres if ham sandwich-themed, all lengths, reprints okay, pays up to $10. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Speculative Masculinities ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/15/2018 Speculative fiction themed to different modes of masculinity. $0.113
    War on Christmas (ChiZine) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/4/2018 Dark or weird, themed to Christmas $0.065
    Amazing Stories SF, esp. optimistic or humorous $0.060
    Apex Magazine SF, fantasy, and horror $0.060
    Apex Magazine ONE-TIME THEMED Zodiac issue - DUE 5/1/2018 SF, fantasy, and horror themed to the zodiac $0.060
    Baen Fantasy Adventure Award ANNUAL CONTEST - DUE 1/22 - 4/30 Fantasy adventure $0.060
    Deep Magic Clean F/SF $0.060
    Twisted Book of Shadows, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 2/28/2018 Horror $0.060
    Gallery of Curiosities Podcast Weird fiction, steampunk, horror, retro-futurism, pre-1950s vibe $0.030
    Midnight Before Christmas (Midnight Hour) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/1/2018 Holiday-themed horror, dark spec-fic, and cyberpunk $0.020
    Midnight Hour Anthologies Horror, dark spec-fic, and cyberpunk $0.020
    Midnight Hour Vol 1 & 2 ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 5/1/2018 Horror, dark spec-fic, and cyberpunk $0.020
    Schrodinger's Mouse Hard SF or SF themed to ethics $0.020
    Best Vegan Science Fiction and Fantasy ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY - DUE 1/1 - 2/28 SF/F with only vegan products, published that year, reprints only $0.010
    Not One of Us ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 11/6/2018 SF reprints themed to aliens on earth $0.010
    Monsters of Any Kind ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 7/10/2018 Horror themed to monsters/creatures.
    Mithila Review All SF/F and interstitial and literary speculative fiction, especially culturally diverse
    Bikes in Space 6: Dragons ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1/2018 Feminist bicycle science fiction.
    Electric Spec All spec-fic
    Hamthology, The ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1/2018 Themed to ham sandwiches
    Drabblecast (Podcast) - DEAD MARKET Humorous, bizarre, badass, or disturbing F/SF $0.030
    The Binnacle, Annual Ultra-Short Competition RECURRING CONTEST – DUE 12/1 – 3/15 - DEAD MARKET All genres

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
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    New Markets Update Jan 2018: R.I.P. Dead Magazines of 2017

    The next update of Aswiebe's Market List will be after 2/15/2018.
    Permanent link to this newsletter in the archives:

    Thoughts in Passing

    January is a traditional time to reflect on the previous year and to make goals for the next one. Well, one out of two ain't bad!

    First, a moment of silence for those publications I learned were dead in the ordinary course of updating the market list this year. I sold a story I quite liked to one of these; there are others that I hoped to be published in, but never got the chance. Rest in peace.

    Space and Time Magazine, Ember Journal, AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review, (no recent updates following return from hiatus),Wumpus Tales, Cosmos Magazine, (no longer accepts fiction), Spacesuits and Sixguns, These Terrible Times, Blue Dream Magazine, Onirismes, Dark Highlands Anthology, Science Fiction Trails, Crimson Pact, Phantasmacore, Trembles, Sci-Fi Short Story, Damnation Books, Red Penny Papers, The, Hazard Cat, Death Rattle, Plutonian Times, Darker, Sam's Dot Drabble, The Sleep Club, Hazard Cat, Flagship, Literary Hatchet, Roar and Thunder, Inscription Magazine, Lakeside Circus, Plasma Frequency Magazine, Tales from New Babbage, (see Gallery of Curiosities), Novel Fox Shorts, The, Bad Dream Entertainment (short fiction), (indefinite hiatus), Magazine of Bizarro Fiction, The, Short Sharp Shock, Arct Magazine, Smash Cake Magazine, Grendelsong, Full Armor Magazine, Dreadful Cafe - Anthologies, Black Ink Horror, TheDF_Underground, This Mutant Life, Untied Shoelaces of the Mind, Red Sun Magazine, Unlikely Story, (indefinite hiatus), Unsung Stories, Fantasy Scroll Mag, Gamut Magazine, Triptych Tales, InfectINk, Bull Spec, Fiction Silicon Valley, Shattered Prism, Betwixt, Solarpunk, Phobos Magazine, (indefinite hiatus), Strangelet, Goldfish Grimm's Spicy Fiction Sushi, Blood Reign, Monster Corral Monthly Contest, Interfictions Online: A Journal of Interstitial Art, Dark Discoveries, The Night Land, Mothership Zeta (Escape Artists) Podcast (indefinite hiatus)

    This year marks the first time since I started the market list when the number of publications in the total list of the dead outnumber the ones that are still ongoing. My dead list has 466 entries (not including anthologies or other limited-time publications). My active market list has 367. Some of this is because I checked a whole bunch of old entries and removed the ones that were obviously dead.

    What does obviously dead mean, you ask? Your first clue might be when you go to the URL and a Japanese website pops up, trying to sell you ... something? It might be a parked domain trying to get you to buy the URL. It might be a website that has kept the basic structure of the previous website but filled the whole thing with crappily written paid content. It might have completely vanished from the internet. It might even say on the submissions page that it's closed! (I didn't, however, do the in-depth check on recent issue dates and submission responses to be sure that the publication website wasn't abandoned as-is, without notification. That happens more often than you might think.)

