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On the sunday night, Lorrie and her boyfriend Michelle(yeah I know it's a girls name) arrived to help us a secure a bottle of wine in the pub quiz. Then on the bank holiday monday Nick and Deb left early for some obscure reason leaving us to explore the south coast

First stop was Looe which was pretty full of tourists
Cathy fed the seagulls most of her pasty(that we had queued up for ages to buy)
After that we went to a little village with ferries darting about to cross the river estuary
Lorrie was not feeling too good so Cathy and I went for a walk, but didn't get much further than a couple of pubs!!
There was a particularly friendly Robin that we could have fed by hand I'm sure but unfortunately I had scoffed all the bread

Final destination was the Jamaica Inn of Daphne de Maurier fame
It lived up to it's reputation for being misty isolated and windswept
went there for a very unimpressive meal
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