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Raveen Kat-Winter/Magic Mix


You enter a large grassland. A sparkling lake is at the base of a pile of rocks that, by nature or by outside forces, have come together to a form a shadey, sheltered area. A fallen log is proped up against the rocks in the shade of a tree, slightly tilted. And sitting on the log is a kat.

At frist you don't notice him, maybe because of his dark markings or maybe because you weren't looking. The kat is sleeping soundly and after a few moments you make up your mind to approuch him.

You stand there for a couple minutes, wondering if you should prod him awake or leave and let him sleep. Poking a sleeping kat didn't seem like a good idea, so you are just about to turn back when he opens an eye.

He does not seem at all surprised to see you. Infact, after he yawns and streaches, he smiles cheerfully and says hello. Seeing how he acts, you realize he is infact rather nice, dispite his few scars.

He tilts his head, and seems to know what you're thinking. "Wondering about my scars, hmm?" You nod. "They were given to me by a Dishonored when I protected the one I loved." His eyes clouded over, and it seems that he is not there in mind when he says, "She is no longer living."

Then he seems to return and smiles. "My paw was also taken, but it was regrown by a Heaven." This is news to you. Powerful these Kats must be, if they can regrow lost limbs.

His voice interupts your thoughts. "I suppose you will leave now?" You nod. After all, there is no reason to remain.


Follow the Path.

Ice Plains