    I thought the longevity results were interesting, so I made pie charts. Pie for everyone! Bear in mind, this data is based on very old, un-updated publication listings (mostly pre-2014, when dinosaurs roamed the internet). If a magazine boosted its pay rate, or widely spread the news of its demise, it isn't in this data set. Dead pro markets are unlikely to be included in this, because people talk when those go under.

    Dead Markets
    Dead Markets

    All Markets, Dead and Surviving
    Dead and Surviving Markets

    Surviving Markets
    Surviving Markets

    Surviving Markets by Genre
    Surviving Markets by Genre

    What I've been up to lately, writing-wise:

    Poking at pie charts when I should be writing? I have some rewriting I need to get done on a project that I want to submit this month, but I've edited this project so many times that I'm really, really sick of it.

    The first appearance of my work in 2018 is also a personal first! A very short story of mine is part of a winter art installation, the Art Shanties on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. Expect pictures, because that's how I roll.

    Killing It Softly 2, an anthology that contains one of my horror short stories, has won 2nd place for Best Anthology in the Preditors & Editors Readers Choice Poll. I have a little digital plaque to put on my website and everything.

    Things Shiny or Useful
    Archive of all shiny or useful links:  

    8 Tips To Improve Your Audio When Appearing On A Podcast Or Radio Show:

    Quotes on Writing: 19 Classic and Contemporary Lessons from Black American Writers:

    Dear Time Traveler Op-Ed:

    List of Sites to Promote Free (or discounted) Amazon books:

    Featured Market
    Weird Nature anthology wants environmental / nature-themed weird fiction, of any genre, pays $.07/word.

    Though our scientific knowledge has increased exponentially alongside technological development, there remains much about the natural world we still do not understand. Stories for Force of Nature should involve nature and the weird at their core; how the author wishes to interpret these themes is entirely up to them. Comedic stories will be a tougher sell but by all means, if you have a story that otherwise fits the guidelines, don’t hesitate to submit it. Try to avoid anything that is overtly cautionary. While the idea for the anthology was significantly inspired by climate change and the impact wrought on the planet by human habits, I don’t want stories that lecture. That said, I’m not opposed to stories in which the human factor gets served the short end of the stick.

    While I don’t want a collection full of quiet stories, I will mention here that I am a big fan of the sublime. Wordsworth with a modern sensibility. Or just Wordsworth.

    Basics: all genres, themed, 2,500 - 10,000 words, reprints not specified, pays $.07/wd. Guidelines:

    Market List Updates
    To see all the details about these new listings and what they're looking for, as well as hundreds of other listings, go to Aswiebe's Market List and download the latest version of the spreadsheet.

    Name What they want Pay Per Word Flat Pay (Lowest) Website
    Craft Literary Literary, with a focus on writing craft $0.100
    Analog Science Fiction and Fact Science Fiction $0.080
    Force of Nature (Weird Nature) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/31/2018 All genres, themed to the environment and nature $0.070
    Grievous Angel (Urban Fantasist) Spec-fic flash fiction and poetry $0.060
    Internet is Where Robots Live Now, The (Paper Dog Books) ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 4/1/2018 SF and fantasy themed to internet, AI, robots $0.060
    Mysterion SF, fantasy, and horror with Christian themes $0.060
    Nightmare Magazine Horror/dark fantasy $0.060
    Hex Gunslinger ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/01/2018 Weird western $0.010
    Leading Edge F/SF $0.010
    Unnerving Magazine Horror, dark SF, dark fantasy $0.010
    Centropic Oracle, The (PODCAST) SF and Fantasy $0.008
    Foreshadow: A Serial YA Anthology YA
    Untitled Darkwater Syndicate ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 3/1/2018 Horror, themed to abandoned communities
    Beneath the Waves ONE-TIME ANTHOLOGY - DUE 2/28/2018 Horror, themed to beneath the waves
    Nightscript (recurring anthologies) Subtle, weird literary horror
    Academy of Inventive Literature All genres, especially speculative

    Keep writing, keep submitting, and good luck!

    Abra Staffin-Wiebe, Compiler of Lists
    Aswiebe's Market List
    Abra Staffin-Wiebe's Author Website

    Aswiebe's Market List Details
    * Aswiebe's Market List is a searchable, sortable spreadsheet of paying fantasy, science fiction, and horror markets. This way it's easy to find, for example, only horror markets that accept reprints greater than 10,000 words. For more information on what it is and how to use it, see About's Market Spreadsheet.
    * If you find it useful, please consider donating via PayPal to help support it.
    * To help prevent these from being flagged as spam, please add this email to your contacts. Thanks!
    * If you're so moved, go ahead and link to Aswiebe's Market List on your blog or webpage.
    * To report a new paying market, go to my contact page.
    * To unsubscribe, simply reply to this email with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
    *Feel free to share this newsletter with others by whatever means you like, as long as you include all of it.
    * If you received this from a friend and want to subscribe to this email newsletter, go here.