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Now this being the Toronto Dino website you can obviously expect that a postive out look for this team will be given. But not just those in the Dino Nation expect big things the rest of the WBA seems to as well in early perdictions and recent interviews. Walt Jackson is the center piece of a fairly young and thought to be exciting team. We sat down with my boss and got his thoughts on his team:


Well it has been a huge offseason big trades a new city and a huge free agent signing. Now some perdictions that this team will not only make the playoffs but finsh high in the atlantic. I'm curious your thoughts on it all Mr. Borbath?


Well it has been a big offseason moving to Canada and trying to build a team around Walt Jackson. I think we have laid a solid foundation to move forward from. I am a little suprised by the high praise we seem to be getting but I take it as it comes. I believe a year ago I was a fool for taking Walt Jackson over Sheldon Gorman so people's perceptions change. I think the main thing is we as an organization are happy and believe in what we have done.

Yee, Kruger and Nash all come to the team by way of Arkansas along with Hill your free agent center who was in carolina last year. Those are just 4 of the 10 new faces on this team. Our you concerned with chemistry?

Yes of couse but in the case of Kruger and Yee they were up here working out almost right after i got off the phone with Tim Richards. Even though the trade had not been processed we both agreed to allow are players to report to thier new teams. Now Quad Nash was not part of that deal but he was use to playing with Kruger and Yee already so he was not a concern. But Coach Armstrong is great at getting guys up to speed real fast I think Hill know the entire playbook now. Bit by bit we added the new people into the mix the last being Webster Hewlett and even he is almost in line with everyone now. We have a whole preseason to establish what we can do.

Has this franchise turned the corner as far as turning over personal? I mean not one player remains that played in Roswell.

That's right we felt we need to leave those days in the rear view mirror. We are in Canada now and we have the Rookie of The Year to build a team around and thats what we have done and are doing. But to answer the orginal question yes I could very easily see all 14 of these players on are roster the entire year. That's not to say we won't make a move it is to say I am confident in what we have but if chance to make us better is out there I always need to explore it. As i did this offseason with the moves we made.

A recent article names you as an early candidate for excuitve of the year. That is high praise for somene just in the 2nd year in the league.

It is. But until the moves we make are proven out on the floor it can't be proven to be correct. This league has some great Canadian owners and I like to think that I am a solid owner. I have tried to learn from my fellow owners and use my own good judgement to build a winner. If I do that than I'll worry about awards.

Would this season be a failure if you don't make the playoffs?


Just yes?

Yes Greg just yes. I could add a lot of extra thoughts as to why but the simple answer is the best one.

Ok well the Commisioner has stated the WBA will be called a lot tighter does that concen you?

Anything that will have an impact on this franchise concerns me. We have tried to make it clear to are guys that they must show some good common sense judgement on the floor. Cause no matter if you are Walt Jackson or anyone else down the line when you foul out you can't help the team any longer. A simple concept but one players forget in the heat of battle.

It has been a long offseason with many issues and debates your thought as we move forward?

At first I was getting involved in the various matters but as of late I have decided to step back and just worry about the Toronto Dinos. We have a Commisioner to worry about league matters. So unless it impacts my franchise directly I will let my feelings be known privately if at all. The length of the offseason has made some owners cranky and everyone is excited to get playing ball. That where some people frustration comes from.

With the move East, any teams you won't miss seeing as much and any teams you not looking forward to seeing that you will now on a more regular basis?

NEBRASKA COLORADO AND OREGON that was 11 dino loses last year. As for teams we see more now i can't think of any that I don't think we can be competitive with. In our Divison itself we have a.500 or better record against everyone last year.

Care to expand on your comments on your divison?

We think the teams to beat are fairly obvious that being Brooklyn and Rochester. Our realistic goal is to be the next best team after those two squads. But that's not to say we can't beat ethier of them as well but I try to have realistic but that we have the chance to over achieve our goals. We do expect a very competive divison as a whole and look forward to the challenge.

As you are aware we have been asking owners in the opposite confernce to pick a winner for the other conference so who do you like in the West?

Well the boring answer is Oregon but if I were to choose anyone else beyond them I might pick Colorado. They added the #2 pick to an already excellent squad. Plus Samir Seth can just light you up. So can Lou Gonzalez but in a different way. Those are the Top 2 in the West in my mind. I did last year perdict Oregon winning it all. But I have no perdictions this year at least not yet.

That just about does it unless you have any other thoughts?

Well there is the matter of your travel budget but will wait til after the interview on that. Toronto Dinos will continue taking steps to become one of the franchises that people expect to win year after year. We will continue the process of building a championship team.

Well thank you for taking time for us Mr. Borbath.

Not a Problem anything for the fans. As for you time to step into my office before you go flying off for anymore interviews? First Class? You may be flying cargo to Capetown.

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