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"strong she seemed and stern as steel, a daughter of kings"
Who is Eowyn?

Among human kings, dwarf warriors, elven assassins, resurrected wizards and the foul creatures of Sauron, Eowyn stands alone: the steel lily of Rohan. She watches from behind the walls of Edoras the Rohirrim – her kin – march out into war to protect her people. So desperately does she long to join them, but she is confined to the stone cage that is her home. She is quite possibly the most complex character in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and also one of the most tragic.

Many others have already done great biography of Eowyn, some of which you can find under the “Links” selection in the menu on the right. So, I really don’t see the need to do another Eowyn 101. Instead, here’s an interpretation of Eowyn… by me! Eowyn is…

A warrior - a fighter
Gutsy - I wouldn't voluntarily walk into a full-waged war, would you?
Rebellious and stubborn - no Uncle, I will not stay at home
Great with the sword (:D)
A victim of a culture that keeps her in a cage... and still keeps her locked up even by the end of the books
Way too good for Faramir!

This should give you a sense of what you’ll find here: my own interpretation of who Eowyn is and the reasons why I have come to love her so much. Eowyn to me is a warrior and a fighter more than anything else. I haven’t seen much of this side of Eowyn explored in the websites dedicated to her, so if you’ve been craving the tomboy-no-bull-$hit Eowyn, you’ve come to the right place!
What Tolkien wrote

a photo-illustrated recount of Tolkien’s words on Eowyn

Eowyn: The Caged

Eowyn’s relationship with Aragorn & Theoden

Eowyn & Arwen

reworking of female rivalry


some suggested websites on Eowyn


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