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New York Finally Has Hope!!!

With a change in owners the New York Franchise final has some hope. With 3 teams now playing in the New York area it comes at the right time. This is not to say this team won't still find wins hard to come by this season but the path to respectability has begun. Here is what the new man in charge had to say:

We find are way to new york where a managment change gives new life to a down and out franchise but this owner is no doubt respected some would say fear so i say hello to you marc and you care to comment on this rep you have?

Hi, hello, and thank you for going to all this trouble to interview me. Yes, i have quite a reputation in the WBA thanks to my time in Colorado and my time in the GCBA at Amsterdam. What can i say, I was lucky to have good players to work with, and somehow that resulted in titles in Amsterdam and Colorado. As a manager you have got to get personel, and as a coach you have to prevent the players from messing it up. For the rest, the players have to do all the hard work

Reputations aside you must it admit this franchise you take on is a mess how long realistically will it take before we see an impact from the changes you will make i would think?

The impact is already there. People talk about this franchise again, and talk about when the succes will come, and how long it will take. That is quite different from what was the case last couple of years, hen basically there was nothing to hope or wait for. Also, while not immediatly appararent, there has already been much improvement in the Franchise.The team that we have now is not weaker, and probably stronger then last years team. But it has gotten a lot younger, the Franchise has gained a couple of good picks in the next draft, and in the near future we willb e free of a heavy cap burden in old contracts. The future is certainly looking brighter. Not to mention that there have been All Star players that wanted to come and play here now. Sadly, due to legal issues, that hasn't yet happened. But NY is on it's way up, and the future looks bright. If you ask me when we will be a play off team? My guess is 3 years, maybe one sooner.

You have to be some what pleased that you find your self in a divison with 6 teams that were below .500 last year what are your thoughts on your divison rivials in general or specifically?

Those numbers do not tell the whole story. We are in with some good teams, and will face heavy opposition this year, wich , even though we have improved, will still be a transition year for us. But we will go out and compete, and no team willb e able to come to NY and take it easy, we can promise our fans that!

So what is success this year in your mind for your team?

We have spoken with the whole managment team about this. We have no clear goals this year, apart form taking the young talent we have to the next level, and make a team of them. We will see who can perform well enough to go with the franchise to the next level, and who won't be able to make that step. With 5 rookies, and plenty of other young talent, we have time, and we will take that time.

Is Toronto a franchise that you can look at as a model they were in a similar situation to you last year and have entirely changed its roster. so far so good as the improved by 8 wins last season in the tough west. Or do you see some value in anything that you have?

Ny Certainly has had value ove rthe last few years, despite it's records. Jevon Carter is a very good player, and so is Charles Cushman. Art Campell and Gary Agey also return for a reason. SO there was some talent. Even one of those i let go was someone i value, Tyriq Lang. But the situation in NY was more Dire then in Toronto. We had, basically, No team, No money and No picks. We now have a young team, a couple of good picks next draft, and we will have the cap next year to keep whoever we want to keep or sign. And i fully expect that players from this roster will wear NY colors in the playoffs one day

Fair enough on to some league matters the commisoner has stated the wba will be called much tougher does that concern you?

Not at all, as it concerns all teams. I would be concerned if he would say that calls would be tougher for teams that also have a womens Franchise. Also it has been along offseason with many issues and debates you have any thoughts on this? Several, but some are not suited for the younger audiences that might be listening Seriously, this offseason had a lot of trouble. Now that stuff can happen, and instead of looking back in anger, we should learn form it, and move forward, so that next eyars off seoasn won't have those troubles. As an aside, the longer off seaosn gave me more time to do some preparing for the new season. After All, i have been away for a while

This is true so you may not feel comfoterable answering but to avoid bias we are asking owners east about who they think will win the west do you have an opinion?

Of course, i always have an opinion, although not always a smart one. I have to go with Colorado or Nebraska. Colorado will always have a special place for me, and the current owner managed to keep Colorado a contender. Nebraska, my old nemesis, has the best coach in the west, so they are always a danger.

Great finally some takes a risk and doesnt pick oregon. well that is all the questions i have unless you would like to add anything?

Only, that i am very, very , very Happy to be back in WBA. It's a great honor, and a great challenge to take over NY, and give this franchise all i can, and all that its fans deserve

I think the wba is happy to have you back although if you start winning they may not be but we wish you all the best of luck and thanks for taking the time to give the fans some insight into your franchise

no problem

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