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Does anyone really like to talk about themselves? I dunno, I certainly don't, but maybe that's just me.

Hey, my name is Chris, but online I like to use Tranquil Chaos. I've never been great at describing myself, so here's what I'm gonna do. Under the "Profile" section, I'll give a physical description, sticking purely to the facts, no subjectivity (although if anyone out there wants to make a comment, I may post it to the page, being sure to state where it came from). Under the "Personality" section, I'll post the results to online quizzes. (Again, open to comments here). This is also where I'll keep old blog entries, under the "Blog" section obviously.

What else can I say? I'm currently a student at Academy Canada in St. John's, doing their Computer Support Specialist program. I could actually be finished by now, if I hadn't wasted 2 years working at call centers in town.

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This site was last updated 11/20/05