Touch the Screen  


Books, CDs, VHS, DVDs   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
Top Non-Fiction
Howard Zinn - The Zinn Reader : Writings on Disobedience and Democracy

                  Zero 3 Bravo : Solo Across America in a Small Plane      by Mariana Gosnell


           Robert C. O'Brien - Z for Zachariah [Recommended to young adults]

Z for... A gripping and suspenceful story about life after a nuclear holocaust.  The author leads us into a cliff-hanger ending. Does sixteen-year-old Ann find any more people or she's the only person left alive after the nuclear war?


Yevgeny ZAMYATIN - We     A classic of SF

Prog rock
          Frank Zappa - Broadway the Hard Way Broadway revue-style comic dissection of the contemporary American cultural and political scene, with Frank Zappa naming names - Jimmie Swaggart, Pat Robertson, Oliver North, George Bush and Ronald Reagan, Jesse Helms and Michael Jackson - and Ike Willis's Sammy Davis impression. Nasty and funny.


           Zulu zulu.gif (10956 bytes)

Starring: Michael Caine, Stanley Baker, et al.; narrated by Richard Burton.
Edition Details: VHS Widescreen
NTSC format (for use in US and Canada only)

"Sentries have come in from the hill, sir.... They report Zulus to the southeast. Thousands of them."
True story about undermanned British forces trying to defend their African mission from attack by hordes of Zulu warriors. Action and script go hand in hand. Every actor plays his part beautifully. Michael Caine shines as the young aristocrat who is forced to bravery by extreme measures. Great battle scenes and fantastic music by John Barry. A must see.

franc'O'brain & Transputer Qasar. 2002.

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