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Diagrams are courtesy of Herr Paul Fleige, ADRK; Text is direct from the National Rottweiler Council (Australia) Breed Survey Programme - Summary.

Aims and Objectives

To promote and offer guidance for the development of the Rottweiler, so as to achieve uniform compliance to the F.C.I breed standard as well as the continued education of owners, breeders, and the general public.

This should be done in a way that achieves a balance, between this primary aim, and the participation by as many breeders and owners as possible. The long-term goal being that all Rottweilers should be surveyed before being bred with.


· The dog shall at the date of the survey, have attained the age of no less than eighteen (18) months and be no older than eight (8) years.

· The dog must be registered with ANKC and be issued with main register paperwork.

· The dog must be identifiable by either a tattoo or microchip. Where the judge elects to split the breed survey process, where the measuring and critiquing phase is separated from the temperament assessment, then each of the dogs must be positively re-identified at the commencement of the temperament test. (4/2002)

· The dog is to be sound and in a healthy physical state and be of good temperament.

The Survey

8.1. Classifications

Pass. Suitable for breeding.

Allocated to all dogs that pass all areas of the breed survey.

A dog that receives a pass rating is not permitted to present at future breed surveys. Where this has occurred in the past it is only the first pass result that is recognised. (10/2004)

Fail. Not suitable for breeding.

Allocated to dogs that possesses a breed disqualifying fault or who are assessed as having an unacceptable temperament.

A dog that receives a fail rating is not permitted to present at future breed surveys. (10/2004)

Represent. Dogs may represent on 2 more occasions.

Allocated to those dogs that are eligible for representing.

A dog that cannot complete the breed survey following the two represents is deemed to have failed the breed survey. (10/2004)

8.2. Anatomical Construction

8.2.1. Each dog is to be presented individually and positively identified.

8.2.2. The dog will then be weighed, measured, eye colour assessed, teeth and bite examined. The results are to be immediately transcribed onto the survey form by the officiating surveyor.

8.2.3. The officiating surveyor will then complete a written critique on the general appearance, attitude, constitution, conformation, movement, and fitness levels of the dog.

8.2.4 Double handling will be permitted; however, the surveyor may stop the practice if in their opinion, the practice is hazardous or unruly.

8.3 Character and Temperament Assessment

Refer to identification requirement if the breed survey process has been split (4/2002)

8.3.1. The Gun Test (Reaction to loud and sudden noises)

Each dog is to be brought into the assessment area individually wherein the handler will be asked to heel their dog on a loose lead towards a crowd of 6 people. As the dog and handler approach the crowd, the surveyor/steward will fire two (2) shots in succession at a distance of not less than ten (10) metres from the dog.

The dog is allowed to be startled by the noise but must quickly recover and must continue heeling with the handler.

The dog is not allowed to show signs of fear or nervousness. The surveyor may if deemed necessary, request that more shots be fired.

The dog’s reaction to the sudden noise is to be documented on the survey form by the surveyor.

8.3.2. The Crowd Test

The dog and handler are to proceed through the crowd (10-15 persons), which is milling about and then both the handler and dog are to stop in the middle of the crowd at which time the dog is instructed to sit. The crowd will then form a large circle around the dog and handler, then move in on the handler and dog at a rapid pace, and completely surrounds them. (10/2000)

Upon instruction from the surveyor, the crowd will then move away from the dog and handler. A further request will be made by the surveyor for the crowd to move in and surround both the dog and handler a second time. Finally, the surveyor will instruct the crowd to move away from the dog and handler who will then heel away from the crowd.

The dog shall not show signs of aggression or nervousness. Natural curiosity, sniffing, etc. is permitted.

The surveyor will document the dog’s reaction to this pressure situation on the survey form.

If a dog shows/presents any unprovoked aggression towards any person or persons, or attempts to bite any person the dog will automatically receive a FAIL rating and will take no further part in the breed survey. Note: This is applicable at any time throughout the breed survey test. (10/2004)

8.3.5. Character and Temperament Assessment

At the completion of the crowd exercise, the handler will walk with his dog to a predetermined spot approximately twenty (20) metres from a hiding place. The handler will be required to remain stationary and allow the dog freedom of movement to the extent of the lead. On the surveyor’s signal, a helper will emerge and challenge the handler. After allowing reaction time for the dog, the helper will run diagonally across and stop in a position approximately fifteen (15) metres away and challenge the handler a second time. From this position the helper will run diagonally and stop approximately ten (10) metres away and challenge again. The helper will then continue directly toward the handler and dog in a threatening manner to a distance of a minimum three to five (3-5) metres, or until the surveyor instructs the helper to stop the threat. (10/2000)

As the focus is on the reaction of untrained dogs to this assessment, the dog must not attempt to flee or show signs of fear, nervousness or aggression. A lack of reaction is also considered undesirable.

The dog’s reaction to this situation/exercise is to be recorded on the survey form by the surveyor.

9 The Breed Surveyors

Initially the breed surveyors should be internationally recognised judges that are qualified to assess the breed suitability of the Rottweiler and / or have F.C.I. recognised conformation and working licenses.

10 Conclusion of the breed survey

Upon completion of the Survey it is the State Breed Registrar’s responsibility to ensure that all information is transcribed to the Survey Certificate and all results forwarded to the NRCA Breed Registrar within the designated timeframe.