Update Archives

March 2004

March 29, 2004

Gulp, it's been another long time, hasn't it? Can't even plead that I was working on my new sites this time, as I haven't been. Have just been generally busy and unable to work on the site. Sorry!!!

Added several more videos to Great Relationship Music Videos.

March 13, 2004

Joined more fanlistings. Added new wallpaper to my Fanart page. Added new link to Art links and updated another, the excellent Never Forget, which moved recently.

March 10, 2004

Just a little note to let you know I'm still here. I've been busy recently (and following through about spending less time on the computer - it helps that the local library just had a book sale, at which I spent about $40, with most books costing 50 cents to $1.25: in other words, lots and lots of books!) so I haven't had a lot of time to work on my site, and what I have had I've mostly spent on the new sections, but I'll do a real update soon. I've add my new sites on to the navigation bar: they've still got a long way to go, but they're improving fast.

March 3, 2004

Continued to work on getting content onto my new pages, especially Polite To Dragons, which is currently my main preoccupation of the three I'm working on. May give up on the LOTR because in working on it have found several sites that have a similar idea. On the other hand, that didn't stop me with this one, and I do like to have all my favorite links in one place!

A new link on Cast/Character Links.

March 2, 2004

Worked more on my Otherworlds pages, which are still really, really under construction and not really worth a visit, but getting better.

Musings on the Buffyverse has a new affiliate! It is another links site: Aaronlisa's Angel and Buffy Links.

February 2004

February 29, 2004


Okay, after spending the afternoon working on the Otherworlds portal I can safely say that it is starting to take shape. But only starting. Rather as I did with this site, I'm going to get some content together before I try anything fancy (well, fancier) with the layout. Right now it does not have a whole lot of content. However, we'll either fix that shortly or nix the whole idea. Because of the nix possibility and its state of extreme under-constructionness, I won't add it to the navigation bar, but if you would like to check it out as a preview sort of thing, here is the link: My Index Page.

Deleted The Graveyard and Alphabetical 2 due to lack of effort on my part to maintain and expand those two pages. Am considering replacing them with an Otherworlds portal devoted to some of my non-BtVS interests - including children's fantasy literature and the growing LOTR web community, and a page for book and movie reviews I've done over the years. That said, for Lent I'm supposed to be cutting back on the time I spend in front of the computer and if I want to set those pages up, there goes that resolution.

Updated a couple links.

February 22, 2004

Sadly, a very nice Willow/Tara site - Witchcraft Grrls - that was listed on 'Shipper Links has closed. I will find more to add in its place shortly.

February 22, 2004

Added some links to Cast/Character links.

February 21, 2004

Updated a link on my Listed/Joined page and played some more with the wording on one of my Music Video recommendation pages. Six new links added to Spiked and Spuffied and more added to Alphabetical.

February 17, 2004

A new wallpaper on my Art page.

February 15, 2004

Hope you're enjoying the new layout! Musings on the Buffyverse is now listed at Whedon Web. I've also added some new videos in my video recommendation pages on Music Video Links and several music video award sites. Added a list of BtVS search engines and links compilations on General Links, just in case you can't find what you want here. (People looking for fanfiction come to mind. . . . If anyone visiting this site would like to send me a list of really good fanfic author and resource sites, I'd be willing to create a fanfic section. Otherwise, sorry, just don't have the inclination to do more than toss specifically fanfic sites into the Alphabetical listing.) Added a couple more links to Best of the Best Links.

February 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of the day, I'm launching Musings on the Buffyverse, v2 Heat. Oddly enough, it features Ruffy, which is my least favorite of Buffy's three important romances, but I just saw the screencap and liked it. Changed commentary and/or content on some pages as well.

February 13,2004

Updated my link to To You on 'Shipper links.

February 12,2004

Musings on the Buffyverse has won another award! It is the Heart Award from Infinite Destruction. See it here. Thanks!

Here is what the Infinite Destruction webmaster had to say about my site: "Congratulations, Musings of the Buffyverse has won the Heart Award. You've got great ideas about your site. Mainly, you've just got to follow through with them and try to add more diversity to your links. Try making your site look spiffier as well, by using good color themes and changing the text color from the defaults. The links sections are good and have tons of potential, if you are determined to make your site good. Keep up the great work!"

Took down some lesser favorite wallpapers and spent the morning working on a prettier layout, v2. Heat. Still working out the bugs, and cursing the Angelfire ads, which somewhat ruin the effect but hopefully will have it ready for public viewing soon. Off to work now.

February 8,2004

Musings on the Buffyverse has won another award! It is the Site Achievement award from Dusk 'Til Dawn. See it here. Thanks!

Added a new wallpaper on my Art page.

February 7,2004

Added a Marc Blucas, an SMG, an Oz, and a Juliet Landau link to Cast/Character links. Made another 100x35 button for the site. Put a different image on Spiked and Spuffied and wished I were better at graphics. :(

February 5,2004

Added links to Spiked and Spuffied and Alphabetical.

Added a page to start archiving updates: Update Archives.

February 4,2004

I have another new affiliate! It is the Freeze Frame Network, a very nice collection of screencap sites. Check it out! I am also now listed at Slayers Online! Further updates soon, but now I've got some errands to run.

January 2004

January 31, 2004

Started by updating Music Video links to add some good video addresses I've found recently and ended by greatly restructuring the page! Hopefully you will find it better organized now.

Added some new links to Art Links and decided it probably no longer qualifies as "under construction," although I should add some commentary to more of the sites there. How many ways is it possible to say "gorgeous wallpapers," however? Maybe some commentary about highlights? "Check out the Spuffy art/Check out the season six art" sort of stuff? Hmm. . .

