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Raveen Kat-Rainbow

A lush forest and a mountain top

It is nice and cool under the leaves of the towaring trees. The soft babble of a brook is off to the left of the trail. Birds of all colors flutter around amoung the trees. A few larger animal walk by without fear.

A gentle creature must live here, you think, to have all the creatures so peaceful and unafraid. The cool calmness of the forest calms you, and you bearly notice when the ground begins to slope.

But slope it goes. The trees thin out until only a few daring ones that battled past the timberline remain. The ground grows rockier, and crevises and blouders jut out. So it is not so surprising when you come suddenly come upon a cave. The kat out infrount of the cave doesn't surprise you either.


"Hey traveler, like the view?" You look and see the tops of the trees, like a rolling sea of green, with rainbow-colored birds darting to and thro.

"But I forgot to introduce myself, eh? I'm Pohatuu, but call me Po. Or Hat," he added, grinning. "I'm a Rainbow, one of the more rarer Air sub-types, and a Child of the Orcle, called that because I was born during the eclipse. As I defeated my demon, I am a semi-god now." He speaks quickly, making it rather difficult to follow.

He waves a paw at his tail flame and insect-like wings. "These are mutations. All the Childern have them. I can't fly with my wings, but I guess you must take the bad with the good, hmm?"

You don't answer. You take in all this information, digesting it. A semi-god? You decide you were right in your earlier impresstion that these kats are powerful beings.

"Well, if you'll excuse me." Pohatuu turns and walks into his cave.


The return trip is slightly easier, though you almost fall once. You stop halfway down the path and sit yourself on a stump slightly off of into the brush. You feel on easy about leaving the path at first, but what's the worst that could happen?...

"And who might you be?"

You fall off the back of the stump, and immediently curse, feeling you should be use to disembodied voices by now.

"Just a traveler," you explain quickly, standing up.

"Traveling... it is a dangerous business. And just where are you traveling to?"

"Er..." you say, stalling. There was a reason you were here, right?"

"Lacking a purpose in your life can lead to your own end," she - for the voice, you were sure, belonged to a female - commented.


You stare at her a minute, and notice the insect-like wings over her right shoulder.

"Are... are you a relative or Pohatuu's?"

A slight crease appears between her eyes. "Po...hatuu? No, that name is not familular to me."

"But... I just saw him."

"I do not know of any others around here." She informed you with certainty. "I live alone."


"I will show you the way out," she interrupted calmly. "Follow me."

She leads you out, and you can't help but wonder about her."

Follow the Path.

Ice Plains