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Ignorance Is For Idiots

Why is this site here you ask? well it's here for a few reasons. 1) theres a lot of ignorant people out there who make a shit load of fucking steriotypes about us canadians and yes i said fucking "about" because no one here says aboot retard! 2) is a site thats dedicated to ignorance towards canadians. the retards who made the site even think that Jennifer Lopez should be canadian (supposedly a bad thing) because she has a shitty music career. yes her music does fucking blow but goddamn shes hot! clearly the guys who made this site are gay. and finally 3) Canada fucking rules!

Stupid American Steriotypes Given To Canadians

Steriotypes We Give Americans

Americans Who Suck

Canadians Who Suck (see in canada we give everyone equal opportunity to suck ass)

My Opinions About U.S.A.

Message Board For Comments/Bitching