Added Alphabetical 2, for slower browsers. It is the same list of sites as the regular Alphabetical page, but lacks images so as to speed loading. So far have only added the link in the table to the main page though - really wish I knew CSS!

January 30, 2004

I have a new affiliate! It's one of my favorite fanart sites: Daydreaming.

January 25, 2004

Two new affiliates! They are the Judgement Awards and Kiss Me Deadly. Also applied for membership to another links search engine, whose philosophy in starting the site seems similar to mine in starting this one. "SlayerStyle Links was created because there are so many good BtVS and Angel sites on the net, but they are not always easy to find. Also the idea of making yet another 'general' BtVS or Angel site would be a waste of time because:

1. there are already so many;

2. BtVS is finished and how many people will be wanting a new Buffy site that has nothing new to offer?"

My thoughts exactly! The result is slightly different, however, as I lack the web skills to make a search engine, so instead am focusing specifically on guiding people to the best. Maybe I should become a judge at some awards site - the longer I do this, the pickier I get! I wish my web skills were just a little better so I could be sure that I'd include myself! I really love good graphics, for example, and although I'm very proud of myself for figuring out my nice new tables, compared to a lot of what's out there. . . Oh well. On the upside, I can only get better!

January 24, 2004

Switched to Bravenet hit counter and added a guestmap, 'cause I thought it was cool. Added new wallpaper on my Art page and more links to Art Links. Edited Music Video links.

January 23, 2004

Sinister Attraction has given me an award! The Mortal Enemies Award "is for beginner sites only that look like they have a great future ahead...." See it here.

Started switching many links over to open in different windows.

January 22, 2004

Applied at a couple more awards sites: Sweet Redemption Awards and Stinky Yak Cheese Awards. Added page for award related stuff: here.

January 20, 2004

Added new Affiliate! Blissful Amber.

Yesterday evening applied for review at Rampage Reviews.

January 19, 2004

Added links to Alphabetical and Spiked and Spuffied, as well as two more Bangel links to 'Shipper links. Nominated site at The Judgement Awards for, I believe, Best Links Database and Best Beginner Site.

Made a page (Art Links) for sites focusing specifically on images, screencaps, and fanart, as I love looking at sites like this. General, shipper, and other not specifically art sites with unusually good galleries will continue to be listed under their main category and their galleries will be recognized on the honorable mentions page.

In other news, considering having the site reviewed.

January 18, 2004

At last I have got the new Alphabetical links mentioned on the 8th up. Sorry it took so long - it's been a busy week. Also, some new Art.

January 10, 2004

New wallpaper on Art page.

January 9, 2004

Made a table! A few weeks ago I looked at the directions for that and couldn't make hide nor tail of them and now I've made one for each of the main pages of Musings on the Buffyverse (that is, Buffylinks, Best of the Best, General links, Cast/Character links, 'Shipper links, Music Video links, and Honorable Mentions). Yay!


Hah! Another success as I figure out how to do a plain text link instead of a button to get my Affiliates page to pop up from the Musings on the Buffyverse entrance page.

Added links to Spiked and Spuffied.

January 8, 2004

Did some pretty significant playing around with formatting of pages - as in, turned my former main page into just the entrance to the site. Will try to make it look classier shortly, but right now have to go to work. Also have a bunch of new links to add to Alphabetical once I get them alphabetized and organized.

January 3, 2004

Added links to Spiked and Spuffied and Alphabetical. Made an "I'm listed at" button and a page for it to be on. Edited Buffylinks text a little.

January 2, 2004

Joined a bunch of fanlistings for fun. They are on the Affiliates page.

December 2003

December 31, 2003

Some excitement yesterday when my hits counters and affiliate banners suddenly disappeared, but I think it was just this wonderful program that my brother-in-law downloaded for me and insists I need. Have I mentioned that I hate Zone Alarm?

Precious Moments is my new affiliate! Also added buttons for the search-type sites on which my listing is (hopefully) pending.

December 29, 2003

Sinister Attraction has just become my first affiliate! Something about that seems very appropriate to me, as it was one of the first Buffy-related sites I ever visited, and certainly the first I visited regularly. Added The Graveyard on a whim. Puttered around straightening up and streamlining, added a few sites to Honorable Mentions, added wallpaper to Art, etc.

December 28, 2003

Added an Art page for my very basic but fun to make wallpapers. Made 100x35 button so I can start affiliating myself. Made an Affiliates page. Am thus far unable to figure out enough Javascript to make a popup window from a text link of the variety I want, so borrowed a button link from the wonderfully helpful Lissa Explains It All. Will work on this. But first, will probably try to actually get some affiliates! Added site links to Buffy Music Videos. Made a 100x35 button for Spiked and Spuffied specifically.

December 19, 2003

Alphabetized and categorized a few more Spiked and Spuffied links. Added new graphic to A Nice Cuppa main page, courtesy of Evilnessofheart. Thanks a lot!!! Added images to Alphabetical.

December 17, 2003

Added a few more links to 'Shipper Links and Alphabetical.

December 15, 2003

Added links to Alphabetical.

December 14, 2003

New hit counters on several pages, courtesy of Angelfire, plus a drop-down menu on Buffylinks, for which many thanks to Lissa Explains It All.

December 13, 2003

Added links to Spiked and Spuffied.

December 12, 2003

Added updates page. Added links, mostly Buffy/Angel 'shipper sites to Alphabetical. Straightened up Cast/Character Links, 'Shipper links, and Spike and Joyce Links pages, mostly by alphabetizing.

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