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The Champs Were Here!!!

the defending WBA CHAMPIONS have a new look this year as far as a logo and what they wear but the team still has some of the WBA best talent. Kevin Harper sits down with Greg Ross to talk about the road to a second straight title:


So first off why the new look?

Well, as much as we enjoyed Kelvin's presence and leadership at PG, financially we were strapped and he wasnt getting any younger. We thought we might be able to get him back on the payroll soon, but unfortunatly Capetown seemed like a better fit to Kelvin and he could see a more important role there. However, this departure leaves the door wide open for young prodigy Bishop Stein to have the offense at his control. The move from SG to PG is a much anticipated one for this franchise.

Good Answer I meant Logo and Uniforms but thanks i can scratch a couple questions now!

lol Well..the idea sparked from the lack of jersey sales. Then couple that with the whole deal the new era with a long term star PG, it just kind of fit. From there we brainstormed and found something unique to the league, a new color combo and pinstripes. We like it. Now we hope that translates into popularity.

Popular this team is not according to a poll this is one of the most hated teams in the WBA? Envy you think?

Yeah. I dont blame them really. Ive always loved rooting for the underdogs myself. I find my self rooting for the Alaska's or SLC's quite often.

Thats sick lol. But it is said the hardest thing to do in sports is repeat a championship run. How do you plan on doing it?

Well plan A in to score more points that the opposing team every game we play. If that plan looks shaky, we will tell Bishop Stein just to lob it in to Lou.

Speaking of which how on earth to you manage to keep big time stars playing in a place like oregon i mean it isn't exactly the party capital of the world. Doyou every worry players may look to the bright lights of big city franchises?

Well, we like to really get to know players before we commit to them. The type of players that are team oriented are welcome here any day. That is one of the reasons we, and the fans, love Bishop. He makes the team better, and he earned all of the extension he received this offseason, maybe more.

Toronto franchise has gotten into the website game word is you are as well care to give us a preview of what to expect?


How come if you don't mind me asking?


Moving right along has winning the title gone to your head. I mean not answering a simple question like that some will think that as arrogant.

Not really, sure some people celebrated alot, but the core guys on our team are as dedicated as ever. Cancun set a bar and we want to raise it. Thats about all there is to say about that matter.

Ok it has been an eventful offseason many teams in new places and lots of issues how bout how the league is run what are your thoughts?

No concerns. If most people would take a step back and look at things, this is a very smoothly ran league.

and realignment and teams on the move?

Should be just as tough as last year in the Pacific. But I wouldnt have it any other way. Battling against Colorado and Nebraska all year puts hair on your chest...gets you playoff ready.

Yes your divison really is much the same. what players to you see as being the most improved as your training camp is getting under way?

It might sound scary, but Bishop has been working at his pro-level PG play and could be better than ever. He played PG in college and did a great job, but this isnt the GCBA, and he will see some great defenders. Also look for Wu Dian-fan. He was a highly rated player out of college at a #8 pick to the Frankfurt franchise. He asnt really performed as expected and might fill a role at SG for our team.

Commisoner of the WBA on this site said that wba will be officated much more closely is that a concern for your organization?

Not at all. A major part of our championship run was our attention to fundamentals. If you check the stats i beleive we were the lowest fouling team, and among the best at not turning the ball over. If anything, this helps us.

Ok two more qusestions of the teams that came over too the west who are you least happy to see and which team that left are you happy to see go?

Well as much as we enjoyed battling it out with Paris (formerly Texas), we wont complain about having to play them less. As for the team Im least happy to see..Id say Alaska. Robert says he has a real hum-dinger of a team this season. Its not every season he says that, so it sounds like i will have to do some extra planning for him.

Lastly you obviously see yourselfs winning the west so i'll ask who do you expext to play in the finals coming out of the east?

First of all, you make it sound like we think it will be easy. Just to clarify to the public, It will be as hard of a battle as ever. Colorado has some SERIOUS offense and could just as easily win it all in style. But, if the future works out for us, we could see ourselves playing former West foe Paris, the always well-coached Budapest, the traditional upper crust of the East that include Albacete, Rochester and Brooklyn, or whoever else steps up. But, the east isnt our concern right now. The west is, more specificly the Pacific West.

alright well it is a busy time of the year so thanks for taking the time to talk with us and good luck defending your title

Not a problem come back anytime.

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