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The United States of America is an example to all the world that all races, all religions, and all nationalities can live together in peace. The United States is one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. To all of those who think WorldPeace is foolish, I would offer up the United States of America as an undeniable example of a place on this earth where human beings of all nations, of all races and of all religions abide in peace. Therefore, we must conclude that racial, religious and national wars that continue to cause human pain and suffering around the world and which demonize people based on religion, race or nationality are not inevitable. These wars are caused and continued by leaders who spread the lie that somehow their nation, their religion, their race is inherently superior to all others and therefore the murder and genocide foisted on these "others" is justified and encouraged. The truth of WorldPeace, the validity of WorldPeace is exemplified by the undeniable democratic reality of the people of the United States of America within whose realm religious, racial and national wars do not exist. When people come to America, they leave their generic prejudices at our borders. This is the reality of America and the hope of WorldPeace.


  Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most prominent peace leader in world history and forever changed the meaning of nonviolence

Peace comes when we remember our Oneness with God, with the
universe, with the earth and with each other.

We can achieve peace but first, we must live. We must treat the earth as
the provider of life. As we destroy more and more of the earth, we may
soon reach a point where the earth cannot renew itself. As we have
created deserts where there were once forests, we could create a desert
planet where there was once life.

Second, we are all equal as human beings. We each have a different
level of power on earth, yet, in spirit, we are all children of the same
God. We have each chosen a path to follow in this reality. We each
have our chosen stations in society. Yet, in the eyes of God, we are
all immortal, infinite spiritual children of equal birth.

Therefore, let us each respect the spirit in each other. We may not be
able to love our brothers and sisters, but we must at least acknowledge
their immortality and our oneness with them.

There are many hard decisions which we must make each day regarding
our treatment of our fellow human beings. Many times circumstances
are such that we or they will have to suffer. Yet, we must consider
whether our actions can be delayed or performed differently out of
respect for the immortal, infinite spirit which resides in each of us.

It is true that everything is as it should be. But this should not prevent
us from trying to create a more perfect world. There is much to do and
it may take millennia but we have come to this time and place with a

We must realize that we are doing that which we have chosen to do and
our fellow beings are doing the same.

We are here to be, to remember, to experience, to consider all sides of
the events which present themselves to us each day and to find
solutions that will leave the earth a better place because we walked
upon it and society more peaceful because we participated in it.

Know that we are moving toward a perfect day, no matter how far away
in time, when we will have solved the problems of our relationship with
each other, our relationships with the earth, our relationship with our
universe and our relationship with God. We are moving toward a
perfect day when inner peace and peaceful co-existences a reality.

Inner peace comes with knowing that when peace becomes our priority,
WorldPeace will become our reality.


"There is an alternative mindset to war if we have the determination to demand it."



Everywhere I go
I see the shadows of men long gone.
I see the men whose lives flamed out in Vietnam,
Korea, World War One and Two.

I see the black shadows of parental joys
absorbed by the blackness of nothingness,
of birthdays never celebrated,
of grandchildren never conceived,
of joys and love snuffed out
like candles in an ill wind.

But now the dark door of death
has been opened and into its void we stare
but not seeing the needless pain and suffering
and the sacrifice of another generation
irrevocably scarred by war.

Instead, we see movies of John Wayne
and other big screen stars playing war
in a surreal world of fantasy where
blood is paint and death is an illusion;
where actors go home after making their digital lie.

That vision is what blinds the mind to the
reality of murdered sons and crippled veterans who
wonder why they fought in those unjust wars.

The shadows of the "to be sacrificed" sons and daughters
begin to gather on the other side of the door of death
while patriots on this side wave flags and discount
the lives of all those who are not American
and dig holes in the ground for lifeless
soldiers who died for ??????

For the children who will never see their parents alive again,
for the parents who will never see their children alive again,
for the widows and widowers,
for the returning half men and women,
"I will never give up working for WorldPeace
so that you may be the last survivors of an expendable generation."