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Lastest News
04.15.02 - Hits!
04.09.02 - Grr...
04.04.02 - Lotsa Stuff!
04.01.02 - New Layout!
03.21.02 - Little Known Fact

Subject: Hits!
Date: April 09, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Wow! Our hits have risen and we got a new record! 205 (or something like that) in one day! And you can't even get through to the navigation! Well, more hits have brought... more affiliation applications. I'm going to have to get tougher on my requirements. Sorry, guys. I also need to drop some affiliates. I'm got way too much. I'm trying to upload all the pages now. Hang on!

Subject: Grr...
Date: April 09, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Ack!... I've been trying to upload the new layout, but Angelfire is being sooo stupid! I'll try to fix this by tomorrow. Hope you all like the new layout.

Subject: Lotsa Stuff!
Date: April 04, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

We've got tons of pages up... I'm so excited! We've got new pages for every section we have! Here are the new/updated pages:

Main Menu Information Multimedia Webmasters Miscellaneous
Network Dragon Ball Z Javascript Games Useful Scripts Rants
Fusion Characters Checkboxes Free Fonts Forced Voting/Hits
Name Translations Buttons Templates Internet Addiction
Movie Reviews Splash Templates
The Dead Zone
The Three Super Saiya-jin

Probably the most important one up there is the Network. Please go there and join now!

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Subject: New Layout!
Date: April 01, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

No... this isn't an April Fools joke! We really do have a new layout!... And I didn't copy off of Saiyan's Revenge... he made the layout for me!... And the splash... and these buttons...

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Subject: Little Known Fact
Date: March 21, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Okay, I put up a new little known fact sent in by Trinity652, and I thought it was pretty funny. So go check them out here!

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Subject: Sorry
Date: March 20, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Hey guys, I apologize for not updating. But don't worry, we're getting a new layout soon and its gonna be wicked. Here's a quick affiliate update:

Syntax Error - Seems like SE has a new layout and is in search of some affiliates...

The Saiyan Resurrection - TSR is getting a new layout, too. I've seen a preview of it and it looks sweet.

Android Xero - It's still not open yet, but FireBuu (the Webmaster) has just installed Fusion PHP and he's letting you download it from his site.

DBZ Addiction - Looks like they closed... I'll be taking them down soon.

SSJ Blast - They got a new layout a couple days ago, and it looks much better. SSJBlast (the Webmaster) is looking for a staff member who's good with CGI scripts and HTML, so if you can help, e-mail him here.

Saiyan Menacy - I don't think the Webmaster is updating anymore... Maybe I should drop them...

Saiyan Prince - They've got yet another layout, and the top banner is great.

Anime Fusion - Nothing new here, but they got a new splash.

Don't forget to visit the awesome sites I work at, too: Saiyan's Revenge, Goten's Haven, SaiyanZ Strike, and Ghetti Star.

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Subject: Fonts Are Up
Date: March 13, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Okay, guys. I got a few complaints that the fonts were not working, but now they are up and running! (I hope.) Check 'em out here. Enjoy!

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Subject: Affiliates Wanted
Date: March 06, 2002
Posted By:
Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Two of my affiliates dropped me without notice! ;_; So now we need three more affiliates! Please apply now!

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Subject: Updated Buttons
Date: March 06, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

I've updated some of the buttons, check 'em out on the Link Me page. We're still accepting one more affiliate, so hurry up and apply!

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Subject: One More Affiliate
Date: March 04, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

I'm currently accepting one more affiliate. Only one. Go ahead and apply! The best site that applies will be picked for affiliation!

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Subject: Free Fonts
Date: March 01, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Hey guys, I just realized I was putting "2001" instead of "2002" for the year on my posts. Hehehe... I got up some free fonts for you Webmasters, download them here. Have fun!

I'm also not accepting any more affiliates unless they're way better than mine. If that happens an affiliate will be knocked off. I am only going to have 8 affiliates period.

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Subject: New Splash
Date: February 22, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Wha-hoo! We got an awesome new splash, go to the Splash page to see it if you haven't already. I'm also working on the awards and a secret project...

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Subject: New Affiliate
Date: February 21, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

New affiliate, DBZ Addiction, check 'em out, they're wicked! I'm currently working on some awards to give away, so stay tuned!

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Subject: KN Obvious Award
Date: February 20, 2002
Posted By: Mirai Prince - Webmaster

Hehe... I won the King Nothing Obvious Award! Yay! You'll have to figure out how I got it...

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