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Bad Times Ahead In Boston???

A 26 win season a year ago and a divison of teams on the rise yet Boston Mangement are convinced they will be a player in the Atlantic Divison. Do they know something we don't? One thing everyone does agree on is that Luca McMillian the draft choice of the Massacare has the makings of a star. We will see how good he can be for years to come in Boston on would figure.

We make are way around wba train camps and find are way to boston to sit and chat with pablo owner of the massacre

hola perdedor,err hello

yes this is an interview for are english speaking fans


do we need a translator?

no no scottie

i'm Greg?

oh sorry Greg

thats ok anyway camp has started a long off season is almost over and you team is being trash in the previews for the upcoming season your thoughts?

total calm, af first we were a little nervous after knowing that Brooklyn was joining our division because of the re-alignment but whe we were told that we also got Toronto and Long Island in the same pack, things went back to normal, we remain the same, a good team on paper and ready to show we can take that paper to the court and show everyone out there our veterans still have something to offer

well about the only good thing i have read about boston has nothing to do with veterans it is about your lone draft choice luca McMillian

McMillan please, well it was something we were forced to do, our plan was a big man, Faup, but just because we didn't expect to find Luca at #5, we were gladly suprised and picked him without any doubt, it was so shocking to find the next rookie of the year award winner out of the top 2 that even Brad Bangerter got frozen in the mic, we expect a lot from the italian-scottish youngster.

right i have to say he was one of my favorites as well. You mentioned Toronto and Long Island entering you divison I sense by your comment you don't hold much respect for ethier franchise. But both had more wins than you in the toughest divison in the league. So why do you not respect them?

According to your theory, Boston has to be better than Toronto because Boston has one championship and Toronto has none, no? You can't look back when it comes to predictions, because for example I would ask, was Krueger on Toronto last season? Was Yee on Toronto last season? No and no, who can say Toronto can be better with those two guys aboard? On paper, looks good, but then other teams look well on paper as well, this is a team sport and hey, who knows, maybe Yee shooting that much affects Toronto perfomance, it's not a good idea to expect all shooting to come from only one-two players. I respect Toronto but there is no reason to think they are better than Boston.

ok and long island?

Long Island? hahahahaha, did it answer your question?Tom Perkins out of position, do I need to go on?

not if you don't want too

just to say that Long Island has no quality in the bench, and ain't talking about players.

so you are calling out Micheal Esposito?

yes, long island will start with a funny 2-15 and after 4-5 trades, its final record will be around 30-50, out of the playoffs, patience is a science we say over here

bold statement. speaking of statement this quote came from an article written right here in boston i'd like your comments"Why do you dish out money on extension for players on a team that won 26 games? Boston would have been better served to use the extra bucks on some free agent help. Hainge and company have the faith of ownership but it may be blind faith."

The person who wrote that obviously had no idea about the general lack of quality we had to face in the past FA, quality always beats quantity in the WBA like former Boston owner mister Bowen used to say, so we made sure our quality stayed with us a few more years to help our future starters improve.

ok we have touched on toronto long island and brooklyn some quick points on rochester, balitomore and new york your thoughts on them?

rochester,dave williams lacks winning spirit, we will be happy just to make it to the 2nd round of the play-offs, his team could do much better though.baltimore, it's sad team in a beautiful city, all i can say is they look like a bottom team, they have no bench players and a couple of their starters wouldn't even make it to the brooklyn or rochester bench. new york, its new owner calls himself legendary, bad he gets a horrible roster. he's trying to improve it through some late trades, we'll see, mid-table will be ok for them. oh when i talked about dave williams I meant -- HE WILL BE HAPPY ETC

alright you seem to speak your mind so im sure you won't mind answering this.

What if the experts are right i have seen no publication rate this team higher than 5th most have boston 6th even 7th. what if they are right?

Nothing will happen, Boston still remains as a legendary and original franchise, we didn't even take our nickname from a silly animal like others, The Boston Massacre is loved by millions all around the world, and the WBA wouldn't be the same without our presence. Unlike others, we don't have to win to make people respect us.

so your saying your lovable losers like the chicago cubs in baseball?

come on, we're talking about sports here

lol not a baseball fan i guess that isnt big in your native spain. Ok back to basketball. Commisoner of the WBA said on this very site that changes in how games are called are coming this year with an old squad some may say you might be concerned are you?

what do you mean by an old squad, explain that please

old not as quick as they once were maybe a step slower.

hmm why is that? is the commish going to play an official by any chance? commish's wishes have nothing to do with the real world, he also said that he will die at some point so how can I take the first point seriously when you read things like that?

well i believed him. how bout we talk about the offseason it was lomg and had many debates over rules and regulations your thoughts as we move forward?

this league belongs to the commish, what he says goes, all those debates over rules etc are just blah blah in the meantime, the commish's word is the real stuff.

you just said the answer before you didn't believe him? Explain

he rules everywhere but on the court, got it?

not really but will move on. Ajani Valentine for Juarez and a second round pick that is now pete boyer do you regret that trade?

No, because that trade made the return of John Greene to Boston possible, so I would say it was a great move, especially because Juarez wouldn't have minutes here with Pynn, now Luca, Hainge and Otis.

but word is that Juarez will be a top candidate for most improved player. in fact i heard today he may even start in toronto.

Scottie, you will have to ask Toronto about that issue, I'm the owner of the Boston Massacre.

i'm Greg your Pablo. ok time is short so will wrap it up with a final question. To aviod bias were asking owners who they see winning the other conference. So who do you like to come out of the West?

Hmm there is a very good team in the West, I don't remember its name right now, hmm it's a team that uses only 5 players 44 minutes each, hmm sorry, can't recall its name


Oregon? hmm yes maybe, is its owner a guy who likes to drink beer a lot?

no idea i havent been for drink with any owners. But we do have time for one additional question if you don't mind?

the last question please, I have another interview in a few with Greg Ross.

lol its ok im greg ross, anyways what team are you happy to see leave the east and what team are you sorry to see enter the east from the west?

I'm very sorry for Alaska, now we can be sure they will never make the playoffs. And I'm very sorry for myself and my team, we share division with the commish's team and you know that when you play at Brooklyn, some refs feel the pressure too much...

well you have been very honest i hope you aern't fined by the league for your comments because the WBA fans enjoy that type of honesty so for them thank you.

Okley Dockey Scottie, it was a pleasure, see you any other time and say hi to Spock, Adios.

yeah you real need that memory thing they sell on t.v for 9.95 it might help.

did you press stop? lol

yeah im good

now that nobody can hear us, I hate Brad!!! HA HA HA

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