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On this page, you will find "shoutouts" to the people who mean the most to me. Some are lengthly, others are short.. but the fact still remains that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for each and every one of these people. They've stuck by me even when I may have let them down, and so...

to my friends (and "family"): this page is for you!!

I was granted the gift of having such wonderful people in my life, and I just want you to know that you are one of those special people.

Jimmy: Without you, this site wouldn't be possible, nor would my life. I owe everything to you, for helping me figure out this stuff (which I'm still dumb as a brick at.. lol) to make my very own web page. But with all that aside, you will forever continue to be a HUGE part of my life. You're always there, and I know you always will be, and I just hope you know that I'm always going to be there for you, too. You are my best friend, and yet you know very well you're more than that, too. I love you, and no one will ever replace you. Not in my heart, or in my life.

Renee: (My lil' sis) You are the BESTEST friend I have ever had. Ever since 8th grade when we shared all those moments in Science with the Three Stooges, we've had nothing but endless inside jokes and memories filled with laughter. Rememeber Chicken? Or Cheese Cake, being "scary" (trying to scare Eric, Mike, and Chris), falling (all those times!), and haha... the "vacation." I don't think I'll ever forget some of that stuff (altho I'm a little foggy about the falling thing. I can't remember where I fell..lol) Then let's see.. we'll always have our comedy night. That was a much needed time for laughing. Who would have ever guessed Junior year would be so stressful!? Anyways.. you are a wonderful friend; a friend I am very proud to have made. You've always stuck by me, and no matter what I'll always stick by you, too. Remember that, ok? No matter where you are or what's wrong, I'll always be there. After all, that's what best friends are for. Love you hun!!

Johanna: (WD Ducky!) If there's one thing I've loved about this year (or even last year), it's that its given us the time to become great friends again. Losi's last year was great (remember that foreign film? What the heck was that all about? lol) and this year with Duprey is awesome, except when we ended up doing all of our work and Debbie's (note to selves: never work with her unless she does work!). Let's not forget our search for Wobster.. the role model of the year. And never can we forget each other. You: Wacky Dacky Ducky; Me: Super Duper Ducky. lol. But anyways.. You have been a great friend, and I will never forget you. After all, you're who I think of every morning when I get dressed, when I ask myself "I wonder if Johanna and I are gonna end up dressing alike again today?" lol.. that's just too freaky how we always manage to do that!

Cassie: You are one of the most incredible people I have ever met. You're always there for people when they need you, to lend your advice or a helping hand, and I think everyone will agree that is one of the best qualities anyone could ever have. From helping with personal problems to questions on homework, you're ALWAYS there, and I'm sorry to say that I don't think I have ever given you as much thanx as you deserve. You handle so much (sometimes more than you should have to), and no thanx I could ever give, would come close to comparing with how much you give. You are a wonderful person, Cassie.. and one of my closest, most wonderful friends, and I love you for that. (P.S. Don't forget our Road Trip to Colorado!)

Karolin: Getting to know you this year has been awesome! You are incredibly smart, down to earth, and so funny! Seriously, you (and Cassie) made British Lit. one heck of class! Altho.. Seth sure did, too with his constant ramblings on.. yeah.. but if it wasn't for that seat next to you, I dunno what I would have done to survive those first ten weeks! Never forget our trip to Phantom in Rochester, or lunch after the Albright Knox at the Towne Cafe (that goat cheese wasn't all that bad..lol). Thanx for being there, and letting me be one of your friends! (Don't forget we should all go bowling sometime, too. That would be one heck of a good time! lol)

Steph: NYC/Cali watch out! You've got one crazy chic coming your way! lol, jk. You are so hilarious and so sweet that you make it so hard for anyone not to love you! I love all your ideas on Renee's future wedding (wink, wink), and just.. geez.. everything about you! You have been a wonderful friend these past few years, and hopefully we'll continue to be so close as the years go on. Oh yeah! And remember.. after we graduate and are living on our own, my door is always open for ya.

Amy: I hardly ever get to talk to you any more these days (except before Math and at school activities), but no matter what, you're always gonna be my "in style girl." You never pass up the chance to make your fashion statement, and altho some people might not like what you wear, I absolutely love your outfits (not to mention that hair! lol). You're one awesome chica, and a great friend. And altho we never did start up that band, we'll still have our big dreams. lol.

