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Rebuilding OR Retooling?

Nebraska has looked terrible in the pre-season so far. The team also linked to scandal. But at the time of this interview things were much more up beat as we sat down with Brandon Morfield. The mood may have chanced since we chatted. But here is what he had to say at that time:

Today we are in Nebraska to talk with Brandon Morfield. Brandon lets start with this is it fair to say this is still Wayne Taylor's team and as far as he goes so goes Nebraska

Definitely this is Wayne's team. He's been here the longest of any of the current players and the fans just love him. He's a show all by himself. The key has been finding the right mix of guys to compliment him so that he doesn't have to carry the full load of the team, which is something I feelwe have done pretty well.

Judging by some of your trades it would seem you are starting to plan for the future as you traded to #1 to get Timmons can he do Walt Jackson did and win rookie of the year?

There is no doubt in my mind that he is the real deal. We take pride here at Nebraska as being a leader in talent scouting and I can tell you that this kid has superb passing abilities and is a virtual pick-pocket on defense. He has a shot at rookie of the year in this weak class, but he won't score many points probably. He's too pure a PG. He has Assist leader potential right out of the gates.

In an earlier interview with Oregon I asked this question and I think it fits for Nebraska as well do you ever worry star players may look to head for big market teams and leave Nebraska?

Well, we sell out every game, so I guess it depends what you mean by big market? We sell more tickets than teams in bigger cities that are worse teams. Plus we have solid management commitment and the players that we are looking for are players that represent the ethic and will of this state as a whole. If a player is looking for loose women and parties then I guess he can go play in a "large" market city. Cuz I don't want him. So no, I don't worry about that at all.

Now while re alignment saw big changes in some divisons your divison remains almost the same how do you feel about that?

I love it. It was the best division before the change and it's the best division after it too. You have to beat the best to be the best.

Like Ric Flair WOOOOOOO!!!!! sorry just finshed watching wrestling on to some league matters. The commisioner in his interview on are sight promised a tougher called WBA your thoughts as far as your team is concerned?

I'm not concerned really. My team is great at stealing the ball and we do it pretty cleanly. So while I do anticipate a drop in our steals totals I still think that we will still be one of the best teams defensively.

It has been a long offseason with many issues and debates your thoughts as we move forward?

I'm just excited to be entering training camp and to get a look at the new team we're putting on the court. Just to get a feel for one another and to work on chemistry. Luckily all starters but Timmons were with the team last season with Morfeld and Clopp moving up from the bench. Should be a breakout year for them.

Yes I think everyone will be happy to get playing ball. what is the realistic goals for your team this season?

Well, a lot depends on how our camps go. Morfeld has been away the past few months at a special training school working on his shooting and Roy Base has been lifting weights pretty hard this offseason. If the players develop right then again my goal is a WBA Title. If not then this may be another building year before the run.

Couple last things to rap up. With teams swaping conferences who will you not miss seeing that has gone east and who do you wish would have stayed there if anyone?

I loved playing Texas who is now moved to Paris. That's a rivalry I will miss. And I suppose I will always look forward to seeing Alaska on the schedule from now on so welcome to the west.

Yes they are in over the head in your division any thoughts on your divisional foes

Tough division to call. Can't really say much about each team right now. But I think we'll be in contention

Fair enough now to avoid bias we are asking west owners who they like in the east and vice versa so what team would you expect to face in the finals if you make it that far?

Probably Rochester or Albacete, but Toronto is my sleeper team if they can get good play out of Simeon Hill. But they better get him to a shooters camp fast!!

Well that just about does it unless you have any final thoughts

Nope--thanks for the interview.

Ok and good luck to you in the season ahead



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