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spinninghead Zelda: A Link To The Past - REMIX

Demo: New as of January 12, 2002

   This project came about in august, when Nintendo unveiled a "new" take on the Zelda franchise by unveiling the cel-shaded cartoony zelda for the Gamecube.  Lovingly called "Cel-da" fans argued and debated the look of the game, claiming it to be "kiddie," "stupid," "a lie."  No one could believe that this is what the next zelda game would look like.  But a few zelda fans, especially those who remember the zelda games BEFORE the n64 was even in anyone's mind, realized that the visual style was quite similar to the super nintendo version of zelda, subtitled a link to the past.  It has since been confirmed (or has it?) that this new zelda is, indeed a new zelda game.  But the thought remains, wouldn't a 3d version of that classic game be cool?  Complete with 3d dungeons, 3d characters, a 3d plot, and a 3d script?  Spinning head said, "YES," and the game started to create itself immediately after.  Because what the Spinning head says, goes!  The game is unsure of where it is headed, it may grow into something totally different than the old game was, but no one knows.  Look below for more information, screenshots and a demo.

   You are link, you live in a cottage with your uncle.  One day, he heads toward the castle and doesn't come back.  Meanwhile, you start hearing voices in your head...

SCREEN SHOTS (From a very old build)


Update: 01/02/02  Updated demo with smoother cave area, and no more music bug!

    The demo has taken quite a while to finish, becuase spinhead is a perfectionist, so nothing is ever just how it should be.  Many days were spent and link and his animation before, but no where even close to the effort the spinning head put into this demo.  A week of SOLID (practically 24 hours a day) work went into it, so enjoy or else.  Most objects are exceptionally unoptomized, and the code is even worse, so expect some (or a lot) of slowdown to occur.  Especially when you find the secret cave, hehe.  As far as storyline goes, there isn't much.  The demo starts out with a tutorial, and then puts you right into the game.  Link is heading up the mountain on some quest or another, and it's your job to get him through alive.  There are about 3-4 simple "puzzles" or obstacles to overcome, quite a lot of enemies to fight which can be challenging if your computer can run the "ai" fast enough, and a couple cool things that you can do which aren't exactly told to you outright.
1.Read signs, some of them will give you clues, while others are just for fun.
2. Try and do things
3. Pay attention to your surroundings.
4. Watch where those enemies are, they can sneak up on you sometimes

I'd be impressed with anyone who beat it on their first try, unless your computer is REALLLLLY SLLLLOW.  E-mail me and tell me your experiences, any bugs you find, or any funny glitches.

If you can't find the cave, highlight THIS TEXT: Go to the area with the bushes and cut the bushes down.  Fall down the hole and you'll be in the cave.
Be very careful in the cave, as the monsters there will really hurt you.  Try throwing objects at them to defeat them instead of going up close and personal.

Known bugs:
  (FIXED!)  Music cuts out after a while when the engine is playing another sound at a precise moment.  It's too bad, the game doesn't feel the same when the music stops :(
  On slower computers the enemy ai doesn't work quite as well, and as a side effect the game is easier
  No animations defined for: climbing ladders, walking around while carrying things, falling, getting hurt, or dying.  Don't complain about it, though sometimes it may look funny.
  Sometimes hearts that enemies drop are stuck in the floor, it doesn't matter, you can still pick them up   There are probably a few more I'm forgetting as well.

Good luck!

PLAY DEMO - The blender program is required to play this demo, if using the web plugin like elsewhere on this page, the download would be 5 times bigger.  You can download it from the blender page at  After blender is installed, the game will automatically start when you double click on it.