Heather: You are absolutely right.. you do deserve to be in my list of shoutouts. Actually, there are a lot of people who need to be in here, but I haven't had the time to get to them. I guess the reason I didn't put you in here at first tho, was because I was unsure of where we stand as friends. I mean, I know we'll always be good friends, but sometimes I can't help but think that you don't want or need me as a friend. And that last conversation we had, when neither of us could think of anything to say.. I dunno, it was a real eye opener for me. Its like we haven't been as close as we always had been. And ya know.. that's strange cuz out of everyone I've made a personal shoutout to (aside my sister and Lyd), you're the one I've known the longest. I mean.. geez.. I still remember your b-day party in 3rd grade. But anyways, enuff rambling. I'm glad we're friends, now let's just work on being great friends again. I miss you!!

Liz: Talk about crazy a$$ luck. I met you thru one of my closest friends (Josh of course.. lol), and even tho things turned out really badly, I am happy to say that I've loved getting to know you so well and most of all, being there for you. You're one awesome chica, and I luv ya to pieces. Keep in touch!

Josh: Thank you for always listening to me and being a great friend. Not many people notice when I have something on my mind or when something is wrong, but mysteriously, you always seem to figure out when I'm not myself. I'm so glad things between you and Sondra are really working out. She's such a sweet girl. Keep being yourself.. and keep up the awesome art work.

Mandy B.: I never realized I know four Amanda's with the initial of their last name beginning with "B" so hopefully the "Mandy" distinguishes you from the rest (I could call you Urban Blaz, too.. but I dunno if I'm spellin' it right. lol). So anyways... altho you live miles and miles away, you'll always be one of my best friends. We've been thru so much together since grade school, and if we've made it thru your moves before, I'm sure we'll still keep our friendship later on. I hope things are going good for you, and hopefully I'll see you back here soon so we can hang out! Keep me posted on how you've been. Its been ages since I've talked to you last.

Lyd: Forget being friends, you're family! But geez.. what to say to someone who I see all the time? lol. I guess just don't forget me when you're out in the world doing what you love, and don't forget that altho you and Lisa both look older than me, I will always be your big sis. Can't wait till the summer when we go ride some coasters and have fun in the sun. Remember.. "[I'm] a nerd, but [I'm] a fun nerd."

Lisa: I hope you don't get offended that you're after Lyd, even tho you are my real sister.. but hey, save the best for last, right? I'm sorry I haven't had much time to spend with you lately, but I would guess you like me outta your way better than right there with you all the time. You've grown into a wonderful lil' girl, but remember.. you're still too young to get your belly button pierced! I love you, and even tho you do get on my nerves a lot the time, I think we really will be best friends when we're older (only.. we just won't admit it to mom, cuz then she'll go on about how she was right and we were wrong. lol). Be good.

*Currently I'm out of words for everyone else, so here's a list
of everyone I haven't gotten to yet, so that no one feels left out.*

Mellie W.-*-Dustin (Dud)-*-Robin M.-*-Court B.-*-Joe k.-*-Lindsay G.-*-Ben-*-Leann-*-Kevin B.-*-Cory-*-Rachel P.
Megan F.-*-Garrett-*-Jessie B.-*-Amanda B.-*-Eric (Emps)-*-Rob-*-Lindsay B.-*-Lindsay D.-*-Riley-*-Ceresa
Matt R.-*-Ashley S.-*-Tanya-*-Leigh-*-Susie-*-Jenny R.-*-Jeff F.-*-Steve K.-*-Tristan
Amanda G. (Green Bean)-*-Alicia S. (Shantzie)-*- Alicia G.-*-Beth K.-*-Seth J.-*-Eric (Nads)-*-Bridie-*-Jacquie
Josh P.-*-Camille-*-Jackie (lil' Jack)-*-Brian L.-*-Karen-*-Amanda B.-*- Megan C.

Plus... who could ever forget my State Fair/camping friends?!

Amanda (Berk)-*-Wendy-*-Sam-*-Rob-*-Andy G.-*-Sam (Drew)-*-Slim Jim-*-Tim W.-*-Chris S.
*And to everyone I forgot... let me know and I'll add you to the list. Love y'all!*